Anne&Dario the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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Anne&Dario, 31 y.o.


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12 thoughts on “Anne&Dario the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. No, you don't tell her. She's with someone. You are just going to have to work on keeping yourself busy and invest in noise canceling head phones. She shouldn't have to curb sex with her boyfriend just because you caught feelings

  2. He is not only dishonest as hell, but also a manipulative, selfish jerk. He spent what is arguably your money on his want instead of your need. And then lied about it. For months.

    And of course he is aplogizing now. He was acting under the “better to get forgiveness than permission” theory.

    See a lawyer, OP.

  3. You aren’t a villain, you’re just in a super shitty situation.


    Tell your dad you’re happy for him and his soon-to-be fiancé. That you want to respect his relationship and any to give him privacy. As much as you love him, you understand he will need alone time with him new bride.

    Tell him how super super grateful you are to have such a loving, supportive dad. And that your bond means the world to you (this seems absolutely true based on your post).

    Have several apartment options with and without roommates on hand to show him. Talk to him about moving out and how your finances might work.

    Ask him what he thinks. Make it about him and his fiancé. Play kind and considerate.

    As shitty as it is, complaining and whining will only make things worse. You’re best hope for dealing with this crap is to separate yourself mentally from all the emotions and pretend like you’re playing a role in a movie.

  4. Hmm… I'll suggest a bidet. Great call. And I fully get that she'll use more than me. But it's just out of hand.

  5. Making people in our present pay for people in our past equals no future, you have untreated trauma which is causing you to be clingy if you think somone is upset, see a therapist, untreated trauma makes all who have it. You said he has a rough background be should see a therapist as well.

    Now I don't know his perspective but my guess would be he might have wanted to get clean for fun time and felt you asking him might have been an accusation of him doing something wrong. I'm not saying that's your intent, I'm not saying he 100% felt like that, it's only a possibiliy. Also I think the staredown thing is a bad idea.

  6. Over generous to a war refugee. Huh. Have you watched any footage of the war?

    Bottom line: there is zero indication that he’s into this woman, so I’m not sure where your jealousy is coming from.

    Is it ok for him to have a roommate in his own apartment that you do not share with him? Yep. You’re not married. You don’t live together. He can have a roommate & the financial arrangements are (you guessed it) none of your business.

  7. As a woman, I can tell you that it is heartbreaking to feel like the only reason someone is interested in you, is because they want to F*ck. And right now, it is likely that this is how you are making her feel by bringing it up all the time.

    By repeatedly saying “but it’s important to me”, you are telling her that her entire value to you, is that she is a hole to stick it in.

    She is likely feeling pressured by you. And guilty for not being ready. And probably resentful of you too, for ignoring how she feels. And if you have noticed that your behaviour has changed, then she has too. So now she probably feels like you are punishing her for not being ready too.

    Right now, it seems like you aren’t matched in this area. She needs more time to feel ready, and you don’t want to wait.

    Also, do you actually what Physical Touch as a live language is?

  8. I’m confused why he is so concerned. I get that some women will leave their husband for this, but if I had zero sperm my wife wouldn’t leave me. She loves me for me. Not my sperm. But she doesn’t want kids as badly as OPs wife. That being said, it is what it is. Nothing else to do but be honest and direct.

  9. XD

    Eric sure enjoy using you as his toy. Not that you do not deserve this, being cheater and all that. At least he has chosen himself another person as evil as he is.

  10. Get out now, yes it sucks and yes you’ll lose some money, but this money is nothing compared to the money and time you’ll lose if you stay. Alcoholics can not have a few drinks, period. It doesn’t matter if he has handled it well on occasion. Plenty of alcoholics keep it together, until they don’t. And they always reach that point where they don’t. Be glad he did before you went through with the wedding, and gtfo.

  11. He can't communicate effectively first. I don't give second chances after a reschedule has occurred for someone I haven't even met yet. He sounds like a deadbeat.


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