HornyLindzay live! sex chats for YOU!

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5 thoughts on “HornyLindzay live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Please show me where I said it can't be financial abuse, I'll eat my words. Otherwise, I'll serve some crow.

  2. I worked at a sales company and was honored with an award at the annual national sales meeting. They held it at a local fancy hotel and comp’d my room for me as a gift. Spouses weren’t invited because it was a company only event. This doesn’t seem that odd to me, based on my experience. I often had colleagues I really liked text me when they came to town, too. When you work as a team and you like your coworkers, it’s not abnormal to want to bump into each other. That being said, I clearly know nothing of your wife’s job or her personality to apply that to your situation, just offering my experience. And no, I never slept with my colleagues. I also agree with other commenters stating you don’t seem to fully trust your wife. If you’re secure in your marriage and she’s not given you any reason not to trust her, what’s the issue? Sounds like a hell of a good time and something she won’t want to be left out of bc her husband guilted her into coming home by curfew. Ick.

  3. I'm replying here because I thought of more.

    I dated someone who ended up cheating on me. We worked together and because where I worked it was like 30 women and only 4 men, I knew he would get raked over the coals if I told people, so I pretended like we ended on good terms but then I found him and one of his friends lying about me and twisting things. So in the end I wondered why I was defending and worrying about someone who fucked me over and who was not worrying about making me out to be bad. So I told people when they asked and I showed receipts and he left our job less than a month later because people were livid with him.

    I did feel bad afterwards but it's been a few years now and he is supposedly still treating women that way so on some level I don't feel bad anymore and at the end of the day – if you don't want people thinking badly of you then don't do the bad thing. They are the consequences of your actions. I would never do something bad to someone who had never done something bad to me and not think they would retaliate or that I would be viewed poorly by others. I just would assume that I would need to face the music for what I had done :S not sure why some people don't think that would happen to them.

  4. He moved in with you? So his name isn't on the apartment/house? Maybe you can get the police to escort him out if he refuses. I'd make sure to have a friend there with you when you tell him to leave if you are afraid of what could happen


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