Abigail the very hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

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Abigail, 25 y.o.


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14 thoughts on “Abigail the very hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. So you have two concerns. One is that the sister is a stranger to you. Do you have social anxiety?

    The second is that there might be unpleasantness from the neighbor.

    It's normal to have out-of-town visitors stay with you when their lodging otherwise would be expensive. I think you should relax and stay relaxed about it.

    Also, it's important to brief the sister about this wacky neighbor and the bad situation. It will be awkward for her to see the confrontations, but it will be even more so if you don't prepare her.

    In short, if your GF wants to spend lots of time with her sister, I think you should go along with hosting her for a month. Be a good sport.

  2. Literally everything anyone ever does is effort. It’s not a valuable input towards the relationship unless it’s specifically an effort to be thoughtful, considerate, and do something to enrich the life of your partner but taking in account their wants/needs. This wasn’t that. Her effort is being rightfully dismissed because it was just a display of selfishness backed up with a reaction that re-enforced that she was only interested in her own wants/needs/validation.

    And don’t blame society for her acting shittily. She did a shitty thing and she can own it, no need to make excuses.

  3. You’re allowed to have deal breakers! Do you have a habit of people pleasing? Because it sounds like you’re uncomfortable (and reasonably so!) but are scared to say you don’t want him to go out of fear.

  4. Clean. With. Your. Partner. Not. For. Your. Partner.

    This is what changed my life. I was in a similar position with lots of roommates and my previous partner who I lived with. It can be really disheartening to clean for your partner and also to ask your partner repeatedly to do their chores. Instead I cut out a time of day most days that my partner and I would clean together. We would play music and laugh and clean up together. I would ask him to do specific tasks while I did other ones. Just fifteen minutes a day can make the mess go away

  5. You sound exhausting and privileged. He should have been honest too but damn you are questioning the whole marriage off of a house down payment. Just leave. It's doomed to fail anyway.

  6. Sad thing is OP is probably gonna abandon all family and friends in favor of this man 10 years older than her but seemingly not mature enough to comprehend that she's a grown woman with friends that does not need his approval.

    But she probably is gonna stay and continue to get controlled by this man. OP i hope you open your eyes before you burn all of your bridges with the people who love you.

  7. This sounds really fake. This isn’t how divorce and property work. Plus, wtf do you on-line that an armada of cops comes for low level personal drug use?

    If this is real, get yourself a proper lawyer. Your current lawyer is beyond incompetent if in two years they haven’t gotten you access to your home or personal possessions. Plus child support and custody were permanently awarded when the divorce isn’t even finalized. Oh and you have zero custody or visitation without a permanent divorce settlement.

    Also, child support is usually done on a calculator based on your salary, number of children, and custody time. Judges don’t throw around huge child support amounts to punish men because bad women manipulate them. If you are paying a lot of child support, it’s usually because you make a lot of money.

    This reads fake rage bait and not at all how divorce and custody actually work.

  8. I will trust my gut. The feeling that I have is too strong and unshakeable thats why I had a very hot time letting that go. I was told I am controlling, obssesive and sick…Its really scary when you express your hurt and instead of understanding you get labels.

  9. Perhaps time for an ultimatum.

    She goes to a psychologist to get it diagnosed, or not.

    She gets a therapist to work on life style strategies.

    And she fucking picks up after her self.

    Or you’re gone.

    You’re a partner not a maid.

  10. You know what would be funny? Telling him that years ago you fucked his mom in the ass. I’m sure someone like that could appreciate that kind of humor.

  11. we are on the same page with what we would do

    Thats good. So, the behavioral issues? Sounds like he wanted details & a plan.


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