My (27f) sister (25f), bf (29m) and parents (49f and 52m) have completely stopped engaging with me.
8KI (27f) have a younger sister Jenny (25f). Jenny has been with and married to her husband Jake (27m) for almost 3 years, together for 5. They really do seem like a match made in heaven.
However, one thing she's struggled with for a long time is infertility. Jenny has wanted kids for as long as I can remember. But when they started trying 3 years ago, it just never happened. They tried everything but their doctor just said Jenny wasn't capable of carrying a baby to term. They've since looked into adoption or even surrogacy though it is way above their budget.
I on the other hand, have never wanted kids. Not when I was a girl, not now and hopefully I'll never have any in the future. I don't know why, but children make me anxious and child birth is just a nightmare to even think about.
Recently I found out I was pregnant. It was a complete shock and sent me into a panic attack. My bf (29m) was upset when I immediately suggested ending the pregnancy. I told him I didn't want kids ever but he was adamant on not ending the pregnancy. He suggested taking full custody and raising the baby all by himself if that's what I wanted. He reluctantly even suggested adopting the baby out of my hands completely. Anything but he was not willing to be without the baby.
My parents reacted worse. They said they wouldn't allow me to hurt a living being and offered other options. They even told my sister who just jumped at the chance to adopt my baby, saying it was perfect and the baby could remain in the family and be raised by loving parents.
Now, I don't doubt they'd make great parents. But, I just don't want to go through a pregnancy. Every moment felt like an explosion would go off any moment. I hated it and I refused to continue with the pregnancy.
I went behind their backs and got the procedure done.
When they found out, my bf just coldly told me we are done and walked out. He isn't taking my calls now. Jenny wailed and insulted me before Jake took her home. She then blocked me and has since refused to even look at me. My parents keep saying they are disappointed and wished I wasn't their daughter so they wouldn't have to deal with me. I just want to fix things with them. They're my family and have always been kind and caring. I desperately want to sort their problems and for things to go back to how it was before I got pregnant.
Any advice on how I can explain my feelings to my family?
ETA: Guys please. My parents and sister and bf are not bad people. I know I wasn't in the wrong for choosing what to do with my body and neither do I think they were wrong for being pro life. My parents have cared for, raised and supported me all my life. Through my teenage years, my studies, my relationship issues, career problems everything. I know they aren't bad people. I just want to know how I can explain my feelings to them because I'm confused and struggling with expressing myself.
My bf and I have been together for 9 years dammit. We literally grew up together and promised to always be there for each other and always choose each other. He supported me through everything. He offered every help he could think of during the 2 and a half months I was pregnant. He tried to understand my fears and help me through it. I understand I was wrong to go behind his back but that's done and now I want to know how we can move past this. He didn't leave when people made fun of him for dating me, when college life got too hectic and we had to go days without seeing each other, when my grandma died, when I was sick or when I was terrified of a baby. He was there for it all and I don't want to be without him. Please help me convince him to seek counseling or therapy or whatever it takes. I can't bear to lose him.
submitted by /u/ThrowRA9011bad
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