Girlfriend (24F) is mad at me (32M) for not paying for her and her friends’ dinner
9KShe’s being melodramatic and ridiculous.
The other night we’ve agreed that I’ll be picking her up from a restaurant she was hanging around in with her friends. It’s a pricey, new naked spot in the city and they were there to celebrate one of her friend’s engagement, apparently she took it upon herself to offer paying the check since “everyone paid for something except for me and I felt embarrassed for not contributing!”.
While I was outside waiting for her, she gave me a call, her voice was a dead giveaway of her freaking out, she started telling me that she’s in the bathroom panicking because when she just attempted to pay her card got declined and she felt even more humiliated infront of her friends cause of it. She started begging me to come into the restaurant and pay for their dinner. The bill was above a 1000 damn dollars which is no surprise because they’re six, it’s an expensive place and they clearly went crazy at it. I refused and told her to just ask her friends to split the bill. She started crying, hung up on me, refused to get in the car or come back to my place.
It’s been a week and she’s still pissy, how do I solve this?
submitted by /u/ThrowRAnooomood
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Y’all are weird, we bring our laundry over to our older SIL house all the time when we go and have dinner with them. Saves us 5 bucks and they don’t mind at all
You are now an adult. Adults date with the intention of having an intimate relationship. Being grossed out at 18 by vanilla sex in 2023 is a bit rude. Sure, you don't have to like or want to participate in certain acts, but shaming people for doing basic sex? It's like 12 year olds mocking someone for kissing a girl because kissing is gross. Only you are not a child anymore.
An adult acting grossed out because their partner did the sexs shouldn't be dating. Even if you are asexual and sex in general makes you uncomfortable you should be up front with your partner about it and not shame him like it's middle ages.
Start fucking someone else. Show her you're not kidding.
You do not deserve a your husband. If your husband is indeed good, he will divorce you. I also hope all your good friends find out and they leave you also.
Good luck with your life.
He raped you. Leave and report him. If you stay he’ll think he can continue this behavior.
I don't know if I'd say it was a backhanded compliment. I think she was largely being honest that she wants to spice things up while letting you know that she enjoys having sex with you.
The problem here is that you're focusing far too much on you, and I believe she is too despite the fact that she said “we” should never let this get boring. I fundamentally agree with what she's saying, but again, you two are a team. So what you need to do is have a conversation with her about how both of you can make things better. This shouldn't be on you alone. Good luck.
Fat isn’t bad. You were fat and it’s weird that you want someone to lie to your face like that. I’m fat and I’m not ashamed. If I asked my partner if I was fat, he better say yes, because I am.
Ah. That won't work because there was only ever her name in the rental agreement. When I moved in, I payed her, not the landlord.
You're right. People don't just change overnight. He's always been an abuser/rapist. He just hid that little fact until now.
Even if you are ready I wouldn't with him. He sounds like he is being a dick about it.
Hmmmm. Read this yesterday from the guy’s point of view.
You dated this Chloe girl one time, you have no real idea who someone is after one date and it is foolish to say that life would be “100% happiness” with her. You are over-idealizing and romanticizing a relationship that never even existed in the 1st place. I think you need to stop letting your thoughts run away like this.
It is offensive to her, that's the whole point.
You’re in a state of shock right now but it will sink in with time and your feelings may shift.
I am sorry you he cheated on you but I am so glad that the the site is up & the girl posted so you found out.
have a prenup if you marry this guy but all the crap he pull with you having PPD, for future sake – might as well get yourself a new man.
This us beyond immature … its ok for this to be the hill the relationship dies on. This is not normal they all sound really immature.
Happy I could help.
You will wish you had said cut all ties… more she crushes on me more those boundaries are going to disappear for her… you will be on here stating she cheated next…
I'm curious what was even told to the landlord/property manager because I find it very hot to believe they'd let you solo sign it, knowing someone else is moving in in an unstable way, aka a relationship that isn't marriage, and didn't even want to meet with them? Usually the manager/landlord will at least want to meet with everyone that's moving in at least once. It really doesn't add up.
He just wasted seven years of your life. You should move on. Let him spend time with his mommy and sister barf