The (M21) girlfriend(F20) fingered+ got fingered by her two friends!

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My partner just told me that her and 2 of the girl friends( also females) decided to finger each other last night whenever drunk. She affirmed that it was sexual and just curiosity/funny point and only for a few seconds to find out what it feels like. She also said that she’d never consider doing it sober whether that will matters or not. I’m not sure how I feel about it. While I don’t feel like it’s cheating, I do feel very uncomfortable from it and kinda grossed out which they would do that.

Unsure how I feel and if I needs to be annoyed? Defienlty feel unpleasant.

Edit1: not fully fingered just stuck fingers in vagina for a second or two. If that makes a difference

Edit2: obviously I would really feel differently if it were the male. She insists she’s not lesbian or bisexual which I believe. She furthermore she’s says that she didn’t find it sexual whatsoever and thought it was major and nothing pleasurable about it. None the less I actually still think it’s strange af

submitted by /u/ThrowRaBlueOcean
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One thought on “The (M21) girlfriend(F20) fingered+ got fingered by her two friends!

  1. As someone whose lost more great loves than I'd like to admit, one thing I learned along the way was that each relationship taught me something, and the pain of that ending became less and less intense every time. I don't know if I'm just jaded or what, but being alone, living alone, and really having a place of my own without anyone around to mess it up gave me the unlikely gift of getting to know myself and be happy in my own company. It made me realize that whether I had someone in my life or not, I was going to be okay because i had been through all that shit before that point to prepare me.

    Feel your feelings. It's not healthy to hold them in, but you need to completely block her. If she is messing with you on purpose you don't want any part of that. You need to cut ties completely to heal. I'm sorry you're going through this.


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