Selena-gomezz online sex chats for YOU!

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14 thoughts on “Selena-gomezz online sex chats for YOU!

  1. YTA. Sorry, wrong subreddit. Why would she leave? She did the right thing, she gave you a polite wave and went about her business. It sounds like you obsessed over her and stared at her the whole time. And you're mad that she doesn't want to be your “friend” and give you attention anymore. Get over yourself. Or go on dates further from campus if you can't stand to run into people you know.

  2. Yep, check for any kind of infections or diceases bc thats gonna affect your child. Dont have sex with this man.

    Also, just bc he is the father of your unborn: make him get a doctors appointment for his breathing issues. Thats definitely not normal.

  3. He can watch the game with his family lol. It's not like he has to choose one.

    Some of my favorites moments as a kid was watching sports with my dad. I can't remember any of my museum trips.

  4. I think she's just telling you she wants you to do more for the relationship. It takes effort from both sides to make it work. Try to make a genuine effort, make her feel she's special. Invite her to a dinner or a date, take the initiative on things!

  5. I agree. OP she was honest with you about not being ready for a relationship right now. Would you rather she kept using you until she was over her ex?

    You didn't respect her decision to end it because you called her on Monday after not hearing from her all weekend. She's your ex and doesn't have to talk to you if she doesn't want to. You need to let her go.

  6. Stop it. Seriously. As a man twice your age who’s had kids with the wrong partner, just stop it. You’re young. Build yourself up. Build a business, build a career, establish yourself first. Then worry about marriage and kids after. You’re not in your prime yet. She technically is, but you are not.

  7. This is what I was thinking I might say to him: Hello dear! I hope work was smooth. I dont know why I am having such a very hot time trying to bring this up in person! But I thought starting the dialogue via text might be helpful for me. I obviously dig ya a lot and I feel like I am becoming ready to call ya my boyfriend but I want to discuss with you where you are at commitment wise and determine idealistic expectations and parameters. Let me know when would be a good time to discuss!

  8. I own a food truck.

    Do not go on this trip.

    Are you in LA? Come work for me!! We compensate our workers pretty well. It can be an expensive business model if the product is high end, margins are small.

    PS. $7k a day is chicken scratch. He’s losing money. Dump this guy and his “passion project.” His passion should be YOU.

  9. I'm not mean. I'm just not sugarcoating stuff for you.


    What is normal? What's normal for me is not normal for you and vice versa. It's a fools errand to even dabble in what 'normal' is.

    I can tell you from a personal standpoint though how I'd view it. Love is 2 people that choose each other. If the other person doesn't want me, then I surely won't try to change their mind. Why? Because I am worth more, because I deserve a person that is ready for me as I am for that person. And here is where the discussion stops, if that isn't cleared, we've got nothing to talk about. Standards and values are something you should define for yourself, regardless of what I or my mother consider 'normal'. Define your standards and you'll see quite swiftly how thinking the way you are thinking is devaluating yourself. That's why I said clown. I don't think you are a clown, I think you are making a clown out of yourself. And that's ok, I've done it and through that experience I can speak about it now.

  10. Listen to what he's told you. He's made it really clear.

    His mother is more important to him than you.

    There will never be any progress with him, so take him at his word.

    Go and live your life without him.


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