SELENAx99 live! sex chats for YOU!

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29 thoughts on “SELENAx99 live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. It doesn't hurt to try to have some contact and see what happens. I doubt they will say no. You may never be really close, or they may welcome you as a sibling. Or something in between. You won't know until you try. Best to you.

  2. It just means that she's not prepared to have casual sex with a guy. That's her choice. He liked her enough to give up his wild ways. That's all.

  3. Reddit be Reddit!

    My first nephew was born 6 months after me and my partner got together, he was hesitant at first as he'd never been around babies, and we'd only been together a short time (and we were only 17!) but my partner watched my nephew grow up, and they bonded really well. But he put the effort in to make that bond, as he has with all of our niblings. His sister doesn't have kids as she doesn't want any, but if she ever did, I would treat them exactly the same as my niblings by blood.

    Your niblings will be picking up on their uncle being distant and that's not fair on them really. I hope he comes round and tries to make a bit of effort for them, even if he doesn't like kids. Kids grow into adults and you can have really great relationships with your adult niblings! (My oldest nibling is 22 and my youngest is 3 so I have a wide spectrum of experience haha).

  4. You make many assumptions as well as painting me out to be a horrible person because I made my sexual needs known? You are essentially saying that I don't deserve to have my needs met? How else is someone meant to decide if they want to be in a relationship other than ask for what they want? I considered the fact that it is unfair to ask for what I want without considering what she wants so I did and I came to terms with my own issues with it. I offered to have an mmf first but I am sure that doesn't change anything because I am a man and I do not have any right to feelings according to society I am just supposed to suck it up and get over it?

  5. Complain; if I've learned anything from my crippling addiction to true crime, its that the weird, too friendly, wont take no for an answer guy at work is ALWAYS the mostly likely to just up and kidnap someone

  6. C cup is not small. It’s just not large. I wouldn’t want to have sex with someone who wasn’t excited to be with me. You will find plenty of men who would be happy with C cup breasts. Find someone who is attracted to you. It will continue to wear on your self esteem to try and make it work with him. Don’t settle for someone who thinks they are settling for you.

  7. I just really like him. He was understanding and we had deep ass conversations and haven’t felt that way in a while. I really wanted to meet him etc but now ugh it’s so conflicted. I’m an overthinker so now I’m just thinking a lot. I even sent him a msg about what you just said to see what his response would be tomorrow.

  8. I respect that. Would you say if I’m ever feeling something similar to this again, to just keep it to myself?

  9. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    It all started with a possible argument regarding if I “can” watch porn. I'm a very open person with an extremely high sex drive, and she is very conservative and believes that having sex too much makes her a slut or a whore. At most we would normally have sex twice a week. She also treats porn as cheating.

    Long before we engaged, we had an agreement saying I won't watch porn if we can be intimate, and if I do, I can't lie to her about it. I honestly did held up my agreement and even to this moment.

    It has been a while since I saw my fiancé because she was out of the country for over a month, and the week before and after she came back she was on her period so we couldn't do it. To put it bluntly I asked for her blessing but she got angry and told me to wait, which I did after long arguments about how unfair it was.

    The current week from what I gathered she was still upset that I brought up the prospect of porn last week but didn't vocally voice it, and literally started arguing with me over the most minor things. I also asked each day this week if we can do it and she said she is tiered or doesn't feel like it, or other excuses.

    The argument that broke the camel's back for me was that she had an interview but it seemingly didn't go well when she came back, I kept asking her what was wrong and she kept saying “I give up” and doesn't want to talk about it. Then I said okay let's go out to eat, I'll treat you to make you feel better. She said she had no appetite. Then I asked if she wanted to do anything, she said I'm tiered and she wants to sleep. So I just said “so you don't want to talk to me, eat, or do anything, i'm just going to do my thing”. She then responded with “watching porn?”. Then after a huge argument about unfair this is and that is not what i meant, I just packed my major belongings, left, came back to my place and deleted and blocked her on everything.

    It may be an impulsive move from me last night, but I just couldn't handle the excuses, reneg on our agreement, and the constant arguments. The messed up thing is after the argument, I didn't even watch porn, I passed out after surfing youtube of random food shorts.

    If it helps, she doesn't use social media, is a kindergarten teacher, very conservative, very insecure or jealous because she said her last 3 bfs cheated on her (one time caught them in the act), but also super loyal and kind.

    I use social media, more outgoing, open minded, and trusting of my partners, she can hang with 10 guys I would be okay, but if I hang with 10 girls she would flip.

    We've been together for almost 5 years.

    We had alot of fights before, all revolving about this subject and having friends of opposite sex in similar capacity, and this is my 2nd time walking out and deleting her, but this time it feels final.

    Should I unblock and add her back or just keep moving forward. I'm honestly still really angry but still kinda concerned about her being alone. Thanks for any help or insight you can provide!

  10. I get what your saying. But where is the line drawn in terms of revealing personal information. I have some other things about myself that I would never tell her but would certainly change her perception of me. Everyone withholds information I think, for the sake of others emotions, and to keep their image not too damaged.

  11. I think because you were the eldest daughter at the time, it should be yours. When I think it was Caitlynn Jenner (mtf) transitioned, there as a big upset because when Jenner was male, he had won some competitions (soccer or something sporty). People were upset that he was still considered the winner because “he” was no more but rather “she” was. I don't think they ever revoked Jenners wins. The same logic applies.

  12. I feel like you had to know how that was going to go… He was obviously already upset when you got the medusa, what other reaction could you have possibly expected from the fake septum?

  13. What is wrong with you? How do you think her bestfriends wedding is more important than his good friendd’s wedding? If the man feels torn about it, it certainly means that the good friend means a lot to him. Also why does it matter which wedding plans/invitation came first? Some people set dates faster some people plan longer. It doesnt matter if he got the invitation from this friend one week before the wedding. It matters how this individual feels about it. And also THIS SHOULDNT BE A FIGHT. Let the man decide for himself. The girlfriend is fine to feel disappointed but she doesnt have the right to impose! Obviously OP is getting anxiety from all of this and the gf just thinks about what she feels. She is the reason why he is getting anxiety because he is being coerced to do and feel something that he isnt really a priority but is made to feel that it is. Somehow i think youre op’s entitled girlfriend.

  14. 100% about the person and their character and not about the gender. Like, if people are gonna talk shit, I'd like to see some statistics that don't come from the department of I pulled this out my ass

  15. You need to lose this guy and fast. What a selfish PoS…

    I wonder, what happens if you agree but on the condition that you have one with another male first? The response to a question like that would tell you all you need to know about what kind of person he is.

  16. My hairstylist always seems to mess up my hair also. I change them every so often, to see if I have better luck with a new one, but I’ve only ever been happy with one hairstylist but she quit her job at that salon and I sadly couldn’t find her online.

    I ask for a quick trim, just the ends, and my stylist (whoever it is) always tries to convince me to chop off more because apparently I have longer dead ends than I thought I did. My last stylist trimmed 30 cm’s and I came home crying. My boyfriend didn’t like it either and I felt that, so I hated it even more. It was all my lockdown hair, over 2 years of growth, just… gone…. And to top it off the stylist gave me a Rachel haircut, the one she has in season 1. I thought she was a young girl and she gave me a Rachel. I paid for the cut and told her it was ugly.

    My hair is wavy, not curly and very fine. It’s graying so I need baby highlights but it’s too expensive for me. Recently I saw a Jonathan van Ness YouTube vid for fine hair friends where he said it might help to bring a photo of your preferred hairstyle to a new stylist.

  17. You wouldn’t be posting if she met all your requirements. That’s a lie you are telling yourself. Her dating history in regards to this, doesn’t change anything.

  18. Once he is gone, the terrifying feeling will be over and a weight will be lifted from your shoulders. You will be able to concentrate on being the good mom that you already are. You wont have to think about someone dragging you down. Good luck to you.

  19. It’s not that unusual. 1 partner can say “I’m not going to stay with someone who…” and then mention the thing that they don’t like (gambles, gets tattoos, does drugs, waxes, etc) and partner 2 gets to decide if they’re oK with it. But partner 2 doesn’t get to say “sure, OK, no tattoos” and then come home with a big chest tattoo and say “my body, my choice” without expecting some shit to hit the fan. A deal’s a deal.

  20. So your not okay with drugs but dating a drug addict who's “favorite is ket”

    Bro wtf are you doing grow up an get the fuck out She's not even in her 20's and already a drug addict 7 months “sober” (that you know of) is NOT gonna fix that

  21. Ditch this prick. If he sees your relationship as all tranactional, then find someone who doesn't.

    The good news is not all men are like this.


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