BarbaraMartinez is horny!just look at this sight

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Fridyayyyyy! I want to play with my kitty, ????

4 thoughts on “BarbaraMartinez is horny!just look at this sight

  1. You’re an adult and feel the need to apologize because your paranoid mother got upset (and threw objects at you out of anger)? And you have to update her EVERY HOUR? No.

  2. You guys need to reset your relationship if you want it to be successful. It sounds like you've gotten into some unhealthy and reactive patterns, along with history that has been swept under the carpet rather than examined and concluded. Regardless of who is at fault – it's your only hope now that you guys are stuck in these unhelpful patterns.

    Professional relationship counseling is a must. With a mutual goal being established and starting at the beginning of your relationship. Divorce can be put on hold as a solution for the time being while you two go through the (likely year long) process of resetting and learning new ways of dealing with each other, but it won't work unless the new mutual rules and practices aren't followed to the letter.

    Everyone thinks their own relationship is particularly nuanced and defensive of their own role because we all want to think we are good and right – but the reality is that we all act in our similar human ways, and admitting that we aren't so different opens the door to better ways of being with each other. When two people bring in that same defensiveness-offensiveness then it gets contentious fast and we're so busy defending our position that we stop listening and positive progress is impossible. How many times do we hear of one partner thinking their spouse is cheating/falling out of love due to their withdrawal, when the reason for withdrawal can easily be illness/ preoccupation with work or external relationships/financial worry/feelings of inadequacy….all also being complicated by our own personal family, life, and other experiential baggage that predates the current relationship???

    If one partner won't attend professional counselling, the other still should. We can't control the behaviour of others but we can control our own and how we react to that of others. The other person's bad behaviour does not excuse our own. It takes at least two people to engage in an argument, so ask your counsellor to teach you de-escalation techniques. And get written handouts to read and reread at home – practice practice practice!!! Physical resources that give step by step instructions avoid faulty interpretation and forgetting important steps when emotions are high!

    Even if divorce is the eventual outcome, you have the power to make it as painless as possible for all, especially the kiddos. Genuinely strive to be the best you can be, and you will have the hugely underrated benefit of knowing you truly did your best and fairest. This is an important source of peace to have access to when things do go to s#!+.

    PS. Check out Brene Brown's Anatomy Of Trust talk on Yt. She also has other lectures and resources that are worth paying to access (Netflix has one of the talks plus she has a website). Ideally you and your partner would both watch them (individually first, then together), because it's a good reminder that we can put aside the blame and recriminations for a minute and consider the source of the issues. It reminds us that we humans are actually pretty similar in how we can unintentionally dig ourselves into our respective holes lol. It's empathy-building to see those similarities too, because I swear we humans can be our own worst enemies sometimes ?‍♀️ Brown is readily willing to admit her own faults and stuff-ups which gives some funny moments too 🙂


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