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Malia ^^ I, ‘m very shy, but I like to tease <3, 18 y.o.


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Malia ^^ I, 'm very shy, but I like to tease <3 live! sex chat

136 thoughts on “Malia ^^ I, ‘m very shy, but I like to tease <3 the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. If you are not having fun with him why do you want to be with him? Might as well live! with other family members

  2. Get your ducks in a row to dump her. She want can be down with either canceling the sale of the apartment or for you to buy it by yourself. She is not the one for you.

  3. This sounds like severe sensory issues. He should probably see a therapist or talk to a psychiatrist since this is impacting his daily life.

  4. Or have a “surprise” wedding. Where they invite everyone to a party and get married at the party.

  5. You can't come back from this one. This act shows just so much disdain for you. My ex turned into a screaming alcoholic but he never did anything close to as awful as this. How could you possibly forgive him?

    I hope so much you can get your cat back. Don't give up.

  6. I thought this mean to not move on I was like wow this person really doesn’t want this man to thrive ?

  7. I'm always so surprised at how people are willing to believe the strangest and most untrue things despite very obvious evidence of the opposite.

    Like another person said, she's not your girlfriend. That dude doesn't know about your existence because he's the boyfriend and you're the emotional side piece she's been cheating on him with.

  8. Tough spot OP because I’m similar. Only one person has ever been able to buy me gifts I actually want ? it’s better to just ask me or get me a gift card so I can spend as I want/need.

    Have some grace on her

  9. I'm aware my advice is likely not as helpful or hopeful as you wanted but sometimes we have to be realistic about things. And it would be better you work out it doesn't work sooner via being honest and direct then dragging it out.

  10. I think the worst part is she does tell me she is interested and does like me. She just wants to focus on her 2 years for her masters and get a good job and everything like that. She’s very affectionate when we hangout, we talk on the phone almost every night for a few hours. I just don’t want to make the wrong call, is all. I do appreciate your kind words, I really do. I know you are right I shouldn’t be giving my all to someone that is only wanting to be friends at the moment and won’t give me what I need. Thank you!

  11. You are so right about the unchecked remarks. My husband has been well aware of those. This may not be that shocking to him TBH. I get extremely drunk and have never in my life done or said anything like this, so agreed drinking is not an excuse. I am just heartbroken bc I know things are going to change.

  12. It could be that he has a sensory disorder or ASD. Or he could be using these things to be manipulative and get out of things he doesn't want to do. Either way, this is the most unsexy, unattractive thing I've ever heard in my life. You shouldn't have to deal with this. I would be so ashamed of him. Especially if now you're stuck with more chores because baby has a booboo! Dump him already!

  13. Do cats have paperwork?

    If so… her late fathers name will be on the paperwork. Making it clearly hers.

  14. I am literally so anxious for you right now just reading this. Please call the coworker back and explain with emotion that your husband rehomed your personal cat without your knowledge or consent and that you absolutely need to have him back as this is like stealing a family member from you. Please do not give up on this and call a lawyer.

    Also holy shit please file for divorce this is like beyond ok.

  15. You didn't cheat, you were sexually assualted. Not only were you too drunk to consent, you actively said no and she still did it anyway. That sexual assualt. Please, see a therapist. And get marriage counseling to help your wife understand this was sexual assualt, if she can't understand that then she does not deserve to have you in her life.

  16. Looks like she is incompatible with autistic behaviour though. Not like you can really “cure” autism. Probably better to break up.

  17. I'm much older than you, by over 30 years, a different generation. So, YMMV.

    My last SO did not really know how to cook. So, I did most of the cooking, food prep, etc. He cleaned the kitchen up after and did the dishes whenever I cooked. He paid for the takeaway meals. That worked for us.

    I cannot blame you for not being on-board with constantly cooking. It's naked when you work full-time with a demanding career.

    Is your SO willing to learn how to cook? If not, he needs to put in compensatory labor in the food department to make up for that.

    Sit down and take a naked look at your monthly food costs. Do you have the time to make up menus and matching grocery lists? Have you considered using a meal prep service like Blue Apron or Hello Fresh, for example? Another option is to cook larger quantities and freeze portions for a quick meal prep later. Cook two chickens instead of one. Strip off the cooked meat and freeze portions of it so later ypu can add it to pasta, make chicken salad sandwiches, etc. If you make a pasta sauce, double or triple the amount and freeze what's left so ypu can quickly cook some pasta, thaw the sauce, and have a quick dinner. Since you are a vegan and I haven't been on a vegetarian diet for many years, this doesn't exactly apply but I hope you get the idea.

    Since both of you work and both of you eat, you need to split food costs 50-50, for the most part. And figure out an equitable division of kitchen labor. It's what adults do. Should your SO balk at this idea, that gives you valuable information about the future viability of the relationship.

    Good luck.

  18. OP, lots of good discussion and suggestions in the comments. I just wanted to add – if and when you get your cat back, do not keep him in the same house where you husband lives or has access.

  19. 1) she may have sent the message to hurt you.

    2) it may be the truth.

    Either way, she is trying to control you and manipulate you, and this only after 9 months of being on off!

    Did she know you needed to travel for work when you asked her out?

    Right now you were dating, and she wants you home, with her, all the time? If she was a man, doing the same to a woman, the red flags would be shining bright!

    If I was in your position, I would choose the job. When you start to settle down, get married and have a family I understand that you may not want to be away from your family for long periods of time, but depending on the work you do, they may be able to travel around with you and that would be a great experience for all of you

  20. It’s not necessarily whether or not the phone is a boundary, but the fact that just seeing a man’s name on his wife’s phone was a trigger for him.

  21. So, you did it purely out of spite.


    Just break up and do some therapy.

    You're moving really fast into the abusive territory.

  22. You`re right, I didn`t even think about him using her getting pregnant to control her, thank you for that perspective. I am pretty sure I did react insensitively to that story but my thoughts have been so scrambled up lately, I can`t really figure out what the right way to react would`ve been.

    Thank you for your advice too.

  23. Imagine a hypothetical future where you are giving birth. You're screaming in pain, and the baby comes out crying. Is he just gonna start crying and leave the room? I often think this subreddit is far too trigger happy with encouraging people to leave their partners, but in this case he really needs to cope better and for the sake of your mental health, you shouldn't feel obligated to stick around.

  24. Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on her part. She had scheduled errands. Would you have done all her errands to make up for her lost time?

  25. I think it’s perfectly fine to have fictional crushes … but not like this. There is a big chance he‘s just trying to change you into a fantasy and isn’t really attached to you in the first place, but rather an image he wants you to fulfill in his head.

  26. When someone shows you who they are believe them the first time. —Maya Angelou

    She’s either already cheating or is in the process of getting ready to cheat for whatever she did she betrayed your trust don’t buy an apartment with her don’t get married in Las Vegas ,you deserve better and you know it.

  27. If you go back, you’re crazy. She threw a fit because of your job. That you love. Why would you quit a job you love? She sounds controlling. Let this sleeping dog lie.

  28. Your post is on relationship advice. Just by posting you absolutely did ask for advice. Why post if you simply dismiss people ?.

  29. So he tried to kiss her, she came home crying because she was upset, and then went to go hang out with him again? Something doesn’t feel right here.

  30. You’re not compatible. You don’t want marriage, she does. That’s not going to change.

    The other points don’t even matter. You’re incompatible, break up.

  31. I empathize with the wife to be honest. It seems a lot of this started with her diagnosis. It’s extremely difficult to live! with and it seems she’s trying to avoid getting you aroused because the pressure for sex is too much to bear when she knows she can’t have it. In reality she probably has really tried sexually and OP is just unaware. Sounds like your wife still loves and cares about you but she’s handling the guilt and avoiding romance to take the pressure of sex away poorly. This is also unfair to OP. Even the non penetration sex is probably deflating because she would much rather be penetrated. It makes everything so messy and difficult on both ends. It really doesn’t sound like you guys don’t want each but you’re both being horribly affected by her condition. Give couples therapy a true shot. She also needs individual therapy but if she could get in the door for couple’s therapy there’s the start.

  32. Thank you, I’m already going through the first few pages of it now. I’m sorry you had to deal with that, it’s shit for sure. I’m glad you’re out of it now!

  33. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    The title probably sounds bad , but let me explain.

    Me and my current boyfriend were high school sweethearts who were together for 4 years and then broke up. We both moved to other cities for a year before we found each other again and live! about 30 mins from one another now. We broke up the first time because of excessive fighting and not sticking to boundaries. Basically just losing love and becoming two people who fight like siblings.

    When we met up again after our year long break up, things felt different & i was very hesitant to give it a shot but I still did. Safe to say things have slowly fallen back into how they used to be. There have been times I have tried to bring to light some concerns I have between us (lack of love, no quality time together, quick to get angry) at during those times he seems attentive and ready to do better in the future but nothing ever changes. There have been times I have blown up and just cried trying to plead with him to work with me so I no longer feel like I am giving everything with little in return. I’ve acted in ways I didn’t want to with him but there have also been times I’ve tried to talk to him in a neutral time with no hostility.

    In recent times, I’ve just been exhausted. Im tired of trying to make things work. It seems like he knows I’ll stick around no matter what so what is the point in changing? I’ve tried to break things off but he promises he’ll do better but I never see it. I want to just stop talking and block him on everything because everytime I bring up my concerns he talk a me out of it. Im tired of emotional exhaustion. I value peace and stability and these things are lacking majorly in my relationship.

    Any advice helps

    Do I owe him an explanation, or a talk anymore?

  34. Nope. She cheated on you in a way that is WAY worse than some random dude at a bar. This is an affair. This is probably not the only time something like this has happened. Maybe it didn't go this far before, but the relationship you described sounds more like an EA than a friendship, so my guess is that they have been *close* for a long time.

    My wife is bisexual. I am a man. If she ever does something with a woman behind my back, we both know that that's cheating. Just because it's another woman changes NOTHING. The special thing you thought you shared just with your wife – the intimacy, the closeness, the loyalty – is gone. That's what cheating does.

    At your age, I would bail. You don't have kids, and sticking around is just going to break you both. She'll want to stay friends with Amanda – given what she told you about their sex, my guess is that she'll ask to continue the affair with Amanda. Let her go a step further and try and make a go of it with her. See how it is to be with a 22 year old homewrecker.

  35. First, you switched where the dollar sign is located on the digits, unless you're French Canadian in which case that part isn't wrong. You also state that some random woman gave you $25 to kiss you. That's not going to happen. Also, you seriously wondering whether or not it's cheating. It's obvious that it is. That's why. Any other way I can help with your pointless trolling?

  36. If you sleep with K you risk everything, despite your fiance's words. By not sleeping with him you will definitely make your fiance happy, certainly in long term.

    So tell your fiance you want to be eith only him, and don't want to have sex with K, and he has to deal with it.

    It will end up best for your relationship.

  37. If you sleep with K you risk everything, despite your fiance's words. By not sleeping with him you will definitely make your fiance happy, certainly in long term.

    So tell your fiance you want to be eith only him, and don't want to have sex with K, and he has to deal with it.

    It will end up best for your relationship.

  38. First, you switched where the dollar sign is located on the digits, unless you're French Canadian in which case that part isn't wrong. You also state that some random woman gave you $25 to kiss you. That's not going to happen. Also, you seriously wondering whether or not it's cheating. It's obvious that it is. That's why. Any other way I can help with your pointless trolling?

  39. but what I don't understand is the need to throw away everything we had, people literally look for years someone in their life the way we were together. How can you go from loving someone to the point you want a future with them to literally destroy their life?

    I’d say “destroying your life” is a bit of a stretch. You’re only 21. You still have your own life ahead of you. Yeah she maybe saw something longterm, but things happen and people change. This includes the priorities. She realized she may want to be single for awhile and figuring herself out. You can do everything right but still fail (even when it comes to relationships). That’s not failure. That’s just life.

    I simply can't put into words how I feel right now, I wish I would've never given her as much as I did.

    Then you wouldn’t be the person you are with years of social intelligence.

  40. You're 25 dude. You're still young as hell and have plenty of time to find a spouse who won't cheat on you and betray your trust. Get a divorce and move on.

  41. First of all the idea that people can't cheat with members of the same gender is, at the very least homophobic or biphobic. It's also generally rooted in misogyny.

    She cheated. She had sex with someone that wasn't you when you had an agreement otherwise.

    You do exactly what you would have done if she had fucked a man.

    I think when somebody cheats in a relationship like this you just got to throw in the towel. You're 25 years old. Do you really want to spend the next 25 years wondering if she's going to fuck somebody if she goes out with friends?

    It would be different if she had discussed non-monogamy with you before doing things. But if she cheated once in one ways she's likely going to do it again. Even if you decide non-monogamy is the way to go.

    A lot of people are actually blown away that you can cheat in non-monogamous relationships. Generally that sort of thing is regarding sexual barriers like condoms.

  42. If it were a dealbreaker for you, you would have already dumped him. You didnt, so its not a dealbreaker.

    Its been 4 months, you re 19, no thinking needed. Move along

  43. Take gender out of it entirely. Another person got your spouse off. Are you comfortable with that?

  44. In some countries this bathroom behavior is the norm. What country are his parents from? But you should probably have a frank talk with him about not continuing this behavior. And that you will DEFINITELY not be doing this!

  45. This is a pretty normal way to dispose of TP in much of the world. I thought it was weird and gross at first, but it works fine, you just take the bathroom trash out a little more often.

    If you have more than one kid and use baby wipes for the younger ones, or if you use disposable menstrual products, your garbage cans are going to have bodily fluids and poop in them that the older kids might be able to get into either way.

  46. Sorry but if you have been dating for six years and still only see each other on the weekends, that's a huge red flag. In my opinion six years in is a good time to start planning your own wedding, not seeing if you can be a plus one to somebody else's. I know it sucks but you need to leave this douchebag and find someone who actually appreciates you and wants to build a life with you.

  47. Maybe she's acknowledging that we all get screwed by the only ones who really make the big bucks, the capitalist class. Nothing wrong with acknowledging that.

  48. wouldn’t want the kids we share to not get as much love or the same him as his first kids.

    The love for different children can be different without being less. My daughter says she and my son had different mothers. She is right. I love both of them, but life circumstances meant I made different choices for her than him. On top of that, each kid is an individual. What may be appropriate for one, may not be good for another. And should he also be concerned that you will love your kids more than his with someone else? Do lots of talking and thinking before going further so kids don't get hurt. Good luck.

  49. so so happy to hear you got benji back! and that you’re leaving your husband and have the support of your sister. best of luck to you and benji!! ?

  50. I'm so glad you got your little dude back. Treasure him, cats are so precious. Be safe, and never look back at that awful man and what he did.

  51. Six years and you haven’t meet her friends? Nor want to bring you in the wedding?

    He’s not serious about you if he cannot introduce you to these people. They knew he has a girlfriend but do they know how you look like? He can bring someone on the wedding and his friends wouldn’t know if she’s the girlfriend or not.

  52. Way to be brave and get your little man back OP. Good for you for taking charge and refusing to forgive such a huge betrayal. You are better off on your own with your cat than a person like that

  53. If you are not happy and he has no interest in being a real partner, then the writing is on the wall. Sorry OP, you've spent about a year with him and you now know that he doesn't care about improving your relationship. The next step is yours.

  54. This is pretty brilliant! I was a new mom when diaper genies first hit the scene in the early to mid 90s and damn that thing was AMAZING! that could work! This dude is still weird af, but hey, a compromise is good no matter what!!

  55. And know that if for any reason the test is positive, he still lied to you about having sex with someone AND he gaslit you while you were away by PROJECTING his cheating onto you. His excuse is pathetic to say, oh I wasn’t sure if you would hook up with someone so needed to think, BS! He needed to hook up with someone without consequences and he swore on his daughters life that nothing happened.

    Trust me, he will lie to you for the rest of your relationship and he will project and blame you for the lies. So no matter if the baby is his, he lied and lied. Please walk away before you get pregnant! Do NOT have sex with him at all!

    My ex wife always swore on all that is holy that she never had sex with anyone, ya she lied multiple times about those men she had affairs with. Take it from me you don’t want to be there in 10 years.

  56. You’ve already clearly communicated that sex isn’t fun or pleasurable for you, and he isn’t trying to make it better. This guy literally doesn’t care if you enjoy it, as long as he gets off. Why are you so worried about protecting his feelings and not making him feel bad, when he makes you feel bad on a regular basis?

    It’s time to dump him. I promise you, there are plenty of guys out there who are good at sex. They will make it their job to give you pleasure, and if they’re not doing it exactly right for you from the jump, they’ll study and practice and get better at it. That’s the minimum you should accept from any sexual partner. You’ve had a combo of bad luck and young/inexperienced partners until now, I assume given your age. You’re an adult now and it’s time to find an adult partner who’s not scared of your body and who understands that his ego is not directly tied to his penis. Any man worth having sex with is one who cares if you enjoy it, end of sentence, zero exceptions.

  57. What made him think he was in a position to purchase a home if he didn’t even have the money? Why? WHY? Would you lend him the money?

  58. Realistically until she does something sufficient that she gets the actual medical attention she needs for her clear mental health issues all you can really do is hope to survive. Family like that you eventually cut out of your life.

    And he doesn't need to care about her. He only has to care about having to deal with her. And when she is upset she likely hassles him, and rather than deal with her he instead attacks you because it is easier.

    And that sucks. It is really sad that we live! in a world where someone as broken as her can exist and nobody can really do much about it. He has, what, 20 years or more dealing with her and I worry if you invest too much energy in making him see the light you'll just hurt yourself. While he isn't broken in the same way as she is he is still clearly a very damaged and toxic person, that is part of how she went so long like this.

    With unstable and abusive families often you just have to survive until you no longer need to deal with them. Your goal should be to get as far away from all this as possible.

  59. There is nobody in this thread who can help you, except to say stay away from your wife and kid. You need professional help. Where there's a will, there's a way.

  60. I know a lot of people say just leave and tbh that's fair advice, but if you're keen on staying, or at least want to try to salvage this, bring up a prenup and see how he reacts.

  61. That’s probably a good way to move forward. I try to be understanding but I will convey my feelings to her. It’s just bothering me now knowing how guys will be death glaring at her. When I go out with her they already do but it doesn’t bother me since we’re together. But going alone dressed like that terrifies me for her. She says she loves me so much. But I need to have my own sanity too. We might just not be compatible or something needs to change for us.

  62. She's not ready or has accepted the change

    I think she's choosing a neutral way of addressing you to create some sort of connection to your past self.

  63. This is tricky. But since he’s kind of.. strange, a lie might be the safest way out.

    Tell him you started seeing someone off Tinder and you would feel its inappropriate to keep hanging out. Short and sweet, don’t go into detail. Wish him the best of luck, and send him off.

  64. If it is your house, it is time to put your foot down on it, call the police if necessary. You are not his mother or his caregiver, he is a grown adult. If you keep this up, he will never leave, it's fine the way it is, he has a house, food, and he's not even interested in your feelings. And seriously, why even if you are unhappy, did you continue to have sex with him? How many children until he actually leaves your house?

  65. It’s not a bad idea, sometimes I do spend the night if I’m too tired to go home, but the most I’ve stayed is a night, because I don’t have any of my stuff there. I don’t like leaving my stuff outside of my house

  66. This is tough without knowing the full situation, but generally I would say to think about what you want long term and discuss that with him, and see if that’s something that can be achieved if you leave even if you do face a setback. How far back will it set you? Will you eventually have the same opportunities where he wants to be as you would where you are now? Are you willing to sacrifice your short term goals for longer term ones? Also this is a pretty big ask on his part, does he plan to make any sacrifices on his part? Partners are meant to support each other and sometimes you do end up having to ‘take one for the team’ so to speak but that has its limits and only works if both partners are willing to put in the work. Ultimately only you can decide what the right move is for you, but don’t give up your dreams for a man who wouldn’t do the same for you.

  67. My wife doesn't believe in mental health

    Do you think this will ever change? Because this is a huge red flag, your wife essentialy thinks anyone with mental health issues is a liar. And it sounds like she has her own mental health issues, which she is unlikely to get resolved if she thinks mental health doesn't exist. She needs a therapist and you need a wife who actually understands and cares about you.

  68. That's what happens when you get married so young. People grow up or they don't. They develope into different directions and at some point or other they realise that they have not much in common anymore – or that they even resent each other.

    From what you've wrote: Atm your husband is the selfish part in your relationship – which caused all of that resentment you feel. What you could feel guilty about is that you didn't start marriage counselling / therapy years ago. But I think it's a little to late for that.

    If you want to start over again, then do it and don't feel guilty about it. Or get into the process to change the things that annoy the hell out of you in your marriage. Everything else won't work.

  69. No you are not toxic, she is. She just wants the freedom to do whatever she wants while using you at the same time. She wants to have a boyfriend and at the same time to flirt all the time. She is not a stable person, a truthful person and an honest person to have in a relationship. She is using you as the safe plan. Don't allow her to play you and to gaslight you. If you had done the same to her she would have lost her sit. You really have to think if you want to stay with her or not.

  70. That’s for sure, I believe she was looking for someone to make her breakup „official“. But I was fine with that since I’m not looking for anything serious at the time anyways. However, I liked her as a friend and the deception hurts quite bad.

  71. Leaving him is the safest choice.

    You are less than year together, and you thought you knew him well enough to plan future together. You clearly suffer from inability to sensibly judge your situation.

    Can this be fixed? Maybe, but unlikely. He needs to tell you the reason he was doing it. I mean reason, not throwaway excuse. If he isn't able to do so he needs therapy/counselling.

    You need to have access to his accounts/messages. He needs to understand that from your POV if he hides this he can be hiding other things as well. He needs to put a lot of effort to make it up to yoy, and sliwly rebuild your trust.

  72. Like – did you work for over 20 years? Get married? Have kids? Had multiple partners before finding the right one? You‘re in a STAGE of growing up and you‘re nowhere near being a full grown adult. You‘re still in the stage of developping into one and that‘s fine. You‘re not a child either.

    the thing is – whenever I argue about this it‘s always men telling me that „tHeY aRe GroWn Up“ no fuck they are not. I didn‘t finish my law school yet. I didn‘t get married or started a family yet and I‘m still on a journey to learn more about adult life. And if you think you‘re as mature as someone who is double your age, you just aren‘t mature

  73. Never let this person back into your life. She needs help that she’s obviously not getting. You should also not have to “cut out” a friend. Why couldn’t the friend hang out with both of you— especially if the friend was there long before your girlfriend? Anyway, it’s irrelevant now. This girl is unstable and dangerous. I’m not sure what you could do about the phone—take her to small claims court? Please consult legal advice.

  74. No way this ends well my internet friend. You need to run far, far away from this woman and not look back. The fact that she is still married should be reason number one.

  75. My friend, she’s openly sleeping with another person and isn’t over her feelings for him.

    If you want a monogamous relationship, she isn’t the partner you need and deserve. End this relationship and find someone who will commit to you equally, who shares your values and goals.

    Best wishes to you!

  76. It feels like your sister is using this ring as some sort of bar or gauge to measure your family’s support of her transition, which is not fair to you at all.

    It’s really unfortunate she’s hinged her acceptance on this, because now it’s a very emotional situation for both of you.

    It might help to have a very calm conversation where you sit her down and tell her “I’m keeping the ring because grandma told me about it growing up and gifted it to me. I miss her like crazy and the ring reminds me of her and our time spent talking about it and other memories that I treasure. It reminds me of our bond. That said, I understand that you are frustrated because you ARE the eldest daughter and that was the tradition. I also want to acknowledge that it would be frustrating to hear people say you hadn’t transitioned yet when you likely knew you were a woman for a very long time before the official transition. You were a woman then, grandma just didn’t know. Regardless of the transition, grandma gifted me the ring and trusted me to take care of it and it’s really important to me. I love you and i would be devastated if you cut me off because i dont want to give up a small piece of grandma “

  77. Then he's taken videos of you before.

    Honey, I get that it's naked to reconcile that the man you're seeing could hurt you this way, but he did.

    What you just said makes it likely he's done it before. You are not safe with this person, he just proved that to you.

    Why didn't he tell you last night about the video?

    How did you two meet?

  78. We both still love each other and we have been to both individual and couples counseling. The truth is that we both used to drink and use drugs a lot. During this period I left and went to treatment for three months and came back. She told me after. I was a much different person when I came back than the man she cheated on and I have been in recovery for a little over four years. She stopped using and drinking as much but occasionally drinks to the point of being wasted with her girlfriends and this is when I feel worried ?.

  79. Omg thank you!!! Thing is: men love the free market UNTIL it comes from the market of dicks. The market of dicks is flooded: they’re abundant and low value. So we get to choose now!! Go find the biggest hardest dick and get yourself stretched out my girl!

  80. Because taking sexy pics in a bikini and posing for a bikini magazine ARE sexual things. They are done with the intention to appeal to the opposite gender.

    Sunbathing naked at a beach, going to the sauna, or touching someone (with their consent) to show them how a yoga pose is done/ how to throw your training partner on the ground are all things that are not MEANT to be sexual. So they shouldn’t been made a sexual thing.

    The whole problem is that somehow many people MAKE things sexual, when they aren’t meant this way.

    Also you conveniently ignored the question I asked.

  81. I agree a lot of this advice here is very emotionally stunted and many sexiest. The insecurity is thick.

  82. I just read the title. So when he goes out with his friends, you go out with your friends. Doesn’t matter that he “says” you “can’t”. Watch me

  83. Get your Mum to look into local tenancy laws and start making moves to get rid of him. What's the alternative? Turn 80 with this guy and telling people “I couldn't dump him because he bought a couch”?

  84. Get your Mum to look into local tenancy laws and start making moves to get rid of him. What's the alternative? Turn 80 with this guy and telling people “I couldn't dump him because he bought a couch”?

  85. Get your Mum to look into local tenancy laws and start making moves to get rid of him. What's the alternative? Turn 80 with this guy and telling people “I couldn't dump him because he bought a couch”?

  86. especially throwing away lobster.

    It seems super gross to murder an animal, take a picture for Instagram, then throw it in the bin.

    Like I'm by no means a vegan, but I do think that the animals we eat deserve respect.

  87. I went through rehab for alcohol myself, and I can tell you that a lot of people go through rehab multiple times. So, you can tell her that just because it didn't work once, or even twice, that doesn't mean that it won't work this time. But more importantly, it will keep her away from alcohol while she is pregnant. If her baby ends up having fetal alcohol syndrome, she will never forgive herself, and she'll have the baby taken away from her immediately.

  88. You're young and so is she. Don't spend your emotional energy over her. There's a lot of women out there that wouldn't do that to you.

  89. Ignore these trolls telling you you're petty to even pause in your decision…. the situation is a simple two-step analysis.

    Did your brother confront his friend at all in your defense?

    If yes, loyally… help him out

    If yes as nothing but weak-ass lip service, turn some profit

    If no, fuck that dude.

  90. i heard one way to test bad breath is to lick back palm of your hand and sniff it. if it's stink then your breath is bad.

    maybe one day when you meet her face to face when the place is not too public. try to do this in front of her. and say “s**t, i forgot whether i had brush my teeth or not.”

    hopefully she's curious to try. if she doesn't and she's not even doing it in private then give it a bit of time and just tell her honestly.

    one of my ex friend has a bad breath because she abnormal digestion or something.

  91. I’m gonna be honest, you both are soooo young, I’d probably move on and stop hurting each other. You might view it as serious right now but honestly I don’t even count my high school relationships anymore (currently 27). People change SOOOO much between 18 and 25 it’s not even funny. You guys just might not be compatible.

    I’m assuming you are long distance due to college now and I promise you that you are going to meet so many other people.

  92. I don’t understand why you haven’t just simply told to the truth to people. He cheated, we broke up. Why are you protecting this POS. Tell the truth, block delete and definitely move on.

  93. You can reword it however you're like – it's still manipulative bullshit. How so? Actions having consequences is manipulative? No that's just because you don't want any for things you do.

    Obviously he can't control who they are friends with, we already established that, but he can have boundaries and control how he reacts to them breaking it

  94. You don't think your partner hiding information that you might break up with them over for decades is a major betrayal?

  95. Idk if she’s trying to get her family back, I just heard her say she feels like she ruined their family

  96. You have been back stabbed by your wife, your neighbor/friend, and your pastor who are all looking out for themselves and not at all about you. Leave her and move on with your life. You are still young and can bounce back from this man.


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