Squishy Booty is horny!just look at this sight

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8 thoughts on “Squishy Booty is horny!just look at this sight

  1. I didn't diagnose anyone, I asked if they'd considered it – which I think is fair given that pattern of behaviour.

  2. Dementia patients absolutely cannot be trusted with infants or around infants. None of the behaviours you've described are acceptable around babies or even just yourself.

    This is not safe and you are not able to care for her. You're not trained for it. Elder dementia care is special training.

    Do you have it? I'm guessing no, or you would have said something.

    Do you have time for it? You have a baby! Of course not!

    Is this your responsibility? NO. Not even if your FIL and husband act like it is.

  3. Yeah this is what I tought as well.

    Op this isn't something people can't forgive, but it is something that bothers you and that's absolutely fine. You don't want to get past this and you are right in doing so.

    Don't let other people pressure you into giving it another chance, you need to be convinced yourself or it will just delay the inevitable.

    It's okay to move on.

  4. Take it from me, you're young. Don't bother with this nonsense.

    From experience there's a few things that can happen, possibly in combination or individually:

    It continues escalating to sexting and attempts to physically cheat.

    He asks for an open relationship. He gets all upset when he realizes he bagged a sweatheart who is now getting doted on by other men and he can't get one actual woman to want to even meet him.

    Your sex life deteriorates because he got “death grip” and/or has conditioned himself into only finding the highly conventional attractive folks a turn on.

    You have to on-line with this bullshit for years, fighting for him to find a therapist who understands addictions, and even when he is actually in recovery you will have to deal with some many slip ups, so many triggers into relapse, and so often will you feel like it's not worth it.

    Lastly, you can't expect people to change for you. They have to want to change for themselves. Yes, the threat of breaking up may be a good light under his ass, or the more likely reality is he just gets sneakier.

    PA isn't a joke. Fuck boys aren't worth a romantic relationship, not because they aren't worthy of love, but because they cannot reciprocate the love (respect) we give. He either needs real help, and/or he needs to make the conscience decision to say “this is how I am. I'm not going to do the work to change.” so you and his future romantic partners can make the informed decision to deal with this going forward instead of this wishy-washy bullshit.

  5. Just remember, she ended this relationship. All you have to do is walk away. Obviously in the opposite direction.

  6. Also many relationships fail once the couple actually lives together. Maybe try that first before you start a family.

    And I mean do you really want to wait until your pregnant to move in with him? Some woman are put on bedrest for months. There is so much unnecessary stress involved when you move out.

  7. Yes 100% he has shown you that he will be malicious when he’s mad at you. Sure this sounds a little over dramatic but not wrong


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