I [42M] am 100% sure that my wife [35F] of 6 weeks (together for 15 years) is going to leave me and run away to overseas right before Christmas. What do I need to do to protect myself?

She barely knows what reddit is, much less uses it, so what the hell. Here we go with full details.

She got cold feet literally 2 days before the wedding. Totally out of character for her. I assured her. She relented, but… like barely. We went through with it. Our love was very much in the air, she smiled from ear to ear all day. We agreed it was the best day of our lives, so I figured we were good.

Then, this morning she left her macbook open on a screen that showed the purchase of a one person airfare ticket and then she left for work. Clearly I was not meant to see it, and perhaps it was wrong to look, but after seeing that I obviously couldn't unsee it. It was alarming, so I looked at it. I also found she'd researched some stuff about staying there. She usually works from home, so the fact that she went to the office at all that day was out of her routine and I have to wonder if she was up to something.

She's planning a trip over there for 6 weeks, presumably alone. Based on the return flight. I imagine she is going to try to work from home while abroad, or maybe she's even dumb enough to quit her job. I don't even know. I'm assuming this is her leaving me for good, though.

Important facts:

She is the breadwinner by far. I make decent money, though. However she also does our finances… I know nothing about them.

We own a house together. We've had it for barely a year so it's not very paid off. I couldn't even pay the mortgage if I wanted to. I literally don't even know who it's through.

No kids. Thank god. Though we'd talked about trying very recently.

No joint bank account. A few joint cards though.

We have a 2 year old dog that she adores completely. It's a purebred that we paid a lot of money for and she's super into dolling her up and is/was gearing up to get her into dog shows. It's honestly insane that she would abandon our dog in any way shape or form. Of all things, this fucks with me the most. It's a complete 180 of her character.

I think this probably has mid-life crisis written all over it, but I don't know how important that is. I'm worried this is perhaps a mental break. I'm worried she'll steal the dog from me somehow. I'm worried I won't be able to afford the house.

I figured out a way that I can siphon some of my paycheck away from our expenses in a way that she shouldn't notice. Even so, I'm not sure this is enough time to prepare. I am worried I won't have enough money to survive. I have a small immediate family and they all make way less than me, so I'm completely on my own in this, financially.

How do I navigate this?

This is scary. Perhaps more scary than the financial aspect is the fact that we have been attached at the hip for 15 god damn years. I cannot imagine my life without her. I have friends, but not many.

submitted by /u/The_Reddit_Hive-Mind
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