She(f29) called me(m30) a pussy when my dog died. Is it over?
I've had this dog for 10 plus years, since he was a puppy, it was time to put him down, as he was old and very sick. I was very sad as you can imagine, this dog was like a family member to me, his loyalty was second to none.
While as I was mouring his loss in the days ahead, I occasionally cried, expecting my gf of 3 years to maybe comfort me, she instead told me to get over it and stop being a pussy/man up it was just a dog.
This caught me by surprise, not knowing what to say, I was just like "yea you're right." But now I can't even look at her the same way, I thought I was gonna marry this woman, the feelings I had for her just seemed to dissappear, I almost feel nothing when I look her, I don't know if this feeling will pass and I will regain the love for her, or if there really isn't anything there anymore. I haven't told her, but maybe there isn't fixing this and this relationship is doomed, I'm not sure how to move forward
Thanks for your comments and condolences for my dog, it's more than what my current gf did. I say current cause I've decided I'm breaking up with her, if I'm being honest I kinda knew I was before I made this post, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't over reacting. It's hard to be with someone that doesn't care for you when you need them most.
As far as the whole "man up thing" goes, it was always taught to me my whole life, don't show emotions, and I guess it was right to some extent, cause this is what happens the first time you do.
The "it's just a dog" makes me mad more than anything, the bond I had with my dog was unbreakable. Holding him as he goes and feeling his final breaths, broke me. I think he knew it was his time, he licked me for the last time, and went to sleep forever.
PS. I couldn't replay to comments cause I have limited access to my phone durring work, but I've read them all so far.
submitted by /u/DeeezzzNutzzz69
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