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32 thoughts on “BiggSsexy online webcams for YOU!

  1. why should she apologize – it seems OP is misinterpreting platonic love for erotic or romantic love and projecting her own insecurities onto him

  2. I told him the same thing, that I wanted to be treated like a girlfriend and not like a mom, he said that he’s trying to get over the traumas but he told me “not everybody can pick themselves up after they fall as fast as you”. I feel like threatening to throw him out and make him go live! at home makes me an asshole because then I’m actively forcing him back to a place that gave him traumas.

  3. If she is concerned about her weight, perhaps she needs to hear how to lose the weight from a personal trainer. I understand that you seem to have knowledge, but hearing about or being told what to do by a partner can feel demeaning and mentally rough. So in this case, she would likely benefit from having some sessions 1 on 1 with a trainer who can help her come up with a nutrition and exercise plan that she can stick to to try and lose the weight.

    But the way you worded things in your post, do make you come off as shallow and you said in the title it might be a dealbreaker for you. So everyone is basically saying perhaps what you don’t want to hear, but deep down know that it might be the right answer if you can’t stick with her and love her unconditionally, especially if she can’t or ends up not losing the weight.

  4. Personally as a guy, I could say either and not give it another thought. If I say I’m seeing someone or that I have a gf, both mean I’m not interested in someone other than who I’m committed to

  5. Maybe he should try a vacation from the meds and see how he feels

    he’s prob never had sex without them. and doesn’t he plan to get off them at some point?

  6. Not the person you're answering to, but what they meant is that a 40 years old should know that this person is not in the right place to date right now. Her age doesn't matter. It's the fact that last thing she needs is a fresh relationship.

  7. I post stuff on status but not to my entire phone directory. Just people who I think will be amused by the content. Maybe she doesn’t want you included in that. It’s not anything you should be getting stressed over. I’m sure you have more important things to worry about than this.

  8. But THAT IS NOT WHAT OPs WIFE PERCEIVED. You people are purposely dense, I swear to God. OP claims to want to know why his wife had such an “extreme” reaction and the lot of you are a gamers echo chamber with not one of you getting how it looks to a non gamer. Even when it's laid out for you in plain English you push back like “no that's not right, hurr durr everyone knows how gaming works, blah blah blah”.

  9. You did a really great job, seriously. That’s so freaking cute. He is just going to bring you down. He’s being a pouty douche because he didn’t get his way about the movies. Yea I don’t think I’d stay with someone like that. He’s going to do this whenever he doesn’t get his way.

  10. Your son has learned what having a child means and has taken responsibility, so that's proof of good parenting. And now you're taking things further to help him go to school to achieve his dream.

    This is the best time for him to go, while the baby is still an infant.

    You're amazing, OP. More parents should be like you.

  11. I’m so tired of these insecure girlfriend posts, you lost me after the thought of going to a whole other country just to beat up an ex… never catch me doing that over some dick

  12. Lemme guess — she's very physically attractive. Never had to be nice to people to get what she wants, or to just be a good person.

  13. 34 with opportunities to do things with my life that don't involve helping raise someone else's kids and being a whipping post at the same time.

  14. I think he’s ridiculous to pay all that money for something and neither of you get to use it. He sounds like a very foolish and controlling person and you should tell him that if he wants to lose his family over a damn parking spot you can oblige.

  15. I would go to my graduation. He isn't ditching or postponing his wedding to come to your graduation. Why should you ditch your graduation to go to his wedding? Is there no possibility of attending both? Like, after attending your graduation, won't the wedding party still be on?

  16. Stop thinking that.

    Moms are champions at pulling the emotional puppet-strings. GFs are pretty good at it, too, just not quite so wily. You need mental and emotional strength to stop being the fulcrum of their seesaw.

  17. That’s like me saying I’m not “white” because I’m of Hungarian decent. My skin is pretty fucking white.

  18. Have you ever sucked a dick or swallowed? It’s a lot more invasive and vulnerable than eating pussy. Not to mention all the cultural baggage. But in the end, it doesn’t matter if you are comfortable with something. She’s allowed her own autonomy and dealbreakers, even if they are different from yours.

  19. Oh hell no! This is not at all ok. You feel like you aren’t a priority because he isn’t making you a priority! This is a big, fat, deal breaker.

  20. So don't be used as free easy sex? This is something you have control over…literally stop….that simple.

  21. My bad for the spam. It said error and wasn't posting but then all the post went through all at once.

  22. You don't have to let her know he told you any thing. You can just say you heard from a reliable source who you will not name.

  23. It’s not a comparison thing. I’m a woman and I watch porn, with my husband, well usually with him… I have never, not one time, compared my husband to the men in porn.

  24. I know everything is pointing to “she is cheating”. I also want to believe she had no ill intent and really was just friends with this dude.

  25. Maybe next time don't be a disgusting human and cheat. Leave him alone and let him find someone who actually has morals.

  26. Still no real hit of her cheating. Don't ruin your relationship over random thoughts in your head.

  27. You’ve done enough. Any more and he’ll think that you’re insane. It would help if you could get the insight of one of your mutual friends ( that can keep a confidence)


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