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28 thoughts on “Aniiee live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Madness. This friend has clearly romanticised your relationship to the point where he's seen this play out like a love story in a movie. Both of you would be better to put the nail in it sooner rather than later, then in a few years you can try to be friends again.

    Note: I'm speaking from personal experience, you'll be better off letting him down super easily and distancing yourself for a while.

  2. If you don't tell him, you never get financial support and your child never gets to know their biological father. The support may not be a factor but the father thing might be. I would tell him if just for the fact a father should know. Also, it wasn't like he was cheating with you, right ?

  3. Dude, you’re selfish af! Be an honest person and leave the relationship! Let your wife have a nice life and don’t hold her back while you go and find yourself! Probably shouldn’t have married! You should be even in a dating relationship! Don’t give false hope any longer, end the deceit and secrets you hold by being a man and telling your wife you want to be a loner!

  4. u/justice_novella, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  5. Esh, you sound awful. Why would you use and blackmail someone? What is wrong with you? If he was separated, he wasn't cheating.

  6. Hello /u/throwaway7578890,

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  7. I know it sucks mate. But this has gotta end if I were in your shoes. Been there done that. The sooner you walk away, the sooner you can grief and heal. First few weeks (hell, maybe even months) will be hot. But on the long run, you'll be better off and much happier. What you're currently experiencing is called a traumabond. I urge you to look that shit up for yourself.

  8. I would focus on her diet, not the weight. Sit her down and say. “I’ve noticed you’ve been eating a lot of fast food lately and I’m worried about the impact to your health. I know a lot of these foods are really high in cholesterol and triglycerides and can cause coronary artery disease or potentially type 2 diabetes. Have you thought of going to the doctor for a blood draw and glucose and lipid levels check?” Honestly it truly isn’t the weight. Deep down inside you know it’s not healthy.

  9. A guy followed me home when I was 18 and would not take any form of no until I said I would get my dad out if he didn't leave. He didn't care that I had a boyfriend, “well you'll be broken up by the end of the summer anyway”. There is no magic combination of words that will make men who don't respect women respect her telling them no.

  10. You know why a 34 year old is dating a 21 year old? Because nobody their own age would put up with this blatant manipulation and abuse. He is doing this to stop you ever being outside of his control again. You are now at the point where you know, if you go for drinks with colleagues again, it will lead to this shitstorm of anger and manipulation, so you will think twice before going again, and that's the purpose of this three ring circus.

    Just get away from this abusive asshole, he will ruin your life more than he already has. There is no point where going out for a drink should end up with you being scared to go home because of the drama that will ensue. Nobody should be treated like this.

  11. Honey, she told you not to go. That IS a formal uninvite.

    What kind of uninvite do you expect? A police escort out of her life? Honestly, the only reason you want to go is in the hope to make her miserable.

  12. Even a basic wedding is pretty expensive right now. That's just the whole market. Anything with a venue will cost like $10-20k easy, probably most closer to 30k.

    The only way to really save money is to do it in someone's backyard, which isn't always an option, or not at all (just courthouse wedding).

    Honestly it's usually pressured someone what by family, though they do often help contributing financially.

  13. Firstly whether it is out of character or not is irrelevant as she has done it. Stop wasting time on her supposed character.

    You need to get your head on and deal with the facts and the facts are she has left you.

    You need to get legal advice to understand your rights of what you can and can’t do.

    Obviously don’t bother her or her family as she has made it clear she will call you. So no matter how much you want to contact her – don’t.

    At some point she will either speak to you directly where you can calmly understand her position or she will contact you through a lawyer or third party.

    In the meantime focus on yourself and eat and drink healthily. You are NOT going to fix this and you are going to have to be very patient to see what she wants to do.

    Some men would file for divorce given your painful relationship and have her served , but you want to keep the relationship.

    So be patient, calm and GIVE HER SPACE SHE HAS ASKED FOR.

  14. Thank you for answering.

    I get it now. It's still beyond frustrating, but you're all right. I can't force her to do anything she doesn't want to do. It hurts me to watch her destroying herself but I don't think I can handle this on top of my own stuff.

  15. It’s not just texts, and it’s absolutely inappropriate.

    Why else would he be saved under another name? Why else would the conversation history be deleted?

  16. Youre absolutely right and we do really really love each other. I wanna make her into an amazing person but she already is. But we all got room for improvement

  17. I'm pretty sure he didn't programme Alexa right.

    Rule in this house is you never leave the kitchen when something is cooking. Bill messed up seriously there.

  18. I did communicate all of this with him and he was on board. I was more so making the point that I was the one to bring up making plans at all, which to me shows lack of interest, and I had no impression that he wasn’t interested in doing them. He says he loves going out with me and going to restaurants which is what was planned. However I see your point, obviously somewhere there was a misunderstanding and miscommunication about what we both wanted.

  19. Nice job handling this. Breaking up can make you feel worthless enough to get back with the person who broke up with you so clearly you've gained some self confidence and growth out of the whole thing. That being said if the thoughts creep back in then say to yourself “is she the same person. If so then I can't give her what she needs as long as she's that. An extra chance at the same thing won't help unless I know she learned a lot from the experience… But I can't keep being her teacher if we're meant to be partners because I only learn from her example not innovation.”

    I think keeping your phone powered off every now and then will give you little pieces of peace of mind. Not just her but a little bit of cut off time from everyone to hang out with yourself. Sometimes people smile at you and you didn't realize how bored and alone you were until that moment. She might've latched onto the attention and once she started seeing it from others you became less important. If she loved you she would've noticed that attention makes her feel good so giving her partner that makes them feel really good too. I prefer my partner demand all my time and understand I can only give them so much. We all want to be desirable… not a convenience.

  20. I can completely understand that viewpoint, but I also think some people cheat and make it habitual, and others learn a big lesson from it.

    I say this as someone who at 16 felt trapped in a relationship, didn’t have the emotional capacity at that time to deal with it, and having another guy kiss me was the catalyst to make me deal with the situation. I felt so awful I’d never do it again and I learned to advocate for myself much better. (It’s been more than 20 years now). Technically I cheated, even if I was just a teenager.

    I had an ex who cheated on me. Not excusing his behaviour in any way, but I think seeing how it devastated me broke him. I don’t think it’s something he’ll do again. Then again I know the types that do whatever they want and say “anything is forgiveable” or “they’ll never know”. Takes all kinds.

  21. He does grip it tight I think , and by the looks of it , it is all under the foreskin. I did wonder this myself , but as you can imagine was bit of a shock, and just wanted to get people's views on it .


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