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130 thoughts on “Train Me the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. You feel upset because you just an intimate time and was like “ok. See ya later” so it felt disconnected. I wouldn’t read too much into it. You are feeling anxious because last night wasn’t great and likely PMS and he is feeling anxious by whatever. Don’t obsess over it. It’s just one of those times when your needs didn’t match up. It’s all ok.

  2. Regardless, Gary’s reaction is way out of normal one. Perhaps you have to give it a time to cool things off.

  3. I assume they took turns. Also, stop sexualizing this, it's just people taking a shower who have known each other a long time and are comfortable with each other.

  4. Oh no that’s criticism not advice, see if it was advice I’d have told her to get a divorce and try to patch the relationship up with her kids. But anyway if you’re ok with abusing the disabled or gay sure he’s a keeper!

  5. Don’t go spread illness by going to class with a fever. That was incredibly selfish of you to want to do. However that does not justify your bf to hold you hostage in bed. That is a crime that your bf committed against you. You are no longer safe living with a man who holds you prisoner in your bed. He will do this again because you are dismissing the seriousness of this. Now that he knows this isn’t a deal breaker he will amp up his control tactics to keep you imprisoned at home and dependent on him. You are playing a dangerous game staying with this man.

  6. The only thing that makes you less of a man is how you’re treating your pregnant wife who is carrying the baby you wanted and literally took a fucking beating for you. She’s even learning your language so she can interact w you & your family. OMG! She took her vows seriously while you took them as suggestions and not commitment. She deserves much better than you.

  7. I agree with the other comment, I don't think you two are meant to be. Yes ultimately it is your decision to get a dog in your own home, but was there no communication between the two of you about dogs at all? Surely she realized giving up your dog of 8 years would be painful and difficult. Did she not tell you she was fostering? Did you not tell her you were going to look at dogs? There's nothing really for you to apologize for here, but if you struggled to on-line together and are now fighting about a pet 3 years in, the trajectory of the relationship doesn't look great.

  8. Yes bad at domestic chores = taking advantage of, in other news speeding to now be charged as domestic violence cause fuckit some of the letters are the same.

  9. Well I know its really an afterthought for you guys, but I might have feelings too. And they might be hurt after being ghosted by your gf, but hey I know its inconvenient for a lot of people here. How dare I have feelings too?

  10. Yes he should not be dating anyone atm, unless it's completely casual. You need to do whats best for you and break up.

  11. OP you're probably not reading these comments ents anymore, but please don't take UTI's lightly. Treat them asap when you have them and do NOT have sex while you have it.

    Some ways you could try to prevent getting them: don't touch your genitals or let your partner touch them without washing hands and make your partner wash his genitals before sex. Always pee right after penetration.

  12. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    My (34m) wife (36f) and I have been together for 17 years. About a year ago I asked to open our relationship up. Mainly because I was severely lacking intimacy and feeling super stressed. We have 3 kids and jobs. I spend the lions share of time taking care of the fam. She agreed and mentioned she also wanted that but was too afraid to ask.

    I found a partner after a while, a beautiful and amazing woman. The sex is incredible. I'm very affectionate still with my wife she means literally the world to me. Being with the other woman makes me love my wife even more.

    Now my wife also has a partner and i feel like I'm dying. I don't understand how anyone does this. I can't think or sleep. I'm strong on the outside for her sake since she has been for me but inside i don't know how I can survive another moment of this. I feel like I can't even sleep next to her. My heart is pounding out of my chest.

    I feel like there is no good way forward. I have crafted my own hell. I want to run to this other woman just so I can feel normal but my wife is the one I want. How the hell does anyone do this? Is there any other reprieve from this intense gut wrenching grief?

  13. Your not listening to well meaning people telling you the truth. Why did you post here? Are you just venting or want actual advice and a real perspective ( including from other guys?)

  14. A change of my mind apparently. She wanted me to post her, and actually had an issue with me not posting her in the beginning. After multiple arguments, grew further and further apart.

  15. A dude who doesn’t want you to orgasm because he’s afraid he won’t get more sex isn’t someone you want to be with. Very hot Take: If he wasn’t a complete asshole to you and upped his sex game, you’d probably want to sleep with him more. “That felt great, I don’t want to do that again soon!” – No Person Ever

  16. He said that growing up his mom would tell him to leave things in the sink for her to rinse out. But we’ve been together for 7 years, lived together for 4…. Id think that habit had been broken by now. :/

  17. Sounds like time has made you both comfortable.

    Just ask? “Are you losing feelings for me, or are you comfortable in the permanence we have in each other's lives?”

    It's basically one or the other. If it's just comfortable you guys can work through that.

    Relationships do cool down, in a good way, with trust, time, security, and really knowing the person.

  18. You’re not a crazy asshole. This scenario would make the most secure person in the world feel insecure.

    The way to deal with that insecurity is to validate those emotions (because they are 100% legitimate) and figure out how to address them in a way that works for you both. Your ex acting like you were crazy was a means to control your (legit) emotions so he didn’t have to acknowledge or address them.

  19. What two consenting adults do is their business.

    Even though you could be right that there can be a maturity gap, it's not always the case and it's not to say that the same maturity gap can't be found in relationships where the age gap is smaller.

  20. ‘Unfortunately my budget maxes out at $xyz for weddings- which area do you suggest I make cuts to meet my budget?!

  21. He’s a good man, did 2 good deeds to you but other than that he doesnt give a damn about you? Hmm

  22. Well. There you go. I’d just say you have to take comments with the experience of the commenter… which you don’t know. I’ve been working 38 years and married 33. I think I’m credible.

  23. There's no other way to say it. He's trying to be mature, and make it so that no decision has to be made if an accident were to occur on BC alone. I hope she stops taking it personally and respects his decision.

  24. How do you not see that it is the same, each couple chooses how their relationship is going to be and what the rules are of their relationship and what is cheating, if you then break the unique rules of your relationship that you agreed to that is cheating, they made unique rules for their relationship which all relationships do or should discuss which he then broke , that's cheating, like some couples see going to strip clubs as cheating , others dont, some open couples don't see sleeping with someone else as cheating while most do, and then even with open relationships they have their own rules as well like some think sleeping with a friend is cheating others dont, some want to know beforehand or its cheating others don't, their is no set standard of what is cheating, each relationship makes their own rules on what is cheating

  25. My prediction, a sort of emotional affair; a shared attraction and maybe a closeness that they would understate around you but without physical intimacy. I think you’re right that, if they were sleeping together, they’d probably err on the side of caution and not have a gift like this.

  26. I lived through almost a decade of weaponized silence, followed by blame when she felt the communication was lacking.

    OP needs to run. This shit very nearly destroyed me.

    Every little thing they can think of that could be wrong will turn into the cold shoulder, you can do whatever you want to try and reconnect. It will never be enough. And then once you go do your own thing because you haven’t heard back, they’ll continue to blame you for doing your own thing.

    Run run run

  27. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    So my boyfriend (21 M) and I (21 F) have been dating for almost 8 months and we have been sexually active since we first met. He’s the only person I’ve ever been with so I’m still learning what I like and don’t like, I had a basic idea of what I thought I would enjoy because of things I’ve read, watched, and looked up and one of those things is aftercare. The only thing about it is it’s mainly done with BDSM which is not the type of relationship that we have. I’m not sure if aftercare is something you normally would do after sex or if it’s just thing you do after scenes but it’s something I would like to do. After we have sex we get cleaned up and then he puts his clothes back on, gets back in bed while waiting for me, and then he gets on TikTok while I do my own thing laying next to him. But I want to not do that, I want to cuddle very hot with him while he plays with my hair or take a shower or bath together, words of affirmation are my love language and I would love it if he would say things like ‘you did a good job, I’m so proud of you’ ect. I know I should just tell him how I’m feeling I just don’t know how.

    Update: I forgot to mention a few things, we get cleaned up right after because I’m very VERY prone to getting infections and the longer I wait the more likely it will be that I’ll get an infection. He usually just puts his shorts on after and I think that’s because my apartment gets cold (thank you central unit). The part about praise is because a. Words of affirmation are huge for me, and b. I do have a praise kink which he is aware of and he definitely loves it. He has taken care of me after especially when he has overstimulated me (I have sensory issues and I can get extremely sensitive). Thank you all for clearing somethings up for me and for telling me to just talk to him. I have trauma from past friendships surprisingly about asking for what I want and need because they would tell me ‘I was being too much’ or ‘we always do what you want to (because no one else was responding)’ I’m working through that thanks to therapy. All in all he is a really good guy and I think this is just what he’s done before with other people but I’m just gonna tell him what I’d like for us to do and ask for his suggestions. Thank you!

  28. ??? Hell yeah! My mom is almost 73 and my moderately shitty dead has been dead for just over 3 years. She's doing so well! It's never too late to start taking care of yourself in a healthy environment!

  29. Right??? Even if Ns mom had the mistaken impression OP would do this random woman's hair for free, wouldn't the way to go about it be to ask OP about prices beforehand and not just assume until after the work was done? What horrible women

  30. 20 and 35 is a huge age difference. 40 and 55 not so much. You're both grown ups. The only real issue is if you stay together long term, because 60 and 75 is possibly a huge age difference again.

  31. Thank you, of course:

    • Did she give you examples of what she sees as controlling?

    Mostly she uses it as a vague description but some specifics I can recall:

    Commenting on a large non-essential purchase over $1000 dollars.

    Asking what she’s doing today (out of curiosity, attempt at small talk by me)

    • Did she give you examples of what she sees as financial abuse?

    I think she sees the company accounts as an account I can use that she doesn’t have access to, and that is unfair. I cannot use the company accounts personally of course, I have business partners and that would be embezzlement.

    • Has she told you why she’s not interested in couple’s counseling? An important note here would be, if she genuinely believes you’re being controlling, couple’s counseling is something most counselors would rule against. Even if you’re not abusive, it can give abusive people more to work with, so her perspective is important to consider there.

    When I first asked she did not believe in counselling or therapy. Her view has changed on that after my progress, but she still does not want to go. I’m scared to ask again as I fear she will feel pressured.

    • You say the finances are largely your responsibility, what do you mean by this? Playing a role in financial decisions when you’re a couple, especially when one of you depends on the other, can be very important?

    I pay most of the household bills, I also earn the only income. I do the taxes etc. I’ve asked her to be more involved but she isnt interested.

    • What’s the actual home situation like, do you do a decent share of looking after your children and home? A lot of the people I know who are stay at home parents become pretty cordial because they’re exhausted.

    I do, but I think she is still exhausted.

    • Can you give examples of what you mean by luxuries?

    clothes, shoes, spa days

    The best advice I could give you would be to try to communicate with her about where she feels controlled and financially abused, to try to find out what her perception of that actually is. If it’s just that she wants free reign with money, then that’s a problem.

    -thanks for your comment.

  32. So people who are only using one form of birth control actually want kids, because they could be doing more to prevent pregnancy?

  33. We have had sex a couple times so I think it’s a relationship he’s just too kind if that makes sense. It’s kinda made me put my guard up

  34. You need to tell her that while you value your friendship, you need to spend a bit less time with her so that you can get over your romantic feelings. You can’t get over someone while spending 5+ hours with them all the time. A good friend would understand.

  35. ‘He knows I’m not stupid…’

    From his point of view—you’ve been putting up with his bullshit for a while now—so, in his mind you are stupid.

  36. It sounds like you might not be monogamous. Nothing wrong with that— polyamory can be rewarding, but it’s important you aren’t stringing along monogamous women. They’re both valid and legitimate orientations. I think you should disclose the kind of relationship status you want with these women clearly. Those who aren’t interested go, and those who are can stay if they’re still into it. And if none of them are interested, you can start dating with polyamory in mind intentionally.

  37. Well she doesn't know I'm about to be single. But I'm glad we're cute awkward and not just awkward awkward.

  38. Age gap aside, what do you both talk about?? What kinds of things do you do together??

    Is it just a Netflix and chill sort of thing? Do you always stay in? Go to clubs? Bars??? When you're 21 will you want to do those things? Cause he probably won't. Cause he's old.

    Idk if 19 year Olds and 31 year Olds speak the same language at this point. My younger cousins are like, bet! Yerr! Dead ass?!? And does he know that he's… cheugy? (Did I use that right??? I'm an old).

    I get that sometimes older dudes are sexy. Idk if it's the power differential, untherapized daddy issues, patriarchy at work or what. But it can be very hot! But from your post you don't even list or say anything other than “I really like him.”

    So my questions to you are: What do you mean “next step?” And what do you actually like about him??

  39. Nope. He’s infinitesimally better than the creeps that purposefully go after teens, but the fact that he didn’t turn you down means he’s pretty much just as bad.

    There’s this quasi new guy at work that’s 25. He seems like a nice guy, but at 12 years older than me anytime he talks of something not work the first thing in my head is “omg you’re so young, can we get back to work.”

  40. OP, please see the red flags he is waving & leave , now

    He is going to bring nothing but heartbreak & possible STI's

  41. Less than 6 month he is already a cheater and you have proof of it, he belongs to the street. Remove yourself of this situation.

  42. He is not an amazing guy. He’s an arsehole who is mostly nice to you when he can be bothered but really doesn’t give a shit if he makes you cry.

  43. Very true, walking on eggshells is definitely not something I would stick around for the long term. Thank you

  44. I'm pretty sure he knows that, he's just ignoring your evidence so he doesn't have to admit that he's aware of it. He's just putting all his effort into making you believe that you're the one in the wrong, so he can go ahead and say 'you made us break up so it's not cheating' when he inevitably admits to dating/having sex with your sister. The crazy mind games he's playing makes me suspect he's actually doing all this, planned with your sister. Like, she goes to you pretending that she told him 'the truth', so it's both of them against you to make you feel even more like you're the issue here not them

  45. Your bf visits you ONCE every four to six months.

    What are you holding onto here?

    Please also consider therapy, you dont HAVE to stay in this or any relationship.

  46. Leave.

    Your partner has shown that she is shallow. Does not respect you, and tried to gaslight you after they made the comment.

    They are not worth your time or energy

  47. OP and his wife are separated. He already has TWO feet out of the door. I won't be overly cynical to think she's intentionally trying to limit his options to make herself more attractive, but if she sees it as the necessary first step, then she might as well close the door and lock it. He isn't wavering, he's out. The only question remaining is whether they both want to put in the work to make opening that door again mutually worth it.

    That work/effort has nothing to do with reproductive options; there are countless other ways she could ask him to show commitment to working on things — such as addressing the issues that caused them to separate in the first place (more kids absolutely was not one of them).

  48. You're probably right. There have been minor frictions in the past related to the difference in income, so this might have just been a long time coming.

  49. Limerence seems terrifying tbh oh God. When I don't see them they aren't on my mind an awful lot. So idk.

  50. I'm sorry you guys are dealing with this. And I love the sense of humor you're taking. You're a good one op. Maybe just a slight elbow and some ether to knock her out.

  51. Her stomach functions too quickly, she’s got ‘dumping syndrome’ where her stomach pushes food directly into the small bowel almost as soon as it enters.

  52. I don’t like the word consult, which indicates you’d be asking him, communicate with him about it before? Sure. But you don’t need to ask him.

  53. You are on here arguing against people who are saying she is justified. Reread the comments you are responding to. You’d realize you agree with them, but decides to reply on behalf of OPs boyfriend

  54. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    I noticed my wife packing some lingerie and very inappropriate outfits for her work trip tomorrow. I was very suspect and went through her phone, and read a conversation between her and a girlfriend. My wife admitted to sending very hot photos to a coworker and told her girlfriend she was not going to wear her wedding rings and also planned to hook up with her coworker. We have two young boys and it’s been stressful recently but I never imagined she would do something like this. I’m considering ending our marriage, but I don’t wanna put our two young boys through all of us. I’m currently at a hotel and I don’t know what to do.

  55. I’m sorry but it’s your birthday and it should be about you. Your bf should also want it to be about you. If he can’t put your feelings first then he’s not the one for you.

  56. Well yes that would be your first thought – but cheating (if he is) would simply be a symptom. The disease is him having no moral compass. THAT is the problem.

  57. I don't think you do anything to make her see your side. You realize she doesn't want to sacrifice anything or be held to any standard of behavior to be in a relationship with you. She wants your monogamy, your effort, your being there for her and she wants to give up nothing in return.

    Trust me when I say she will have problems if you start getting attractive female friends you take to the movies, take on trips, and have sleep overs with. She will immediately see the problem if the situation is reversed.

    But instead of that, just date a better breed of woman. One who values the relationship and understands boundaries exist for both men and women and not sleeping over with dating age members of the opposite sex is a completely obvious and normal boundary for someone in a monogamous relationship to be held to.

  58. No. I am not doubting that it happened. It can't have and nobody is as daft as to play his deceased father to make them split up.

    That's telenovela crap.

    I only doubt she has all her marbels in the right place.

  59. She must see you as a wallet. No way she is being reasonable. If she wants to feel like a big shot maybe save up or make sure she has funds to pay. This is ridiculous.

  60. So what do you think it might be? Insect bites would swell which they didn't here, nor a hit from the corner of the table resulting in painful and dark spot which too aren't in this case. So what might it be from?

  61. What advice are you looking for? Breaking up with him sounds like the only good option for you

  62. Everything is political: if you end up having ten kids because contraception and abortion is not available where you on-line, that's a pretty big influence on the kind of life you can lead. If you live in a state where books are banned at school, you might end up having to home school those kids. If half of them get cancer and die because you can't afford healthcare, that will also affect your quality of life. If you live! in a European country where healthcare (including sex education contraception and abortion), and education (including special needs and further education) are completely free, you might complain about taxes but you could have the number of kids you want and not have to worry about affording basic necessities and generally live happily sledding and watching the aurora borealis in winter and swimming in fjords in the summer.

  63. I hope he's your very ex boyfriend. You have dumped him and booted him from your life yes?

    I think you are in shock. You feel numb because it was unexpected and your brain is trying to protect you from the hurt.

    You might find as that shocked numbness wears off you go back to anger, and sadness.

    I am sorry he not only showed how little he cared about you, but that you had been there for him.

    Take time to grieve that this relationship is over and he is not the man you thought. Then move on, no one needs a cheater.

  64. At all the weddings I've been to, there have been shots of “just blood family” and other shots of “family and in-laws” “family and +1s” etc so there's something of everything.

    Given the divorce rate, there's a good chance there will be plenty of people in the photos that will no longer be part of the family in ten years time.

  65. As I said, it is getting worse. That pattern of withdrawal, conflict, resolution can form a trauma bond. He says what you want to hear to keep you engaged but it is clear that pattern is consolidating, right?

    If it can be 'salvaged' he needs therapy to get to the core of it. You coddling him is not going to be the game changer, no.

  66. Literally everyone in this comment section is dumb as fuck.

    She was delusional, he demonstrated that her confidence was ridiculous, now she realizes she literally can't save herself. It's a good thing she realized it before anything bad happened.

  67. Married 20+ years and we never yell at each other. We get mad. We argue. But we don’t yell.

  68. He has no defense. He could have not done it especially when he saw how distraught you were. Honestly, get a lawyer

  69. Well for one fantasies and wanting something are two very different things.

    Second of all, you've mentioned MULTIPLE TIMES you are uncomfortable with their comments, wandering hands and just every thing else.

    Her reaction of “you fantasize so you want it” is manipulation. That's not how the world works. If she cared for your feelings she'd at least listen to your concerns and not brush them off so easily.

    She doesn't seem to care much.. She knows it's making you uncomfortable and yet she actively participated in their little things..

    Would you consider it cheating if she did kiss them for example?

  70. No one else is picking up on this – but – at 6 months post partum, sex should not be painful, at least not from giving birth. And this is an abnormally long time for a husband to wait for sex.

    I'm just saying this is no picnic for the husband either – it's okay to break up if that's what you have to do, but get some clarity on the sex thing. Maybe visit your doctor about it?

  71. You need to put your foot down about the medication AND therapy. If he refuses, you need to leave, with your daughters. Staying in that environment is traumatic for you and them. Kids need to be able to play, learn to do things that might be messy like cook and craft, and have fun. They need to see a stable home. Yes, OCD is a mental illness, but it’s his to deal with. You can’t subject yourself or THEM to his untreated mental illness all the time. It’s not fair to any of you. They don’t need to grow up living in a sterile environment or seeing their parents fight like that. And none of you deserve to be abused because he won’t accept treatment.

  72. Yeah, don't marry her. Her “friends” will have sex with her, because that's just how they are. Run OP.

  73. you making excuses for her, like bro, she cheated because she wanted to and she told you because maybe she felt bad about it, but what does it change? nothing! in the moment she decided to fuck another person and that's what matters. sounds like you just don't want to accept the truth, that's just sad…

  74. In 20 years you will be changing his diapers and driving him to chemo visits. You’ll easily be a widow in your 40s or 50s.

    For some relationships that’s worth it, because there’s real love. But I don’t see love here, not from his side at least.

  75. Your boyfriend is a sex criminal. Why would you want to stay with him and move on with him? This is a talk to a lawyer and call the police issue, not a relationship that can or should be fixed issue. You're massively under reacting.

  76. We’re also only hearing OP’s side so we don’t know anything about the sister and that she’s the sole problem. OP cutting off her sister and not wanting to be involved in anything the sister is apart of, like family holidays and events, puts the parents in a tough spot and it makes them feel like they have to choose. So they are opting to choose neither. Actions have consequences and this is the consequence of OP’s actions.

  77. My boyfriend doesn't have social media, he is very introverted and doesn't really know how to use the internet despite being 30. His emoji usage when texting feels a little like my mothers.

    If someone seemed up to date on internet culture and was very social but said they didn't have social media they would be more suspicious.

    Not having social media isn't a red flag, lying about having social media is definitely a red flag.

  78. If any of this post is true, I think you need to look at her post history. Context is key, this is a man that almost left because she brought an office chair in the house and he thinks she may have gotten raped on it. So it hurts HIM to have the chair in the house. Also 18 days ago fiancé was 3 years younger and just a BF.

  79. Shallow is needing to consume every moment of your partner's time without caring that they need some alone time.

    Shallow is prioritizing being a power couple over being a loving and caring partner. And prioritizing your every whim and your desire for fun solo vacations one quarter of the weekends in every calendar year for the rest of your lives more than you care about your boyfriend's very reasonable feelings in this situation.

    Bottom line, you're incompatible. Just break up if your solo time is this important to you because even your huge (to you) compromises are clearly below the bare minimum of what will make him happy. I'm sure you'll find another man to be a “power couple” with who doesn't mind being alone for 1/4 of his weekends for the rest of his life. This man is not it.

  80. Honestly it’s a little gross of you to be willing to sleep in that bed knowing his grossness that lives in there…

    Have some self respect!! Tell him to clean himself, relocate your sleeping arrangements, or leave altogether! This would be such a deal breaker for me, ICK

  81. I'd be petty and make a factual observation about his dick. Maybe then he'd get it. Even if it's magnificent, I'd come up with something…

  82. My friend just went through something similar with her ex. I told her to get a restraining order. Please don’t contact him and I’m sorry you went through this.

  83. I have two coworkers with diabetes (both are type 2 and have been diagnosed while working there). One is also raising her grandkids. They both on-line completely normal lives, they just have to watch what they eat and take medicine and check their blood sugar. How much help is your girlfriend expecting?

  84. It's not normal to argue that often. It's a sign of incompatibility. You have to ask yourself if this is how you want the rest of your life to be. Monthly arguments? No thanks.

    Also, all household jobs are the responsibility of both people in a fair relationship. Supposed to be a team.

  85. It's not normal to argue that often. It's a sign of incompatibility. You have to ask yourself if this is how you want the rest of your life to be. Monthly arguments? No thanks.

    Also, all household jobs are the responsibility of both people in a fair relationship. Supposed to be a team.

  86. Sunglasses are a dead giveaway that you have a black eye. You can try to minimize the bruising with make-up but it won't hide it completely. Opt for the truth with her parents. No one else in the restaurant matters.

  87. Yep you made your husband cry that's over the top already. Are you always angry while pregnant?..Get something to help calm you down…like listening to soothing music, meditate?. ..whatever suits you.

    And also careful.not to neglect or be too horrible on your husband…most men cheats when their wife is pregnant.

  88. Our busy lives does make it a struggle for both of us for sure. She does get overwhelmed occasionally as well.

    100% re communication skills. Has always been a struggle to express how I feel.

    Yeah I get it RE reddit, but just writing this has helped. Good to get it out I guess. Yeah have tried therapy and should probably get back into it

    Not ignoring, I said caring for the fam and looking after us.

  89. Yes. He dismisses it and tells me she just “talks shit” and doesn't think about what he's saying sometimes.

  90. I'm just wondering why you jump right to “she's already moved on mentally” when as far as I can tell from OP's post, he never asked her if anything was wrong or why she was withdrawing from the relationship.

  91. she plain refuses communication. she have anger issue. and she put herself i unsavory position with friends and strangers. these are very bad foundations for a relationship.

    either she is suicidal, abuse victim or manipulative. i see you be the bad guy in one of her futur drama.

    since your relationship is essentially virtual, cutting it should not be that difficult.

  92. I agree it’s not that complicated in a 6 month relationship. Plus “things have been rocky lately” and now this? Dude, just end it. This is why relationships are tryouts for marriage.

  93. I didn’t realise you’d already tried. Don’t stress yourself out about it OP. Friendship is five and take, not take take take. You’ve had a time of it by the sounds of it too. If you’ve already given him that opportunity and he’s not listened, then there’s not much else you can do ??‍♀️ sorry OP. Just know you’ve tried and he’s not listened.

  94. You chose to forgive because you don’t think you can do any better than a cheating slag. But you can.


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