Asashimizuno is horny!just look at this sight

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29 thoughts on “Asashimizuno is horny!just look at this sight

  1. Where I see: “box, Lego cubes. Box, tiny cars. Shelf, books. Wardrobe, clean clothes. Laundry, dirty clothes.”

    He sees the conglomeration. And random things sticking out. Unable to start at one point, as there is “sssssoooooo much” of it.

    ADHD made him see the entirerty of things, all things being priority. Unable to focus on one thing at a time.

    So rather than starting out methodically he got discouraged and didn't start at all.

    Whereas, when we did it together he was happy how quick it went.

    Yes! My husband has ADHD and this is how we handle a lot of things. Even if I'm just in the room with him talking, it helps. And both of us together makes it so much faster.

    We both struggle with dishes due to different mental and physical issues so we switched to paper plates/forks, etc. It's horrible for the environment but it's the difference between a clean and messy kitchen until we can get a dishwasher.

  2. That will do it! Diversifying your experiences also has the benefit of helping you deepen your social connections in a new place. It is daunting and frankly exhausting building a social life from nothing when you relocate, but if you can make it happen, it’s a huge confidence boost to know you can land anywhere and make a life for yourself.

  3. You have turned things around buddy. Don't fuck that up by staying with this female train wreck. Stay on your purpose and find someone who is good and loyal.

  4. Umm RUN. Some men don't show their true nature until their partner is pregnant. He thinks he has you trapped now. A man that wields a knife on you and says he's going to cut you, doesn't love you, that goes double since you're pregnant.

  5. Yes. Most people you know. Who are probably loosely part of a similar community that likes active things. Not everyone is like that though, and not everyone likes hiking, this isn't a controversial statement.

  6. We did have sex while I was cheated on. Since we got together for this second time, I started to get bored about initiating sex all time so we are having less and less as I don't want to have sex if it's the same all the time.

  7. Typically to have a Facebook account nowadays, don't they require you to verify your identity? I created a Facebook account a few years ago and they wouldn't even let me log in until they verified I was a real person. You can look up their info on the internet and see who they are.

    If I were to talk to my spouse about this without doing detective work, I would ask them if they have any enemies who might want to ruin their reputation/relationship. That way they don't get offended and they feel like you are on their side. If they are innocent, the trust in the relationship isn't harmed and if they are guilty they would think that you don't believe this person.

  8. No need to get defensive, people are asking questions about the situation, which is basically the opposite of making assumptions. You came here to ask for advice, and now you’re getting offended and refusing to answer really basic questions that most people would have no problem addressing, such as “Do you do your share of the chores at home?”

  9. Advice: per your own words, you are no longer in love with this person and they bring out the worst side of you. He doesn’t act like a partner, he acts like he’s a child and you are his mom, which you resent. That resentment is deeply understandable. You are done. Rarely do people ever recover from that, but they absolutely never do when the other partner refuses to try. So start doing the planning to be done.

    I want to note that moving in before a year had even passed is quite fast. That’s okay, you’re young, these things happen, but take note for the future. Whats not okay is him telling you if you leave him he will have nothing to live for. This is outward manipulative behavior. He does not want to put effort into a relationship, but wants to keep said relationship, so he is laying on guilt and fear to maintain this. That is absolute red flag behavior, and often results in increasingly manipulative and controlling behavior the longer you stay.

    I know you are nervous about the apartment, work, etc. There are always solutions. A roommate. Breaking lease and finding a place nearby that needs a roommate. Does a coworker need a roommate? Can you crash with a friend until you get this all sorted? Do you have supportive parents that would help you with these logistics? You are never trapped, no matter what he tells you, there is always a way out the door, so take it.

    You can do this.

  10. Reporting because of a difference of opinion is common. Especially in Spicer groups. The neckbeard bot herders like their power.

  11. I agree. If he phrased it the way he did in this post, it shouldn't turn into a huge argument. Sounds like she may be hiding something.

  12. You’re both terrible communicators. You go to couples counselling if you want it to get better.

  13. Oh, but that's what wives are for, right? So daddy can go get pissed in the woods with very hot sorority chicks.

  14. Ghosting is a kind of relationship trauma. To not be treated like that, you should only date people you meet organically – in other words, by both being connected in some non-dating social network, getting to know each other first, and where he would be embarrassed to have it known he subjected you to relationship trauma.

    So at church, a hobby group, charity or volunteer work, friend-of-friends, etc. Try that and go slow. Good luck!

    p.s. Workplace romances have their own set of problems, but a lot of people meet that way. It's best if the other person works in a different department.

  15. Do You share finances? If he paid with his own money then I don't see an issue. He can choose to pay whatever he wants for good or bad service.

  16. This guy is emotionally abusive ?

    Casual sex is just fine; if it wasn’t your thing, no problem, but it’s never something to be ashamed of. You learned something important about yourself in the process and that’s life. Nothing and no one is perfect. You’re being manipulated and abused by a guy who is taking out his obvious intimacy issues/issues with women out on you. RUN.

  17. I’m not sure if you’re joking or serious but if he thinks it’s a waste of time I would like to know so I can move on from him.

  18. Fuck what they think. Do you think you are ready? Is that what you want do to? If so, move away. Also if you are moving with your boyfriend ( as in planning to live with him), and you’ve never lived with him before, I would really think it over. Moving to a new place with someone you’ve never lived with before is a big transition. This is especially true if you’ve haven’t been dating long.

  19. It may never go away, so he really needs to learn to advocate for workarounds, like communicating in writing.


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