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9 thoughts on “MiyaShakee live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Hey thanks a lot for your insight. From what I know of the friends gf's they seem extroverted and their jobs don't go beyond 9-5. For myself, I work after 5 and on weekends so its hot to find time for myself. This was something my bf was understanding of at the outset of our relationship but i'm now wondering if that was moreso in theory and less so in practice?

    Thanks a lot for the advice will have a convo with him

  2. “Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which the abuser attempts to sow self-doubt or confusion in their victim's mind”

    Did you even bother looking up the definition?

    He attempting to gaslight her by making her feel like his cheating is her fault. He’s also attempting to gaslight her when he says “everyone gets cheated on” He is attempting to make her feel as though 1)this is her fault 2)this is normal.

    You have been in these comments for literally 6 hours dick riding this dude and implying that he’s not gaslighting her, or that he’s cheating because of her.

    You need to either get a life and away from this comment section, or go find OPs boyfriend so you can suck his dick yourself. Seriously you’ve been downvoted to oblivion on every comment here and yet you are still here defending him.

  3. Hello /u/peaches2593,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  4. Wow, with friends like this… no need for enemies right!! Good thing you and your partner have a very solid, trusting relationship, and spend a lot of time together… can you imagine the destruction that this could cause if you traveled a lot for work, or if there were already some trust issues. How can someone think that messing with someone this way is a funny prank?

    At first I was thinking that your friend was just being manipulated by his fiancé who is clearly emotionally abusive and trying to get with his friends right in front of his face. However, the fact that he tried really hot to get you alone for a “guy's night” on the same night that the “cheating” was to occur, that tells us that he was likely in on the plan. Even if this was not the case and his fiancé was trying to press him into a guy's night, at some point after hearing of her antics he had to have figured out he was being manipulated into getting you away from your wife for an evening. And instead of being angry with her and profusely apologizing to you, he ghosts you. Some friend. I think you need to unfortunately cut your losses with your friend. He clearly chose his unhinged fiancé over his long-term best friend. As for whether or not you should press charges. She'd certainly deserve it and having real consequences might make her think twice about messing with you, or anyone else, again. Of course, if you'd rather just wash your hands of them and move on away from the drama without pressing charges, I wouldn't blame you. They sound annoying and exhausting to deal with.

  5. You’re getting played like a fiddle stick by a young smart woman with a lot of medical student dept do yourself a favor dude

  6. I’ve already said I’m going to end it with him. I’ve moved back home with her. I don’t know if it’s manipulation, but she told someone else before she told me and they told me.. but it all seems to be cantered around that guy, because she can’t be happy if I’m with him or something

  7. Time to speak to a doctor OP. Having thoughts of ‘ending it’ is not good, and getting help is the best thing for you. You said he left after a major life event. He might be struggling too, but you need to respect his decision for now and try your best to get some help.


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