Lina the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

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Lina, 19 y.o.


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Lina on-line sex chat

14 thoughts on “Lina the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. She doesn’t want to be with him anyways, so how would he find out once it’s over and done with? How would he find out if she doesn’t tell anyone? Not like her medical info is open to the public. If she doesn’t tell people then it’s really a non issue.

  2. it doesn’t really sound like this is a 50/50 agreement in your relationship. it sounds like your boyfriend is trying recoup his “losses” in terms of any amount of money he’s ever spent on you.

    this would turn me off tremendously. basically he’s saying you’re not worth spending a penny on if he’s not going to get it paid back.

  3. Oh i’m not disputing whether you think he’s wrong or not, i KNOW you think he’s wrong. And I saw her other posts too later on but we judged her here based on the info she gave here, so I’ll remain ambiguous. Just purely talking about the rape accusation.

    He knew OP wanted condoms, he denied that and continued.

    It doesn’t matter to me what happened beforehand. I could be rodeoing him cowboy style with a mini-hat on my tit and say “i want a condom” and that should be the end of it until there’s a condom, no further questions asked.

    That’s why I have questionmarks at your questionmarks lol, because no answer to your questions would make this less of a rape situation.

  4. My dear your wife is a bully. Most people HATE bullies bc they’re not good people. Look I’m not telling you to divorce or not to. But if I were in your shoes I’d be LIVID and that’s a hill I’d be willing to die on.

  5. I'm not sure what issue you're having, but did you try talking to her about the issue?

    If you're certain on a break up, you'll never find the right or perfect time. You just have to rip the bandaid off.

  6. It's not a farting problem, it's a diet problem. he ate something that he has an intolerance to. Dairy, for instance, or eggs,..etc. does this to MANY people. And almost all of them deny it.

    Decide if you love him enough to deal with the stench if he doesn't change his diet. Best of luck!

  7. i am ready for all the challenges, but I know that making her choose is really painful, and i don't want to be the one to force her to do that

  8. He's building the excuse about why they can't get engaged.

    “You didn't wear the fake engagement ring enough so I can't possibly propose to you.”

    Engagement and marriage are all about spending the rest of your lives together. They are about commitment and legal connection. None of that requires a ring.

  9. Good lord. Get over yourself. Your self esteem is the issue here, not how beautiful she is.

    Sounds like you could use some therapy, self love, and self acceptance. Goodluck


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