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23 thoughts on “Lia-sun live webcams for YOU!

  1. I agree he needs to be in a more independent place with the whole parents situation before I even come close to signing a lease

    Just try to relax, take 20 steps back, and simply observe how he handles things. When he's back, tell him how you feel about his actions/words not matching up, and ask him about his plans/next few steps in the near future.

  2. Her issues are not related to that unless something is wildly mis-wired that we haven't caught yet. She goes to regular and frequent appointments for updates and scans for her conditions, though.

  3. Nah dude. Reading your post made my blood boil. Your wife abuses you (financially)… and berating you instead of supporting you. Fuck that.

    You don't want kids with a wife like that. She will divorce you , go for maintenance money … and just leech of you. I can promise you that… she has ZERO respect for you.

    Divorce her. Get a better life.

  4. I don’t know about anyone else here, but I wanna find someone who gives me that pass out, forget to breathe and then vomit type of head. Send me to the moon!

  5. If you're too embarrassed to repeat it anonymously to internet strangers, you done fucked up by saying it to her.

    It's out of your hands. What's not is your future behavior.

  6. I’m god you came to the conclusion that you did. If you keep pushing, it’s almost certain that he will see a doctor. This is scary and worrying

  7. What I'm curious about is, how much do you earn. How much does he ? And what are the future growth prospects for you both ? It kind of seems to me like he's just concerned with bank at this point

  8. I would leave. What else is he lying to you about? That's what I would be constantly thinking.

  9. What part is confusing omg yes lol I did the nasty at a young age being fast but I thought the kid was my boyfriend it was only with him till I was 18 I’m just here for advice not judgement

  10. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    I’ve always had my suspicions about my boyfriend’s female assistant liking him.

    They’ve always had a close relationship before I stepped into the picture. Because they are “friends” she feels very comfortable messaging him in an unprofessional manner.

    I know with confidence that my boyfriend sees her as a friend and would never cross that boundary because he respects me and our relationship. BUT, I feel like she’s just a lioness in waiting..

    She knows he is in a relationship with me and she comes off “supportive” of our relationship to him. Personally I just feel like she’s trying to stay in his good graces while he thinks nothing of it.

    Recently she messaged him saying she wanted to be his Pepper Potts.. which made me really upset because Pepper Potts is not only known for being a really good assistant but also Tony Stark’s (aka Iron Man) love interest.

    There are little things she does that really catches me off guard like: • sending him pictures of herself (nothing sexual more like instagram pics) • using nicknames • jump hugging him (aka legs wrapped around his waist) • getting excited whenever he comes over her apartment for work

    I’m just seeking a little clarity because am I crazy for being over analytical?!? Or would you be suspicious too…

  11. At the very least, you should have a talk.

    Tell her how you feel. It sounds like she's a great friend, so just let her know how you feel.

  12. Dead and empty, like you two just… exist together.

    Barely pay attention to the other. Its a dull routine with no color. No longer go on dates. Intimacy is a challenge. Effort in relationship fell off. No longer are you two trying to win each-other over. There is no spark anymore. No excitement. The only thing that is in common, is you two just breathing the same air. The love has gone cold.

    Still together, but you're basically just memories to each-other.

    A dead and empty type of love.

  13. Question:

    How did the division of labor at home change after she went back to work?

    Are you both now 50/50 on chores and kids? Have you talked about the mental load of running a house?

    She could just be tired of trying to work full time and do all the home responsibilities. This is the first thing that comes to mind. And until it is addressed I can't give you any insight.

  14. It'd be one thing if you were still together . But if you've broken up ? Uh , no . And does she do that shit while you aren't home to snoop through your stuff ?

    I agree with others . Tell her you're done , and that if she does that again she'll be arrested . Then ghost her .

  15. if you want to keep this girl around, it is best to tell her about your inexperiences. now if you don’t want any relationship with her however, it is best to just let her go.

  16. Every woman's experience with it is different. There's some really good resources on r/endo and r/endometriosis

    Irregular periods are definitely a symptom. Problems with your digestive system could be as well.

    Thanks to r/endo I learned that lupus and endo often go hand in hand. You might have other symptoms like chronic fatigue, unexplained kidney pain, sores in your mouth, brain fog, skin problems/rashes and headaches or migraines. It's been incredibly frustrating trying to get diagnosed.

    There are some good period tracker apps that you can use to track your symptoms. It's been really helpful to see the trends for pain/other symptoms.


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