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11 thoughts on “Cathleen the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Yes, we agree, never said otherwise. That's clear. I'm talking about the rights of the dad. What about the following scenario:

    Girl and guy talks, they both agree that if she gets pregnant, neither wants a kid. She gets pregnant, and changes her mind. Wants to keep the baby. Now, she is of course allowed to keep the baby, the dude has no say in that. The question is: shouldn't he be allowed to say “I never wanted this baby. A woman is allowed to not be a mum, so I want to not be a dad.” And then lose all parenting rights and obligations?

  2. Yeah bro, she’s manipulative. Break it off before you’re dealing with divorce court and custody battles in 7 years. Breaking it off could save you a ton of trouble down the road.

  3. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    My husband and I tried to get pregnant since we got married 14 years ago to no avail. when I started nearing 40 I told him that will be frank with him. I feel too old and too tired to try more. maybe we should be enough. This was 2 years ago. I felt like something died in him after I told him that and things went south. December last year he asked for separation. He said he loved me but he wasn't happy. I was broken, we both were but life sometimes!

    Anyway I thought he just wanted a break but not a week later I heard that he slept with a mutual friend of ours. I was heartbroken and called him crying and yelling. He said that we were separated

    “what do you think separated means”

    I cried and yelled some more and hang up. He texted me the next day asking how I was feeling. He never meant to hurt me. It just happened. Bla bla bla. I didn't answer him. I took a week sick and only my closest colleagues knew what happened because they needed to cover my work. At the Christmas party, a colleague approached me and told me he was sorry to hear the news from my closest colleagues. I ended up telling him everything and he ended up taking me home to his apartment. It was that one time. I felt embarrassed around him at work and told him it was just that time and he said he was sorry to hear that because he thought I was awesome.

    Now I'm pregnant and it is his because I haven't had sex in several months before that. My first instinct is I'm keeping her (I don't know why it feels like a her). I just didn't know what to do. I told my mom who was angry and told me this wont end well. She told my husband. He showed up at my door within an hour

    “So you're getting rid of it right?”

    NO!? He started crying and asking how I could do this to him. Begging me to take him back. We love each other and we are meant to be together. I was right, we are enough just the two of us or maybe we can get blessed with our own baby.

    “NO? Didn't you tell me you were getting old and were tired of trying and wanted us to be enough for each other?”

    I don't know what he means by that. I didn't plan any of this. nobody is listening to me and everybody thinks I'm going crazy keeping a child from ONS. I contacted my colleague and told him that I was pregnant. I told him that I was contemplating keeping her and apologized to him. I told him I wasn't expecting anything from him and if he wanted me to terminate he should tell me now because I wanted to hear everyones opinion before making up my mind. We ended up sleeping together in his office and now we have been together every day in one way or another. He said he wanted to be in her life and raise her with me even if we didn't end up together.

    I told this to my parents but now they are not speaking to me. none is really. and things are awkward at work. people are whispering behind my back. I dont know what to do. I'm very distraught.

  4. There's cheating and then there's whatever this is.

    How can you ever trust this woman again?

    Also ew she's not been using protection, which is risking your health.

  5. They are such good friends that they haven't spoken in years ?

    This is 100% “Hey woman I cheated on my spouse with, you interested in cheating on yours?”

  6. I broke up with her yesterday. I'm just curious if I was out of line because friends and family are telling me I overreacted and now there is a touch of doubt. We haven't spoken since lunch on Saturday.

  7. Write her a cease and desist letter, by registered mail. If she ignores that, you should have more of a handle for a TRO.

  8. Yeah you got to take all of your gfs issues super seriously. This is really bad. Also cut back on the drinking. That’s a good way to show that you’re serious

  9. Sorry to hear that. It's good you don't regret it. I try to not regret relationships because I learned something(s) new about love and myself in every one.


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