Paulinasoto is horny!just look at this sight

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9 thoughts on “Paulinasoto is horny!just look at this sight

  1. Tell your gf to get therapy or an anger management class to help her with her issues. She's being entirely unreasonable

  2. You could just explain to her (you can choose how gently or harshly to say it) how she’s overwhelming you and it’s making you not enjoy your engagement already. That you will ask for her ideas if you want them. That she will not be included in major decisions. That she can plan her own party if she has so many ideas. You are under no obligation to include her, it’s your wedding. Find a way to get her to calm down and back off and you might reach a happy medium. If she can’t cope with being excluded, then you’ll be doing things like using passwords with vendors so she can’t interfere. Good luck 🙂

  3. He likes you. Don't call yourself ugly. That's bullshit. It's awkward. That's how it is. Alcohol makes things less awkward but ultimately you've got a wake up sober and deal with people. Go on this date. Let it be awkward. Tell him you feel awkward. You don't have to be anything except yourself. Ask him lots of questions. Pay attention to if he asks you questions. He absolutely should. Tell him your funniest story from high school. Whatever it for goofiness comes out of your mouth will be good because he likes you. Think of interesting things to ask him actually. Not standard interview questions. That will get you guys moving in an hou deeper direction. Look at that questionnaire that there are 35 questions if you go through them with people and if you finish it together you'll fall in love. That's nonsense but research good questions to ask a first date. And be authentic. Blurt out what you are feeling about once an hour or thinking. Even if it's random. He likes you. Believe it. I like you too.

  4. Thank you, I really, really needed to hear that. He says he isn't some kind of chump to marry someone like me to a girl that doesn't defend her honour against these guys. So you were spot on there.

  5. I agree! Work on and concentrate on you! Let everyone know your not together or it’s not mentally over. Sounds like he doesn’t value or love you the way you love him. Find yourself , your self esteem and move on!


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