FlaviaBaxter live webcams for YOU!

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16 thoughts on “FlaviaBaxter live webcams for YOU!

  1. Why to everything!Why don't you leave the Room?I guess it's your Bedroom. Why did he quit his job?why,why,why?????‍♀️

  2. Oh girl.

    A good dad changes diapers and feeds the baby (assuming the baby uses a bottle).

    A good man (and person in general, but let's just say man because that's who we're talking about) will never have sex with someone who doesn't currently want to have sex.

    A good man wants his partner to use protection that works for her, unless they both have agreed to have another child.

    A good man contributes what he's able to to his family (whatever that may be) and doesn't drag everyone down.

    My husband has changed more diapers than I have, by a lot. It's not even a contest. (I feed more, he diapers more, because boobs vs no boobs.) Honestly, it sounds like my dad may have changed more diapers while just babysitting grandbabies than your man has for his own child.

  3. That sounds pretty draining, I'd hate to be with a woman that demanded this kind of validation on the regular, for doing something every day.

    I know a girl that had an ex like that as well, and she thought he put his bodybuilding ahead of time with her etc

  4. Nope. Nobody is a judge here and this isn't about a verdict to give about who is in their rights and who is not.

    This isn't AITA.

  5. Is this about 1) the money 2) thinks you drink too much 3) feels insecure you’re out without him 4) thinks it’s not a woman’s place to drink beer at a pub 5) feels like you don’t spend enough time together and sad you are using time just for yourself


    Lots of potential roots for what his issue is

  6. I just am kinda nervous that the new guy is raising my child with her since allegedly he moved in with them. Like all this happened so quickly and I got replaced very quickly too. Still waiting for her to return the engagement ring though.

  7. He doesn’t know that it’s toxic. He can learn, but it’s not easy. In his eyes he can’t imagine why you’d want to be away from him, and views it as a negative.

    It shows that he doesn’t value his own alone time. He needs to find friends or join a group activity away from you. Preferably an active activity.

    He cannot truly value your time and space until he can value his own.

  8. no I didn't make it beyond “He can't clean his room,” it's just too exhausting. This is a deadbeat who's not worth investing in.

    Leave him, you'll suddenly find a lot of free time for yourself that you previously spent worrying about him.

  9. Is he comparing you to his tightly gripped hand?

    Also weight does not, as far as I know, change the size of your vagina.

  10. You leave that girl alone, and be about your way. You did your best tell her about Austin’s motive’s, but she doesn’t want to believe you. She’ll just have to find out the very hot way. I’m sorry about your prom night. You don’t deserve to be treated that way, and I hope you find someone that will love you 100%.

  11. I have a serious feeling that guy has a porn addiction and it can lead to not being as aroused or even getting aroused when your with a partner. It’s completely true the science behind what porn does to a males mind is astonishing.


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