KilenyaPatrise is horny!just look at this sight

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I wanna squirt all over my office !!! Pls help !!#squirt#strapon#dildo

18 thoughts on “KilenyaPatrise is horny!just look at this sight

  1. Not really the jealous type, but she always implies that I should leave her as everybody left her.

  2. Maybe a wrong perspective on my part. I took it as I was not giving him what he needed that I was the problem and needed to fix it. Instead of asking him, I assumed he needed more love and more attention, to prove myself in a way. That was wrong of me, to not listen to his needs and basically assume I knew what he needed.

    The only advice I can give is: Ask him what he defines as “giving space” and what about it makes him feel insecure.

    I hope it works out for you and your boyfriend.

  3. He did you a favor but letting you know before hand at least now you know not to waste anymore of your life on him. Good luck with the labs! Cut him loose regardless.

  4. I’m not sure if I would believe this. Usually fake accounts are fine being anonymous but have some sort of evidence. Screenshots, badly taken photos, or more details.

    I received a Facebook message once saying my husband was cheating. That if I didn’t believe it to go to x building because that’s where he was spending his lunch and author was claiming he was right there now since they witnessed him leave. He actually wasn’t even at work that day, and was sitting right beside me during the exchange.

  5. We took a break about 4 months ago and decided when we got back together we’re going to work together to fix what ruined things before. We’ve been doing great since then and this is the first time since then that there’s been a situation surrounding lack of trust so that’s why it is a bit of a shocker that he’s just ghosted

  6. You need to stop caring at all about your ex. There's no need for a mutual acquaintance to be telling you this. You've been broken up for two years. She's not in your life.

    If she's being cheated on, that's awful. But you don't know if that's the case. Carry on.

  7. I don’t think he necessarily feels like he “shouldn’t” have emotions because of the military, but I guess it doesn’t help being in a very non-emotional work environment.

    I think he genuinely does feel bad about slightly missing the mark, but I think it’s his natural way of being. We’ve discussed it before and he’s really tried for a bit, but then it slips back into the old way.

  8. Yeah, if your BF doesn’t believe you, the situation isn’t going to improve, and you need to bail ASAP.

  9. Your boyfriend should not be asking you to spend time around this man. The fact that he is says a whole lot about him.

  10. Person A: “I’m exhausted and want a lazy day at home chilling and connecting with you, before heading out for yet another grueling work trip.” Person B: “The weather is great, I want a day tramping the countryside and spending the majority of daylight hours six paces ahead of you on the trail.”

    But yeah, the chief difference in those two visions for the day all lie in getting his dick wet.


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