My (36f) girlfriend won’t let (33m) me break up with her for good.

So on Thursday I took my stuff and left my gf and her kids house and moved back to my place. My best friend told me she was psycho/dangerous and to please just find anyone else. Since then she’s been begging me to come back and I feel guilty for leaving her but I’ve told her it’s better off we aren’t together anymore. I’ve broken up with her multiple times and she’s the only gf I’ve had that I break up and she makes me feel bad so I come back. She just promises so much for our future and is so supportive of me but since I’ve been with her I ended up isolated from everyone else. I crave a home life, wife kids etc and she offered that to me. But people have told me she’s lovebombed me and her track record is 2 kids, 2 different fathers and I’ll probably just be the 3rd. I have no kids of my own (1 miscarriage) 100k a year and have my own place with no debt. I got with her because we started working out at the gym together and I was lonely. She has tried to convince me that I love her and we would be perfect together and idk what to do. When I’m with her I feel like she’s got my back but I don’t trust myself in a long term relationship with her. I just feel like with her specifically, if it gets bad, I’ll dip out. She keeps telling me that she knows eventually I’ll stop dipping out. I’ve never done that to any of my other ex’s. I just am curious if anyone else has been in a situation like this and what to do. Every day she makes me feel guilty I’m “not at home” with her and her kids and it does bother me because I didn’t hate that life. But I feel like I will keep leaving her so I’d rather just end it – but she keeps pulling me back in.

submitted by /u/Vbomb1337
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