Oliver_and_Thomas the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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Oliver_and_Thomas, 20 y.o.


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26 thoughts on “Oliver_and_Thomas the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. You understand that he would have been arrested in Germany for this right?

    I'm from one of the countries the Nazi's occupied, my great grandmother was in the resistance and was arrested for aiding Jews in Amsterdam. There is no logical reason for anyone to excuse ANY part of the german occupation, let alone the deportation, mass genocide and experiments on Jews, Romas, disabled people, homeless people and all the other minority group that did not for the Arien standard of light hair light eyes.

    If you disagree with that, and believe there is something to excuse, I invite you to visit my bombed city, any concentration camp or place where you can get smacked in the face with reality.

    Your boyfriend is a nazi, with all the sexist/racist/xenophobia/etc biased arguments to back it up. Break up. Find someone who offers basic respect to their fellow humans.

  2. It's not up to your sister to out her partner to you. It's up to the partner, which she did in a private and easy way, and you bungled it up

  3. Thanks mate I really appreciate your reply. However I don't think she is trying to cheat, instead she just don't want to give up that part of her freedom and fun. In my eyes that seems like she values more those things then a committed relationship and what she gets out of it. Which is fine if that is what she wants, its just not what I want from my partner.

  4. I mean … did you go somewhere? It's odd that you immediately knew that google maps told on you …. how did it say you went somewhere if you didn't?

    IDK – I would be sus too.

  5. Don’t tell him you don’t want to talk because he is boring. Say you are busy and need to focus on that so can’t be texting all the time.

  6. OP this is a complicated issue and I feel like you’ve likely left out a lot of details from your post.

    For instance: How is her relationship with her stepmother? Where is her mother now? Was she fine with living in your home with your wife until the kids were born? Why wasn’t she invited on the Disney trip? Does her resentment really have to do with the kids or is it her reaction to just how differently she sees them treated versus how she was treated?

    She didn’t ask to be born to teenage parents – and it sounds like you are likely minimizing a lot of the hurt that she has from her childhood. She has probably felt unwanted for a lot of her life.

    Also, to the people saying “She’s 25!! She’s so entitled!!” Yes, she’s 25, and yes she’s acting really entitled. But at the same time, I think her actions are not a reflection of just wanting her father to pay for everything, but because she feels like she’s been neglected her entire life and is now finding more ways in which he continues to let her down in adulthood.

  7. No, cause she can freely leave to pursue what she thinks will make her happy… she's trying to drag this guy along kicking and screaming…. we circle back to consent… she can't force him into it, and she doesn't have to stay… her catch 22 is just not doing what she wants or losing her bf. His is being left unless he does something he's not remotely comfortable doing even after multiple conversations about it. Similar im only that its an impass, thats all

  8. Dudes think we don’t like being called cRaZy CaT lAdY. But the truth is, it’s A LOT more peaceful having kitties around than a dude like your boyfriend LMAO

  9. No. It’s not.

    First of all, he lied to your for 6 months. Until his divorce with his finalizes, he can continue to drag his feet and lie to you about it.

    Secondly, you’re his AP. He’s jumping one relationship to another right away. You may be his rebound (especially since you’re so young).

    Thirdly… look at all his friends and family. They know about your existence and yet they still support him (not his relationship). There will always be the question in the back of your mind if one day he cheats on you then who will tell you the truth. Certainly not his friends or family.

  10. Less than two months. It is short. But he said how we met was destiny and he would not be able to go back alone to where we met anymore…

  11. and that's NOT a good look from him.

    he knew your family history, I'm assuming? Did he think that it would suddenly change if you got married?

    you guys should seek counselling BEFORE you get married – because if he resents you NOW, it won't get better once married.

  12. If he really wanted you there, you would have been there. He’s ashamed. Girl, block, delete and move on.

  13. by dumping her, fixing people is either difficult or impossible and regardless is WAY above your paygrade.

  14. Your options are either marry her and get free college or free yourself from your dads commands and pay for college yourself.

  15. It's a new relationship. He's not your bf anymore. No one who cares for someone disappears for a week. He didn't really love you.

    Time to move on. No need to contact him.

  16. I think I'd pay attention. Take note of any other suspicious behavior. Is she cancelling plans? Is she protective of her phone when you're around? If you asked her to see her phone for some innocent reason, like asking to see a picture, does she hesitate or say no? Is she constantly on her phone texting when you're together? Does she go to another room to take phone calls? Things like that.

  17. I don’t think it’s selfish to want to do the things you want to do whether that’s a hobby, travel, seeing friends, etc when you’re in a relationship.

    When there’s a significant financial disparity though, I think it’s more common for the person making more to cover more of the fun stuff.

    I make a lot more than my partner and I pay for big things like vacay. But I also travel solo or with friends at times. My partner can’t afford to take as much time off as me and there are some things I like to do that aren’t exactly his thing.

    I dunno. I’m sure answers will be all over the place. But in summary, it depends. If it’s a trip I know we’d like to do together for sure, I pay for it. And if it’s something that’s just for me, I do it.

  18. A lot of people try to use alcohol to self-medicate for anxiety, and it typically doesn't end well.

    Unfortunately it sounds like you have similar psychological weaknesses in the relationship, and he manages his worse.

    You only provided a tiny amount of information in your post, but I'd hope that a 29 year old would have figured out by now they're better off not drinking if it is causing strain on their partner and their relationship.

  19. If you have some money, maybe consider cooking blankets, pillows, even sheets. And when you’re ready to upgrade your mattress get one that helps keep you from overheating. Trust me, it’s a lifesaver!

  20. Bad news brother.

    No amount of evidence will fix any of this. None of it will make you feel better if you confront her with it.

    You’ve got some ideas in your mind of showing her how clever you are, or getting back at her but listen to me carefully: your revenge fantasies will not play out how you imagine. You are only going to be left deflated or angry. There will be no closure here.

    She will just spin everything to not be her fault, no matter how insane and crazy it sounds she won’t care. She’ll stick to it. If by some miracle you do get them, any apologies you do get will be for getting caught, not doing it. It will be hollow. If she really cared she would have immediately come to you after the first time it happened. She doesn’t care, and she won’t care about any proof you have of anything.

    Do you really, truly want to get even? The answer is tough but simple. While she’s gone take everything of yours and leave for good. Say nothing. Never answer a phone call or a text. If she tracks you down act like you can’t even see her. Don’t acknowledge her existence at all. NEVER let her know you found out. Just leave.

    That is the only way you will get back at her. The frustration of not knowing why you left will eat at her the rest of her life. Was it because you found out? Because you were done with her? Were you cheating and left her for someone else?

    The ambiguity of the end of the relationship will never leave her. If she knows why then she can continue to spin the events in her head to make her the good guy and not so bad. If she has no answers then it’s nearly impossible to do it. There’s a chance that she will justify her actions by saying “see he left I wasn’t wrong for doing anything”, but she will still never know why. More importantly, if you do things this way then you will never care how she deals with it.

    In short, you need to stop caring about getting back at her. You need to move on. Just ghost the shit out of her and find purpose in your life, because she’s not it.

  21. I mean you’re free to do any drugs you want, but she is also free to dislike it and not want to be with someone who does drugs.

    Also, just some advice but I would not try it for a first time with someone present who clearly dislikes it. She won’t enjoy the experience and her negativity will likely affect your experience in a bad way. You’ll be excited and want to share what’s happening to you and she’ll probably just get annoyed at your antics.


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