Boyfriend (29M) of 3 years tells me (26F) my private area is ugly post coitus.

After having sex w/my boyfriend of 3 years, he started to run his finger around my thigh area his head on my tummy. Obviously we are very hot & been so many times before I've never felt judged & always felt like I was in a safe space to be very hot. THAT IS until he one day stared at my vaginal area for a straight minute to the point that I ask "What? Is there something" & he proceeds to say "you're v*** is pretty ugly" mind you l'm a brown girl so I don't know if he meant because it's discolored TO BE HONEST I THOUGHT I HAD A PRETTY V*** area. I've never felt more than embarrassed my heart sunk I thought my bf didn't mind how I looked since he's seen me 10000× before. He says he doesn't support porn because of the negative things he's heard abt it but i feel like maybe he's still used to seeing that or he's subconsciously projecting those standards. I tried to play it off as it didn't bug me until now I'm super self conscious I don't want to have sex with the lights on/daylight. Maybe it is ugly lol What does this mean? Should I forgive and forget?

submitted by /u/Radiant_Cod_6462
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