Update: My (22m) girlfriend (22f) got black out drunk on our anniversary and kept calling me a loser

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We finally broke up. If I'm being completely honest I wanted out of that relationship a long time ago. I think the only reasons I really stuck around is because I didn't have a lot of people in my life who made me feel loved and I think even a glimpse of that on the days where she was sweet to me would fool me into thinking that things were gonna get better. I'm signed up to start talking with a therapist now so I'm hoping to kind of get to the root of why (as many of you put it) I am such a door mat sometimes. I don't like that about me but I want to try and get better. As to why this took so long to get to, I was unfortunately on a lease with her until June and I couldn't afford to break lease early. I knew that if I had tried to break up with her before the lease ended things might have gotten nasty and I just wanted to be able to sleep at night. I do want to say thank you to all the kind words that people gave me. It definitely helped me start seeing that I did have value and I deserved to be loved the way I wanted. I'm still struggling with my depression but I think this is the right way to go. Thank you all so much. If there's anything I left out that you're curious about just ask and I'll try to answer best I can.

submitted by /u/Remote_Bee_6613
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