A N A S S T A S I A is horny!just look at this sight
I don't know Gina, so I haven't the faintest clue if she actually is a horrible person.
I do, however, have all the evidence needed to come to the conclusion that you are most certainly a horrible person.
Don't apologize or reconnect. Just leave her alone. She's better off without you in her life, that's for sure.
The excuses you keep making for her,enable her and will always keep your house and her looking like a dump.
Your really committed to making me look like a gold digger eh? It’s usually the broke ones who hate.
I usually end up pestering him by asking him to talk to me or asking him if I can help him feel better. This usually results in him storming off
See, pestering and begging someone who has asked to be alone, because you're afraid of conflict/rejection/being alone, is a 100% surefire way to BE alone and make it happen. Self-sabotage.
How you fix this is by figuring out what happened to make you like this and working on your issues. This will help every relationship you have and every aspect of your life forever.
Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. Check out r/personalfinance
It just means you two were not the right match
And it most likely means that he was mentally checked out and getting over the relationship for a few months before he actually broke up with you, so he was already ready to move on
And it might (not definitely, only maybe)— it might mean the new fiancée is pregnant
I don’t think I would go along with that. How are you of the information you have about the relationship? 5 weeks alone is a long time
Leave now or sooner. He’s abusive too.
No love. Get out. This dude isn't good for u. And if you are ace you really need to find someone that is gonna be more accepting of you and your needs. Someone you can actually build a life with that's the same.
Him pushing you into shit. Pisses me off and I'm just a stranger. Please take care of yourself and get away from this man nd his emotionally abusive ass.
Block him on everything right now. Do not send him any more money. Frankly you should be annoyed that you already sent him money. He will never stop contacting you if you pay him to leave you alone. You are done, so be done in peace and block him.
As someone who went through this at a similar age and is now in my 50s I’d strongly recommend you prioritise your mum. It was an utterly awful time when my dad was diagnosed terminal cancer. He lasted 6 months,whereas the prediction was 3 years. I spent as much time as possible with him.
When he passed it gave me a huge amount of comfort that I’d done everything I could possibly do and spent that time with him.
Your loss will last your lifetime. Please do all you can to make memories of your time with your mum that will help you cope with your loss.
I‘m so glad to read this. Please don’t ever go back to him. Stay strong!
Is it not possible to get some other caretaker of some kinda? or other option? Otherwise may pay to sit her down and ahve a good conversation.
Longer the better for both parties! I can go down on my wife for hours if she could handle it
This is so textbook that it could be rage bait, but sadly I fear it’s true. If so OP, please follow the advice here and run.
Probably been a thing a long time now hey. Ugh it's jst so dumb.
Seems like every post I've seen personally has been the same shit.
Do not try to save this relationship. Who tf says that stuff?
Nice deflection. You got checkmated.
He has an addiction and just like every other addiction, he won’t stop until he decides it’s a problem.
Right now? It’s not a problem to him. Nothing bad has really happened to him in his mind.
Protect your peace lol. There was a post by a guy here who had the same addiction, didn’t stop until he “stumbled” upon his gfs nudes that were posted non consensually
OP, Do your girlfriend a favor…..go for a long walk and get lost. Leave her and her friend alone. You are replaceable. Her friend is not. Quit playing your games and find another victim. You are bad news.
Exactly, i’m here getting people telling me that it’s my fault and i should step up before she cheats lol.
I'd just ghost, for another month, and then block her.
She knows what she's done wrong – she's just pissed that she got the predictable results of it, and wants to manipulate you into giving her another chance (and another … and another).
It's also possible that John is jealous that his husband is the wife's best friend, even if it isn't sexual in any way. He may not really care for either party here.
Lmao. Yes I’ve only been married once and had one wedding.
Lmao. Yes I’ve only been married once and had one wedding.
You tell her that you're unhappy, and you see by her reaction whether she thinks that's a problem worth her effort to address.
If what she wants is a servant, there are no magic words that will change her into someone who wants an equal partner.
I get that, but it is still unfair to you and her, but mostly you. Breakups are difficult and if she has already decided that she will go with her family wishes and not what she truly wants then just walk away completely.
He’s not respecting your boundaries, break up with him and find someone who will.
OP please go ask this question in r/childfree
Thanks, I really appreciate your kind words! Maybe I need a few days to decompress, I’m feeling really shitty at the moment and I’ll get better in time hopefully…
I disagree with the “taking a break” advice. I had an extremely attached partner for 4 years who was a lot like OP's and my biggest regret is not cutting the cord with one swift chop. Even after I made it clear that we were completely, 100 percent over, he still convinced himself we were on a break for almost a year.
He changed jobs to move to my city so we could be together, and he got an apartment close to my workplace so I could move in with him. At this point I had already moved on and was in another relationship, and I had told him we were completely done, but he still kept bringing up that it was just a very long break, and he thought that if he went to therapy and got his life together, then I would go back to him.
One thing to remember is that others have insecurities about their imperfections too. And it’s always so easy to see imperfections in oneself while not noticing or even caring about them in others. It can be naked to expose your insecurities but that is all part of being intimate with someone. You should only do what you’re comfortable with and if it is bothering you that much to the point of decision paralysis the best thing to do is talk to your partner. Chances are they will understand how you feel and if you are seeing a good person they will do their best to ease any worries you may have and reassure you that who you are and what you look like is why they chose to be with you in the first place.
Try to give yourself some more credit for the things that make you beautiful rather than focusing on little imperfections – which everyone has – that stress you out. Best of luck.