Jenna-Neill live! sex chats for YOU!

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14 thoughts on “Jenna-Neill live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Why are you letting him ruin your son's self-esteem and give him trauma that will follow him for the rest of his life??????

    Leave. Your. Husband. Put your kids first.

  2. Whatever you do, dump the boyfriend. He is not good for you. With that out of the way, you can concentrate on what really matters, what is the best thing for you. Think about it long and hot. Whatever you are going to need a plan about money and the people you can count on. Best of luck OP.

  3. If you allow this to continue, your daughter will reach adulthood and treat you in kind by cutting off contact with you. She is your child and you put her first. Period. Your wife was aware of this from the start, it’s just that she is finally letting the mask slip. Now you are seeing how she really feels and how she will treat your daughter from here on.

  4. He's called you name during sex? They were BATHING TOGETHER AT 14 AND 18????? Their relationship sure as hell ain't normal.

  5. This 100% you can't build a relationship on lies, that shit comes out eventually. It was you or someone else, that might have painted a much darker picture. Imagine if someone told him around his wedding day.

  6. Can I just say, you are an incredible writer, you could maybe make some books! I really love reading the word you write and the way you place them which might be because of your OCD, I am so sorry you suffer with this, I have diagnosed OCD too and it sometimes makes it hot for me to move because I'm scared of movements making my fears and blah blah blah. But if we can put that aside we can use our creativity to write beautiful things for people to find beauty in, and I think you have that, please always know that your beautiful

  7. she doesn't need a reason for not wanting kids, but she does need a reason for wanting to stop having sex in a years long relationship. without the childhood trauma part it seems like a bit of an overreaction

  8. Im really sorry that it happened to you. Maybe its a good thing your family isn't talking to you. Like they're supposed to be your support system but rn they're adding on to your stress. Let them kick rocks.

  9. That is a major possibility. I'm going to have to talk this out with her, hopefully today.

    Hi OP,

    I am a single father to a 6 year old (majority of parenting time 4-5 days a week normally), and my partner never wanted children and will not ever have any of her own.

    I already had my daughter when my partner and I started dating, and I made it clear that while I would never expect her to be responsible for watching or caring for my daughter, that she would still have to deal with me being responsible for her. It has worked out very well for us, mainly because she is extremely understanding that my daughter has to be my priority, and I hold true to not asking her to be a parent to my daughter.

    If you decide to do this, you need to have everything worked out, and planned out for childcare and knowing how to completely care for your daughter without your wife's help, especially considering that she may 100% leave you over this.

    You really need to consider whether or not you could actually support a child right now, a 6 year old is old enough to understand that you're a complete stranger to her, and because of the fact that it sounds like she may have had an unstable living situation as a child she may act out a lot for a while.

    You'll also have to work at making sure your space is childproofed, and you'll have to clean a lot more than you currently do right now, also a 6 year old may require separate meals depending on what your diet currently consists of, their taste buds are more sensitive to bitter, and savory flavors.

    Also, you don't mention your income, a 6 year old is likely in school, so if you work a regular hours you may only have to pay for an afterschool program, but that can still be $40-$100 per day.

  10. I don’t think that’s cultural then. Sounds like more like a long time incorrect preconceived notion.

    I do think you should make sure he’s putting in effort as well, but if we’re just focusing on this one situation alone, you should go.

  11. damn that’s extremely unattractive ngl – can’t figure out a way to not give it to someone or save it?


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