Girlfriend (30F) won’t skip her morning coffee for anything and it drives me (24M) mad

TL;DR: Girlfriend seems addicted to breakfast and chooses it over my family lunch on xmas eve

I have a girlfriend for 6 months now, but we know each other for 2 years. We have little to no problems in the relationship aside some communication we're working on. She's really the woman of my dreams and we're great together, but there's this thing that's driving me mad for some reason. She just WON'T, for ANYTHING in the f'ing world skip her morning coffee/breakfast.

I know this may not seem like a big deal, but it just interferes with things now and then, here's a couple:

  • I paid for brunch in a expensive restaurant SHE wanted to go, but she ate before going, so of course she didn't eat there
  • She stopped morning sex more than once to go eat her damn breakfast
  • She didn't eat at my brother's brunch because she ate beforehand
  • She almost got fired for saying the wrong things when she didn't have her breakfast yet
  • We almost lost our flight once because she HAD TO HAVE her coffee

The instance that made me post this was just yesterday, xmas eve. We are in Brazil and some families, like mine, have a xmas eve lunch. My girlfriend was at my house, which is the unit upstairs in the same house as my family.

For context, she did a bariatric surgery 2 years ago, so she eats like every 3 hours in small portions, but I saw her detonate dishes bigger than mine, and I'm a big guy. Also for context, never ever in the time I've known her, I've seen her skip the damn meal, we worked together for more than a year. Also, xmas meals in Brazil tend to be like thanksgiving, loooots of food.

We woke up around 10am and were just talking on the bed for hours. Around 13pm we decided to get up and get ready to go downstairs to my mom's to have lunch with the family, but she didn't want to at the time Her: "I need my breakfast" Me: "Well, it's lunch time, why don't we skip breakfast and just eat lunch? I'm sure my family are getting ready around now" Her: "No, I need my morning coffee and bread, or I'll be annoying all day" Me: "Why do you always need the breakfast? C'mon, if you eat now you won't have appetite for lunch, honey"

She ignored me and went to the bakery to buy some fresh bread.

Then my mom knocked while she was gone and asked when we were coming down, since people were getting fussy, like they were just waiting for us. I said we would come in a couple of minutes. Girlfriend came back and started preparing some coffee

Me: "Can't you skip the meal just for today? My mom came and asked us to go downstairs, people are getting fussy"

She just sat down and looked kinda annoyed, not like she was considering it, but annoyed/sad I even DARED to ask that. There was silence for a couple of seconds

Me: "Maybe eat like half a bread, so you'll have room? " Her: "I'll eat half, no problem, but you can go without me, if you want to"

Now, I fully know she would never come downstairs after me, she's shy and wouldn't, she doesn't go downstairs without me, never, and the way she said it was like "well if you won't wait for me, I won't keep you", but in a kind of disappointed way. I really felt anger now, since I think it implies a damn breakfast is more important than going with me

I didn't say anything, I waited, we went downstairs, we ate lunch, of course she didn't eat much and my mom kept asking if there was something wrong with the food.

So many instances, I tried talking to her about it but she just says it's a habit she learnt from her family Well, I think it's all psychological, she just gets "moody" because she says she'll get moody or annoying, i know this because she won't get snnoying until she sees it's past the time she usually eats. Is this a red flag at all? Am I being too much for something so little? Idk it just does not sit well with me and I need advice

I know this is also bad planning, but c'mon

Edit: Thanks, reddit, eating disorders never crossed my mind, really. Now that I think of it, it makes so much sense. She's already going through therapy, I'm gonna talk to her. This is more serious than I thought, let you guys know.

Edit 2: A couple of things:

1 – Yes, bari surgery is agressive and she had limitations at first, she couldn't eat in the first two weeks, only drink small sips of water or ice chips. But after two years, her stomach has recovered and grown to a portion of the original size, so she can eat whatever she wants, just being careful with portions sizes and too much lactose.

2 – She's not unflexible with ANYTHING, really, just this.

3 – I do know this is kinda of a small thing to be mad about, but I wasn't asking her to skip the meal entirely, just to go downstairs and eat her bread and coffee there, as people were waiting. I should have made this clearer for her and you guys, reading again, I can understand why some people thought I was asking her to do something that would make her unconfortable. But this is interfering with more than xmas lunch, she almost got fired, dammit

4 – I do think there's a problem here, she has other signs of problem with food and maybe some remains of compulsive eating, but I do think this is more related to the ritual itself, and I'll tell why:

She could've eaten the same thing at the table, no one would judge her, everyone knows about the surgery, my mom just asked if there something wrong because my gf LOVES her food and she seemed a bit quiet as well. The thing is, HER MOM is EXACTLY like this, I totally forgot. She does the same thing, I've spoken to her father about it a couple months back and he said "they're the same, my wife too doesn't skip her breakfast for anything".

But instead of speculating, I should talk to her now that I have a clearer idea of the issue

5 – I'm not breaking up with her, I'm fully commited to helping with the issue, as I've replied, she has a terrific therapist and she's grown and made huge progress in the time I've known her, so I'm positive she'll manage if that's the problem and I'll be at her side.

Ps.: I do know it's her responsibilty to plan ahead, but we're in a relationship, helping your partner plan or reminding them of things isn't babying, it's just caring.

submitted by /u/joaopemartins
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