Dakota Blare is horny!just look at this sight

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33 thoughts on “Dakota Blare is horny!just look at this sight

  1. right which is why i edited my post to ask for advice on how to bring up something that made me uncomfortable without starting an argument.

  2. But they want to put down a down payment… more than my entire house. That we purchased in an insane seller’s market.

  3. Lol. I feel a little called out. My husband and I have sex every day. Usually in the morning. The other day he woke up and just made coffee and got our farm going. It surprisingly messed up my day. I was kinda bratty and pouty. He’s like “what’s wrong with you…?” I told him I would have liked to have sex this morning!!! And he said he was sorry and that he woke up with a bad headache and laughed at me. I wasn’t really mean to him or anything but I was surprising that he passed on sex for the first time in a long time.

  4. If she was ashamed of what she posted as a teenager, she would have deleted those posts a long time ago (as we all do).

  5. mentioning all these issues you haven’t caused in order to minimize the ones that you’re currently doing is laughable. just bc you’re the father, doesn’t give you a pass to do childish bs like this. i understand why she’s leaving you. you see it as “making posts on a message board” but you literally made disgusting and objectifying comments about women, on the internet, behind her back. that’s not “i’m ready to be a father/husband” type behavior

  6. Dump him! He is lying and you are believing. Believe it or not he is likely having sex with all, most, one of these women. My money is on most. He will agree to anything that you propose, because he wants to maintain the status quo. Would his lifestyle change if you left him? You know, smaller residence in lesser neighborhood? If so, that's the reason he wants to keep you around. You deserve to have a partner that is transparent, loyal, affectionate, yadda, yadda, yadda … and you don't.

  7. This is dumb and i won't argue with you over it. Is her not wanting to sleep with him giving him mental health issues?

    NO he said his friends said that. It's not something he is experiencing! She hasn't been depriving him for sex for years to the point he's sexually frustrated physically and mentally that is why that statement is utterly stupid!

    It does not apply to their situation! She however feels like having sex with him is hurting her!

    Go die on this hill if you want dude. I stand by my point. You can agree to disagree.

    If the thought of not having sex is sooooooooooo dire to OP he should follow her mature lead and ask for space or simply be an adult make a decision and leave!

    But no one should feel forced into having sex when they don't want to!

  8. Oh, apologies then as that info about calling out regardless wasn’t in the original post. It does sound like his behavior is going to be a pattern. If I were you I would really think about how I was feeling right now and ask myself if I could do it many times over. Also on top of having bpd. To me it doesn’t sound worth it, but only you would know the answer to that.

  9. Oh, apologies then as that info about calling out regardless wasn’t in the original post. It does sound like his behavior is going to be a pattern. If I were you I would really think about how I was feeling right now and ask myself if I could do it many times over. Also on top of having bpd. To me it doesn’t sound worth it, but only you would know the answer to that.

  10. Oh, apologies then as that info about calling out regardless wasn’t in the original post. It does sound like his behavior is going to be a pattern. If I were you I would really think about how I was feeling right now and ask myself if I could do it many times over. Also on top of having bpd. To me it doesn’t sound worth it, but only you would know the answer to that.

  11. Sounds like you don't exude the sexiness you wish you did and that is being grossly impacted by your confidence. You are interpreting ex's nagging about sex as an indicator that you were, for him at least, irresistible, which perhaps is not the most accurate way to interpret his behavior-(others would say insensitve, manipulative, controlling)…you romanticized his misbehavior and now are measuring current bf by that standard.

    You need to work on your self-esteem from within.

  12. What are you even talking about?

    “I don’t cook” “I cook for a week”

    Which is it – you cook or you don't? Maybe make food for your wife, too, so the kitchen is your problem and you can keep it as clean as you like, while she does chores other than cooking that don't have to be done every day, since that seems like an issue for her? Hire a cleaning service to keep things as clean as you like so neither of you have to do the work?

    I think she should meet you half way, but my prescriptive norms are meaningless to her, and youhre the one with the problem, so it falls to you to find a solution if she's unwilling to figure out a compromise. (That solution might be not living together or divorcing – it's up to you if the rest of the relationship is worth an unequal domestic labor distribution or the cost of a professional cleaner, though I would personally have a problem in general with a partner who wasn't willing to engage in collaborative problem solving with me or didn't take my needs seriously.)

    If you do get divorced, take a lesson from this for the future (one we constantly try to teach people before they learn it through direct experience, but it doesn't always get through): don't marry someone you haven't lived with for a couple years. These elements of compatibility are extremely important, and you need to sort them out before you make separating a more difficult legal process.

  13. I still can’t believe it happened. I trusted him with my secrets and he ended up being the one taking advantage of me. He always used to talk about how he didn’t want me going to parties or bars because I’ll get hit on and get SA’d so he’d say he was caring for my safety by not wanting me to go. Its just so ironic that he was the one who ended up being the perpetrator. It honestly still hasn’t hit that this has happened I’ve been just existing in a haze for the past day and a half.

    Thank you though, for your advice. Sometimes what you really need in order to leave a situation is the validation and words of others.

  14. pick a sex sub for this one, you will probably get better advice..but since you are asking for things to say go with “yeah baby roll around in that mud, really let the dirt and grime get into those clean cracks. I like seeing your feet blackened from the dirt on the floor. I am getting hard baby. Push me over the edge and hand me a plate from the stack in the sink. Rub that week old filthy dish in my face. Yeah daddy, now make me scrub the toilet without gloves one.

  15. You can’t be ‘husband’ and ‘wife’ without being married. You can have a committed relationship, but marriage has legal implications that other relationships don’t. It’s location dependent, but in my country, it has an impact on pensions, taxes, healthcare, next of kin etc.

    It sounds like he thinks you are going to screw him over if you break up, which wouldn’t sit well with me.

    Women can get more support during divorce, but that’s often because they’ve given up their careers to take care of children. How would he see this working if you have children? Even if the woman goes back to work as soon as possible, pregnancy takes a toll on a career.

    I’ve known of people in long term relationships where the man owns the family home. In one case, after 15 years of being together, he evicted her and their dependent children.

    I would have a very good understanding of your local/countries laws about relationships and cohabitation if you choose this path.

  16. As long as you are young and not in any financial commitment together or have children together you can be fine with not being married. The moment you take out a mortgage together or have children you are normally much better off being married. Also, at that point, the ceremony/wedding is the least important bit. If you are at that point in the relationship a five minute procedure at the registrar’s office is enough.

    There are a lot of insurance issues, property rights issues etc. that are sorted out through the shorthand of marriage. It might be different in different countries but where I live!, if you or your partner suddenly dies and you have children together, you are not entitled to sell your house without the go ahead from a notary kind of institution (a Good Officer) who represents the children’s interest in the property. Whereas if you are married and one of you suddenly dies you get full control of the property.

    He seems to think that one of his parents came out at a disadvantage when they divorced. It could be useful to explore that a bit with him when he is in a calm mood, to understand where his scepticism comes from.

  17. Drama seeker. It won't change. She's a mean drunk and a Karen so you've got to decide if your can date that.

  18. Lol im sorry to laugh but for real tho. Sorry OP. I'm very confused. You've never been in an actual exclusive relationship with this man.

    Like if you haven't like normal people in relationships.. done stuff:

    where u go on dates, spend time together, learn each others person habits in each others person spaces, spend time together with family and friends, go on trips together, had actual real life conflicts that you work through to see if you are compatible, speak about marriage and kids, finances, future plans. Not seen or slept or even spoken to other people besides each other .

    If you aren't doing that. Why the fuck are u talking or thinking about marrying some dude that cant even call u his girlfriend?

    You are a situationship jesus wtf even is tht title to go from that to marriage?

    As a married woman this shit ain't games. It's not playing house! If you don't know the very intimate inner working, fears, dreams and hopes of your partner. Are aligned in values and morals and actual want the same things from life, have loyalty and trustworthy health in that relationship.


  19. Thank you, I will read it. I let her read my posts and all comments. We’ve talked about that I’m usually more open and calm days after conflict. I think I that my brain is used to going into defense-mode during conflicts in case someone is actually trying to hurt or punish me. It’s hard to pull myself out of that mindset. I take everything very personal and it’s like I assume bad intent behind everything the other person says.

    Silent treatment for example can be triggering for me. My mum and previous partners used to use it as punishment. I never knew what I had done wrong until I deserved to know. My girlfriend can sometimes be silent due to difficulty figuring out emotions. That’s not actual silent treatment of course. It’s like my brain is all about preparing myself to get abused.

  20. My friend bought a house with their partner. The partner did not contribute to the deposit. I told them at minimum they needed to secure the deposit. You plan for the things that probably will never happen. Thankfully their solicitor made them sign an agreement that the deposit goes to my friend and then any assets split after that.

    This is a hill to die on. She does not have your best interests at heart here. If she wants it 50/50 she needs to come up with 50%. This is your future here.

  21. How badly you screwed up really depends on how badly your wife thinks you screwed up.

    Me, personally? I think you were a bit careless but, unless this kind of carelessness is a habit, that your wife is way, way overreacting. She can take an uber. It doesn't seem like it's that big of a deal to me. My wife and I travel for work from time to time and sometimes I'll take her to the airport if it's a time of day when getting a taxi will be hard, but otherwise she cabs it. Same for me. Honestly, I'd feel like crap if my wife wasn't able to make fun plans with her friends because I was making her drive me someplace I could get just as easily in a taxi in the middle of the day on a weekend. Sure, drive me if it's convenient, but if something cool comes up, do that instead!

    But, I'm not part of your marriage. So if this was important to your wife, then I guess you messed up. Get a shared calendar. Be diligent about checking it before making any sort of commitment and updating it as soon as you make said commitment.

  22. I stopped at CNC. Men who are into CNC are rapists. There is no “helps heal my trauma” with that one.


  23. Part of me thinks I should just focus on myself to grow more so things like that can't be said to me.

    You can't actually change what people say about you, but you can change how you feel about it. When other people's words hurt us, it's usually because we see some truth in them or at least fear that there is truth in them.

    People are our mirrors. They show us the parts of ourselves that need to heal and grow. Maybe you should focus on you, but do it because YOU want to grow and not because you want other people to see you differently. Of course, that can be part of it, but how other people see us always starts with how we see ourselves.

    It doesn't sound like you are fully happy with where you are in life right now, and that's totally okay. Start there. Learn to love and be happy with who you are. Once you value yourself and see yourself as worthy, you won't worry about other people not seeing you as worthy; you'll simply find the ones who do.


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