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Martha, 19 y.o.


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64 thoughts on “Martha the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Your boyfriend is a piece of shit If you stay he’s going to seriously mess you up. It’s worrying that you are beginning to feel shame. There’s nothing for you to be ashamed about. He’s going to abuse you.

  2. There’s nothing wrong with him having a problem with your body count and there’s nothing wrong with your body count. That’s his thing tho. Why you still with him? Really tho. Why?

  3. Hello /u/MavarickUK,

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  4. You shouldn’t stay with your husband for your baby. I get you had a bad experience with your stepdad, but just like you sensed your stepdad didn’t love you like he did his bio kids, your child will see the strain in your relationship with your husband and it will negatively affect them.

    What your hushed did to you DH the reasoning behind it was unforgivable. He took a lying cheating virtual stranger who had no proof’s word over yours, his pregnant wife. You can’t come back from that.

    Don’t stay with this man. It’s not worth the lifetime of misery that you’ll have if you stay. If you can’t leave for you, leave for your baby.

  5. My dad enabled it because it was the path of least resistance. He would brag, “well I’m Catholic we don’t get divorced, I toughed it out for years,” like hating and suffering through the presence of his wife was a badge of honor. There was zero love between them when I left. I think the sadder part is it took my brother and I years to realize this wasn’t how “healthy” relationships work. I have such a strong memory of going to a friend’s house for dinner and waiting for their mom to freak out and go off on a rant against any of them. She was lovely and interested in her kids’ and my life and that blew my mind.

    I don’t know your marriage, but I know my childhood. Your kids will absorb and internalize so much more than you realize. If you think your marriage is salvageable to the point she can be a supportive parental figure, that’s fantastic but if she can’t, know there’s a lot of potential for damage. Also know, that the years of fighting and abuse twisted my dad into an unstable person as well, and that there will be a toll on the person you become as you get older when you on-line in a household full of verbal assault and yelling for years.

  6. I’ve been with my SO since March but we’ve no plans on moving in together anytime soon. I actually just resigned a lease at my current place until May 2024, so probably not until after that. But I’d say a good 1-2 year timeframe should give you plenty of time to decide if moving in with each other is something you’d like to do.

  7. I think it's odd. I had an ex spring poly/open life style on me and kind of force me to agree. But I was allowed do what with who ever though she already crossed that line by already sleeping with some else which was cheating this reminds me of that just more straight to the point and it's about control. They want it how they want it comply or by. So in my situation it was good bye and she went off with other dudes or people she had lined up I was told you dont control me I do what with my body. I wanted monogamy so I had no choice comply or get hella out hurt 6yrs down the drain. This dude is literally like no I want it this way same thing but only difference everyone knows everyone is ploy/open. But he commanding versus pulling a fast one like my ex did. Regardless this is boundaries issue and need real conversation or it not gonna go well. I not into this life style but I get what goes on different strokes for different folks.

  8. Frankly she seem more focuse om getting him to spend resources on her, which he already does, then getting loved. If love was her main concern that would be totally different.

  9. Requesting work phones is completely ridiculous. Yes it's morally not the best to go after someone in a relationship but really it's on the person in the relationship to deny/ resist – which he did at seemingly every corner. And if anything you've driven him to her with your constant harassment.

  10. Lots of advice telling you to leave, but not a lot giving you advice on how. Because you still have a deep love of this individual, I don’t think it is best for you to just up and disappear/ go no contact. So, I would suggest: 1. Find somewhere safe you can stay awhile. 2. Find a good divorce lawyer. 3. Pack a bag. 4. Leave.

    When you are ready, find an appropriate time and ask to speak to your partner. Sit them down and explain that you love them and support this transition they’re going through, but no longer want to be in a relationship with them. Explain that you want to be friends but understand they may need time/may not want that at all. Tell them you have a lawyer and that they should reach out when they’re ready to discuss divorce. Leave. Call 911 and report a potential suicide and that they need to do a wellness check.

    Alternatively, you can go for a drive, make your speech, and take your partner to a hospital emergency room. Tell them they have threatened suicide, and that they are a danger to themselves and you.

    Best of luck.

  11. Goodness me, this is deranged. There's an ocean between a married couple not having sex – and him demanding that she fulfil every sexual want. She's clearly not happy so should leave.

  12. I was friends with a couple that did that sort of thing. They had this group they'd meet with every two months, who also used to do a potluck buffet in conjunction with it.

    But over time, the potluck just kinda edged out the orgy. Soon, it was mostly about meeting up, trying to impress people with your dishes, exchanging recipes, and maybe watching someone giving their partner a blowjob during the after dinner coffee and brandy.

  13. Is there a pattern of rejection? Are you not attracted to your wife anymore after she had the kid. Are you the kind of person who needs to wind down before you get revved up? Is your wife a SAHM?

    I see communication issues here and you both need to get on the same page.

    I get both sides.

  14. I appreciate that and I'm taking everything into mind now as i think I'm so deep into him i neglected everything everyone has said to me…

  15. There is massive loss all around us. I know of people personally who died during the pandemic from Covid. I have seen the impact of loss from early death due to diseases and accidents. We have to understand that this is part of living.

    She is going to be going through a lonely phase due to this and the fact that it’s not easy to meet people in general anyway who will stick with you into old age.

  16. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    My GF of 4 years and I got into a fight on New years eve, in which she called the police and I was arrested. I was released on bail January 1st with a strict no contact order, only on my side, no calls, texts, social media, letters, 3rd party phone calls. So I abided by it, in the mean time she has been calling me, texting me, calling my best friend about me, trying to get in contact with me by any means. I have ignored everything from her and now she angry and wants to break up, whereas if I would've seen her she wouldn't have texted that. I legally can't reach out to her without potentially losing everything, my job, kids, freedom. When she called my best friend then he called me, I told him the only way I would talk to her was if she went to the court house and asked to drop the no contact order, he gave her that information and said no. However has since been trying to get in contact me. Which sounds like a set up in my opinion, I don't think she would do that to me, however we've been in worse arguments and neither one of us has ever called the police and had the other arrested so now I don't trust the situation until its resolved. The hearing is this Monday, in which she said she's not going to show up, so the charges should be dropped, however she's worried that the case will be rescheduled for another 2 weeks, if it is I don't plan on communicating with her, however I don't want to lose her and not talking to her for a month I just might. What should I do?

    Edit: We on-line together now, we both owned houses before we met, we both sold them and built a house together 4 months ago. She has two children that are not mine and I have two children that are not hers. So it's more difficult than just never seeing her again.

  17. You move on by reading he cares more about an iPad and some electronics than people. You want kids with that guy? Imagining is Enough to help the heart a bit.

  18. Just like every other post lmao, your husband who is 20 years older than you treats you like shit and isolates you from your family. It’s like a broken record at this point, just divorce the toxic asshole and move on.

  19. You don't even have to take it like that! Its within (iirc) 3 days of unprotected sex, so at most every 3 days, and I don't know for sure but I would think it unlikely you would get pregmant the day after taking it. Plus, last I checked it was like $35 or $40 per pill!!

  20. I mean I don’t really know what to tell you I mean I would say show her this post then make a decision because you expressed her that you upset you had to comfort her when she was then who brought it up and made you feel like shit. Tbh their not really any advice someone can give on this beside either talk through this and make sure you tell her everything or you break up and move on

  21. No worries. Things like this can really dent your confidence but what happened was all on him, not on you. Try to trust yourself instead of second guessing. Take care.

  22. That’s all I do. Obviously I’m not catering to my own love languages if I’ve barely touched her in 5 months. I go to work, come home, give her free time, do household chores, then go back to work, come home do more chores, sleep, and repeat.

  23. You’ve only been dating a couple of months. Way to early to think about this. Start thinking about it in two years.

  24. I mean he showed me some texts. He really did leave her, but that’s why I think it’s so odd. I’m wondering if he’s okay with this, that he’s okay with cheating too.

  25. Regardless of the basis in which you got pregnant you have to think the of the logistics of raising a child and also prepare for the possibilty you may have to do it alone if the relationship doesn't work out.

    If you decide to keep the baby you don't have long to establish a whole new dynamic with your fwb in terms of having a more personal connection beyond sex and acting as a couple.

    And once the baby is born you are tested beyond your limits for various reasons that can even destroy the strongest of relationships and marriages let alone one that is based on just having a baby together. A way to look at it is this: if you didn't fall pregnant would you if ended up being together anyway?

    And there's the practicalities such as the financial and living situation, maternity/paternity leave, and childcare when baby is older depending on who will be the main earner etc. As a parent myself i can assure you it is a huge struggle at times with a lot challenges, sacrifices and limitations but motherhood is also very rewarding and the best experience of your life!

    Just make sure you make an informed decision based on all factors and of course you can take on board what your fwb wants but ultimately this is your decision and it will be you the most affected in the scenario rather than him.

  26. DO NOT HAVE SEX WITH THIS WOMAN. These are all the red flag of someone trying to baby trap you. She isn't seeing you as a person but rather a lifeline.

  27. Which are perfectly reasonable reasons to look elsewhere for a bf. Is he willing to go low or no contact with them.

  28. It takes way more than being religious to falsely accuse someone of rape. There's some serious crazy energy going on here.

  29. Oh Sweetie. You are so, so naive.

    It's not you. It's him. Very much it is him. It is not that he doesn't want you, it's that he doesn't want women.

    To make it plain, the most obvious and simple answer is usually the answer.

    If I were you – have your marriage annulled. If it has not been 'consummated', you can get out of it without as much pain as an actual divorce.

    Get your act together, separate your finances as best you can, talk to a divorce attorney.

  30. Breaks are just dragging out the inevitable break up.

    I personally wouldn't accept a “break” but would see it as an indication of the start of the end and personally would simply end the relationship myself and walk away.

    It seems you don't want to be in the relationship, so end it. It doesn't take two people to end a relationship.

    It's also not fair to keep someone hanging for 5 months while you decide IF you even want to continue the relationship.

  31. Mind your business.

    She's your coworker. Not your friend.

    You need to learn boundaries with the people you work with.

    Everyone has problems. You're there to get money to on-line.

    Not hear about her problems. Not to gift money. And not to potentially be reported for creepy behavior.

    So if you have to ask if she would interpret it as creepy, then you're not good enough “friends” for her not to..

    Which is why you should mind your own business.

  32. If you actually wanted marriage and couldn't see your future without this woman, you'd probably propose. I don't think either of those things apply here.

    I think you need to be honest with this woman about how you feel regarding marriage. It's not something that should be taken lightly. Legally binding yourself should only be done when you're certain about it.

  33. He's made it clear he won't change. You can always have a baby another time with a partner who wants a family with you. You're so young. No harm in waiting.

  34. Consult her for what exactly? It's his money, his income, his choice. And remember if you are not married you are single

  35. Red flags allll over.

    You’ve known this person for 90 days- are you really willing to commit to spending the next 20-30 years begging him to spend more time with you, fighting over money, not getting any gifts on holidays?

  36. If you posted nudes would you want people to like them? Would you only want people who were single to like them or would you want anyone to be able to appreciate them?

  37. I’m not trying to sound mean here but it’s the truth, I didn’t even read probably half of that because the lack of self-respect you have was too much.

    Leave her alone, dude. She’s using you.

  38. Step 1:

    – Dump him

    Step 2:

    – Go to the gym and get on a solid workout plan.

    Step 3:

    Get the kind of body that can work in a lingerie by following step 2.

    Step 4:

    – When realises his mistake he can flick through your Instagram crying his eyes out with his angry boner in the dark.

  39. dude I am surprised this is the first comment mentioning this. He is 30, she is 21, and they’ve known each other “for a while” ? So did they become close friends when she was 18 and he was 27? Or earlier? because that is just so weird.

  40. Thank you for telling me about your experience with this.

    I wanted to ask you if you have the slightest clue why he is insistent on co-authoring with undergrads (From my knowledge, he has published them before in peer-reviewed journals. He is working with two third year undergrads now besides me. One of which is actually male and I have spoken to. The other student also has nothing bad to say about him.) Could it be the because its a humanities field? Maybe it’s different than STEM.

    I’m trying to navigate all the politics of academia but there’s so much I don’t know.

  41. And then when he complains:

    Op: What?! They didnt let you in? And OMG YOU GOT DRAGGED OUT. IN A CLOWN SUIT?! omfg THAT IS SO FUNNY. Im dying. I thought they were kidding when they (the venue) said black tie only or no entry. You are a hoot, BIL. Best stunt ever.

  42. It sounds like you are a place holder. The breakup for a year didn't work out like he hoped so he came running back to you.

  43. Don't fight with your wife.

    Tell betty and amanda to kindly f off because you did as much for them in that situation as anyone could have done.

    Tell you wife, I'm sorry. Genuinely and sincerely.

    Go back to therapy because the agreement you had about time doesn't work for emergencies.

    If Tiffany is okay with it you should both have a: “in a crisis priority goes to” list.

    I e. Imagine for some reason everyone but you gets into a car crash, who do you go to.

    Talk it through and agree on it FOR BOTH OF YOU.

    This should include things like:

    Does amanda have a stepfather she likes? Then she goes down in your priority because she has someone to rely on your child doesn't… Do you have siblings that like your parents? Then they go down because they also have more people.

    The problem with tour current arrangement is that it doesn't account for extreme cases like this one.

  44. It's difficult to say for sure whether the man was sober or not, as there is no information provided on that front. However, regardless of his level of intoxication, it is important to remember that the responsibility for any sexual encounter lies with both parties to obtain clear and enthusiastic consent. If either party is unable to give consent, whether due to intoxication or any other reason, then any sexual activity that occurs is considered non-consensual and can be considered sexual assault.

  45. You and your fiance need to circle the wagons immediately. Planning for a wedding, which is really just the start of your life together, should not be causing anyone to fall into depression! This needs to stop now.

    Immediately address all family members and tell them that starting immediately, no family members will have input or be given information on the wedding plans. You'll let them know when and where to show up and that's it.

    Also make it clear that any unhelpful or mean comments will be interpreted as said people not being supportive of your marriage and those people will not be invited.

    Quite frankly, if I were you guys, I'd elope. The marriage matters, not the wedding.

  46. She is sharing for support from her “friends”. You obviously aren't one. She was telling you about a tough time and all you are thinking about is how to get what you want. No one deserves a bf or friend that is so self centered and only thinks with their dick. You are a creepy oppertunist.

  47. What is your issue here? Are you afraid he will run off with some famous singer, or do you think it’s your place to wag your finger at how someone else chooses to dress? People have bodies. If this is upsetting you I can’t imagine what would happen if you both went to a museum.

  48. Lol. I work tangentially in commercial real estate, primarily as a triple net lease and REIT analyst. If you’re coming at me with the “honor” you’ve learned from working in real estate, then I finally understand why you’re so off course.


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