My 29M partner left me 32F behind during an earthquake while I’m pregnant

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This just happened: I on-line in a country known for earthquakes this time of the year. We were together in the living room, while I was on a work conference video call, when the alarms started going off in our building and on our phones, and the building started to shake a bit. It took me a moment to register what was happening but by the time I got up, he had already taken the two dogs and was running downstairs. As mentioned, I was on a conference call, no shoes on and no bra on and I'm 6 months pregnant. I tried to act quickly and made it downstairs where he already was with the dogs.

Luckily everyone was fine. When we got back to the apartment , I told him how he acted really upset me. He did not even hesitate to leave me behind to fend for myself and his unborn child. He defended his actions and basically told me I needed to act quickly or I'm fucked in those situations.

It's not as if I needed him to hold my hand during that moment, but he didn't even wait a second to make sure I was good to go. I'm really upset because obviously I'm not in able bodied shape due to being pregnant and im hurt his reaction was basically , it's your fault you're slow I'm not going to wait for you.

I need some perspective on this. I think it's pretty obvious why I would be upset about this, but can someone give me some perspective on his side so I can understand why he's defending his position? Are we both valid? Or is he being an AHOLE?

Also, for some quick background: I am foreign to this country and have been here a year and I'm not very experienced in these situations.

EDIT: thank you guys for your overwhelming response to this. We finally talked when things calmed down and he agreed he reacted poorly, he should not have defended his behavior, and that moving forward his priorities would be (and should have been in the situation) me and the baby. We also discussed what our earthquake plan would be since we online in a country where they happen frequently (I upset some people with the seasonal comment…) and we will be talking through this with our therapist next week

To the people saying : "well what did u expect him to do!!! Die with you??" And "I was perfectly capable of EVERYTHING during my pregnancy!!!" – congrats for missing the point and I hope your reading comprehension and empathy skills improve. It's truly weird to see people in the comments saying things like "being pregnant doesn't give you an excuse for special treatment" ?

Just wanted a quick update to the story. I appreciate all of your comments.

submitted by /u/jadoraa
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