Hello guys! Im Maria and im #new here! Today is my SECOND DAY HERE! the hard live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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Hello guys! Im Maria and im #new here! Today is my SECOND DAY HERE!, 18 y.o.


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Online Live Sex Chat rooms Hello guys! Im Maria and im #new here! Today is my SECOND DAY HERE!

Hello guys! Im Maria and im #new here! Today is my SECOND DAY HERE! online sex chat

65 thoughts on “Hello guys! Im Maria and im #new here! Today is my SECOND DAY HERE! the hard live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I agree that it sounds like your boyfriend does not want to marry you. I feel like even if you give him an ultimatum and he proposed, being proposed to doesn't make you married.

    Are you going to wait another 10 years for a wedding? If he's using money as an excuse not to propose, why do you think he's going to plan a wedding when it's a much larger cost?

  2. Either she’s insecure about you sleeping with someone else (as others said), or she did something and feels guilty. That would make sense with the “would you still love me if I…” type questions, as well as being distant today.

  3. When I'm upset with someone or they upset me, I need space. Her reaction isn't weird to me. She needs space and doesn't want to be around you for any number of reasons, let her cool down and come to you on her own. If she was forcing you out of bed, it'd be bad but she's giving herself what she needs. Why suffocate her when times are tense?

  4. Actually that is not what I said at all.

    I actually said that I don't recommend people be in relationships when they know they have to work on themselves as it isn't fair for the partner to take on the burden. I include myself in this, it is why I have stayed single. You call me arrogant, and that's fine.

    But I know I would never want to put on a partner the issues of my past, it is not right to expect anyone to burden themselves with things that have happened to me, and this includes a boyfriend that cheated, put me down, and other horrible things that caused me to be broken with no confidence.

    I have worked very hot on that through therapy and self-help books but I recognise that if I were to get into a relationship now, without been fully healed, then I would end up hurting my partner with my own insecurities which he didn't cause.

    This is exactly what OP is doing. She is putting all her insecurities onto her partner when he has done nothing more than have a friend, who was in his life before she was.

    It is not right what she is doing, she recognises it isn't right.

    I will not sit here and go there there, patting her on the back and telling her to leave him because HE has done something wrong, like you're all doing.

    The only thing he did wrong is scream at her.

  5. I mean she should be allowed to have time for herself. But to call his trips sneaky is weird. He isnt insisting she doesnt come along with his trips, while she is

  6. Going from your comment history, if the seventeen people you slept with in the past were not enough, you will never feel good enough.

    Your problem is insecurity, not an insufficient number of partners. You can work on fixing this or you can fall into suicidal depression in a few years.

  7. Every day I do stupid things, like leaving out a jar of jam from breakfast, or not making sure a door is closed all the way, or all the light are off before I leave the house. This causes a huge blowup from my husband. Whenever there is a trend if multiple times I do stuff like this, he says he just doesn't know why he is with me. That I have no value to this relationship if he can't rely on me for even the simplest things, and I agree. I am unreliable. I try really hot to do better but I just keep failing him at every turn.

    None of these things are stupid or failures, you're human. No one is that perfect 100% of the time. Its incredibly concerning that your husband would blow up over things like this and question why he's with you. It has absolutely nothing to do with being 'reliable' or not. You are absolutely not stupid.

    What other things does your husband blow up about you over to make you feel stupid? He's emotionally abusive towards you and he's probably going to get worse rather than better.

  8. Oh…. I would take him to the club she is working att and have her do you a lapdance!!

    But then…. I am a little toxic!

  9. Is your girlfriend also your employee? Because if she is not, it’s no wonder she’s taking offense.

  10. I would say that you need to be honest and tell your new guy how you feel. If he is the right guy for you, he will reassure you and help you so you don't feel like this. Trust him to reassure you. Open communication, trust and honesty are the pillars of strong relationships.

  11. He’s not religious AT ALL like not even a single bit he does not believe in god (I’m more in the middle agnostic type thing). But it’s definitely not a religious thing for him.

  12. I can see Mark caring, but why did I fucked up with his friend? I thought I was behaving in the right way with Bob, did I do something wrong?

  13. Yeah i'd say Mark is going to be done with Bob

    You can say nothing happened until after but good luck getting Mark to believe it

    But hey , you do you

  14. I just can't bring myself to do it, she is my best friend and I love her so much and I don't want to lose what we have, she will have a decision on where she stands as we both have depressions and anxiety it's hot on both parts but I just don't know what to do if she wants to take a break or break things off completely, I focus on myself when she isn't around but because of how she has been treated I always try to treat her like a queen but I just don't know, I can eat drink sleep, I have no motivation to game or watch anything, I just sit and exist which is almost too much for me too handle

  15. you date to figure out if you are compatible. you're not compatible. you can break up with someone for literally any reason

  16. creepy

    All I did was look at her VSCO to begin with – to see if it was even still there since it was removed from her instagram bio, and I knew she had pictures of us. I was scrolling out of curiosity and just to look – until I saw the pictures

    they never even dated

    She still sent ass pictures? Would you be comfortable with your boyfriend being friends with a girl he sent dick pics to? Probably not.

    you don’t dictate your partners friends

    Correct, I’m not forcing her to. But if she wants to be friends with a guy she sent ass pics to, then I’m going to break up.

  17. How does your BF demand that of you with a straight face? His audacity takes my head clean off. Wow!

  18. The fact that her immediate response when asked a question was to freeze and start shaking does not look good. That is classic fight or flight response. If her story was real, my expectation would be anger or frustration at the person who put her in this situation, not immediately panicking and starting to cry.

    A general rule of thumb, when you ask someone a question and they look like a deer in headlights, there is always a good reason.

  19. Well I guess you could pursue weight loss or end things. Not sure there’s much in the middle.

  20. Condoms suggest a hookup rather than long term affair. If pregnancy isn't in the picture, she would have done it to avoid STD.

    Yes, you should assume she is cheating, but still do some research. Ask her whether she has lent her car to other people. If the answer is no, you should go for a confrontation, without showing your cards immediately.

    You know, rather than asking her about the condom, sit her down and drop the bomb, asking her if she has cheated on you. In case of denial, emphasize (lie), that you could forgive her, but if that is the case you need to know. Only if it is still denial, you tell her why you accuse her of infidelity.

    Keep in mind, while trying to get truth out of her lying is absolutely a fair game. Once, you reveal your discovery you can explain it made you think she had a one time fling, that you could consider getting over, but not if you are lied about it, and if she denies you are now starting to doubt her a whole.

    Naturally, if at some point on the way, a verifiable explanation is found, you should act accordingly/ For example ,if she has lent her to someone you should focus on that before doing anything else.

    Even more naturally, if she confesses a “one time fling” you should still break up. Not just because she has cheated on you and hidden it, but because it could still be a lie (that it was only one time thing).

  21. No hon, that’s residual from his abuse and your low self esteem. You have to honor yourself first and foremost. This man isn’t for you, it’s scary to be on your own at first, but it’s absolutely essential for your mental and emotional healing. Please, drop him and his family for your own sake.

  22. He’s noticing how differently people treat him now and thinks it unfair (he’s experiencing pretty-privilege). Someone’s gotta knock him down a couple notches. Maybe getting broken up with is one of them.

    If you don’t like who he is, tell him and break up.

  23. Never start a relationship long distance without quickly meeting at some point early on. 3 months tops. Long distance texting and relationships single-handedly made me hate texting to this day. It takes a piece out of you. Best advice is forget him and move on with people close to you and who share interests. You're young and have a lot of experiences that are fun and loving in store.

  24. In her defense, I gained a bunch of weight a few years ago and it took me months to really accept how much. And while it was happening I didn’t notice.

    It was related to alcoholism, though, so that’s probably why I didn’t notice.

  25. Of course it is. But regardless of whether he’s actually flirting with her or him with her, at the end of the day this is causing you some serious emotional dysregulation which I imagine feels pretty terrible for you to deal with. Maybe it’s time for you to spend some time single and just working on being kind to yourself for a while, especially if you’ve come straight out of an abusive relationship

  26. Likely unpopular old mans wisdom, but …

    Just don’t go. I hear c-virus is re-surging. As a good rule of thumb, never put yourself in a position where your FOMO or desire to be part of things will put you in bad places. The things you miss out on totally, like this festival, are in the end just things. It’s called being responsible for yourself and the self esteem that comes with it is invaluable over the long term because you’re learning to stick up for your best interests in the face of pressure or other desires.

  27. Cycle of abuse. Abuse, apologize/lovebomb, you get comfortable again, abuse, apologize/lovebomb, you get comfortable again, etc., etc.

  28. Honey, it's great that you've had this wake-up call. You should be really proud of the work you are doing.

    The hot part, though, is that you could do all the work to heal yourself, and your marriage could still be broken. You've broken your wife's trust. She doesn't trust that these changes are here to stay. She knows the pain of your failures too deeply. That hurt is too fresh to forgive and forget.

    You can prove your commitment to her by finding a therapist for yourself. Attend weekly sessions, and hold yourself accountable for your shitty behaviour. Apologizing isn't enough. You need to show her how much you want to fix this by putting more energy into healing yourself.

    You're not healed. You're not fixed. You've got decades of habits to unlearn. A few months isn't long enough to have done the deep work you need to do. Therapy is uncomfortable. It requires you to look inside yourself and feel your feelings. A good therapist can help you.

    You need to accept however your wife is feeling. Give her time. Focus your energy on taking care of the home/children without asking her for help. Step up Dad. Be the best version of yourself. You deserve love. You deserve compassion, especially from yourself. You are worthy.

  29. That’s a tough situation but with time hopefully you’ll grow to understand she’s probably doing you a favour

  30. Your cousin and partner are both Nazis. In all those years of dating, there’s no way she doesn’t realise that he’s a Nazi. She knows and probably agrees with his ideals. I would block and go no contact.

  31. He told you the truth about how you taste to him since you asked. Everyone taste different because everyone has different diets and other stuff.

  32. She got a partner who went from doing nothing to one that is doing slightly above the bare minimum and he wants a fucking parade.

  33. Before BFF was thought of like a brother, OP and BFF could have had a years long steamy affair and BFF told Fiancé about it and rubbed it in his face.

    There are so many things we just don’t know.

  34. Yeah, this is a slippery slope. I would never accept my partner maintaining a relationship with a past partner. And to be besties? Never.

    The fact that she never told you before now, and you had to ask, begs the question: would she have ever told you if you didn't ask?

    In her favor, she did admit to the lie… eventually. It seems like she gave it some though and figured she better come clean before you found out. It would seem she wants to keep you.

    Sit down and talk to her. You two need to discuss boundaries: what is allowed/not allowed. Can you check each other's cell? What are the repercussions if a a boundary is violated?

    In a long term relationship, not messing around on the other is not enough. It needs to be not even having the appearance of messing around that is required. What that looks like to you two will have to be ironed out in discussion.

  35. If you wanna hide the porn addiction you probably shouldn’t mention the desire to experiment when you’re only 22. That’s the porn.

  36. You haven’t even told us what’s she’s wearing. Is she dressed like a Victoria’s Secret angel?

  37. Then stop being friends with her!

    She’s delusional and rude if she can’t sort this and be respectful.

  38. I read it. The signs were there. You had to reach out to him most of the time. He said he wanted to be casual only. He stopped trying to get to know you. He wasn't interested, and you kept hanging on. People don't have to tell you they are trying to be a better person. You can see those changes, if they are actually putting effort into changing. You either like these kinds of guys or overlook the red flags.

  39. There may be more information out there to help you in regard to forming a romantic relationship. Dating and friendships are going to be different because of how you form relationships and how you form feelings.

  40. DUDE, OP is not the problem here. Her boyfriend is the problem. He was together with OP when Mary Anne asked him to sleep with her and he said “anytime, anywhere” essentially. This is not an OP problem.

    OP drew a relationship boundary, which BF agreed to. Then BF threw OP under the bus with his friends. Not cool, BF, not cool.

    OP, time to have one, last talk with your BF. Ask him if he's willing to take responsibility for being the problem moving forward. If his answer is anything other than a clear “yes,” it's time for you to bail. A BF who resents you for keeping him from cheating on you is a bad long term bet.

  41. Sounds great, I actually have slowly started to block her on other social medias (the ones that I don’t really use) but to take the final plunge of blocking her on snapchat is the most difficult one. I think because i’ve been abused for so long I just got really scared tht something might happen if i block her on snapchat

  42. Idk why this sub can be so biased towards men compared to women. If this scenario was reversed, people would be encouraging the woman to leave the man due to the circumstances.

    If she's been giving you, basically, the silent treatment for over a week, she's being abusive. This is not acceptable. You feel like you have to walk on eggshells to please her. It's not as though you cheated on her (unless she didn't tell you that masturbating to porn is cheating and a boundary of hers. Which would be on her at this point).

    You need to have a serious discussion with her. A WEEK is more than enough time (waaay too much imo) to process her emotions on you masturbating. You have to tell her that y'all should go to counseling if it's to this point.

    Do not let people convince you that this behavior is right or justified. It's not, and it's abusive. Y'all need to get down to the bottom of it because it sounds like a her problem that she's making a you problem (unless you're addicted to porn).

    I hope y'all are able to move past this and work it out. Good luck

  43. Thank you this was helpful since you have some goofy ones! I think if it was just 1 or 2 I could get over it. But every single tattoo he has is so cringe to me and they do turn me off, I can’t help it and I wish I could because he is a really great guy otherwise. He doesn’t have any other tattoos to balance this either

  44. First of all grow a spine. If you get told to not bring your girlfriend and you refuse to go under those circumstances it's not you who ruins the ride for the other guys not your friend who demands something like that from you last minute. Also you're not the one ruining a 15 year old friendship, he is. You didn't demand something like this and you didn't lie to justify said demands.

    You're only enabling him and his girlfriend to act like assholes to avoid conflict which is inevitable. The choice you have to make is who will have the conflict. Your friend and his girlfriend, you and your friend or you and your girlfriend.

  45. Your gut is telling you this isn’t right. Of course she’s happy being out in the world again but she’s getting too close to this guy and it’s causing a rift. Only she can choose to stop it , but I’d mention it again as it’s a slippery slope she’s heading down.

  46. You process this by getting medical attention. Taking pictures of any visible injuries. Reporting him to the police. Getting therapy to help you deal with this trauma. Blocking his number/email/social media apps. And getting as far away from him as possible.

    I am so sorry this happened to you.


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