Katy__Alive sex stripping with LIVE Cams

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Room for on-line sex video chat Katy__A

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Birth Date: 1994-05-24

Body Type: bodyTypeAverage

Ethnicity: ethnicityLatino

Hair color: hairColorColorful

Eyes color: eyeColorGreen

Subculture: subcultureStudent

48 thoughts on “Katy__Alive sex stripping with LIVE Cams

  1. If they initiated the break up, don’t let them play games with your head. I’d suggest ignoring the texts if they come in again.

  2. To be honest I'm not much of a car enthusiast.

    Well then doesn't that explain why you don't have a fancy car more than general frugality?

    If you don't have the car lust then it's pointless, just drive a civic or something.

  3. Wont allow…..?? Wont…… ALLOW?!!!!!!

    HOW COULD a vibrator replace him, he aint there in the first place! Hes hundreds of miles away. Just stop asking his permission. Never mention this again and do your own thing. He is lucky youre not using an actual man.

    I missed the part where suddenly you start answering to him about your orgasms. He will have plenty more fiats for you in the future, this is just the beginning. Ridiculousness!!!

  4. You are the only person who can choose when you start deciding to move on rather than continue feeling how you are. No required time to decide here. Good luck.

  5. You think he actually gives af about you? He's obviously narcissistic and gaslights you. Read what you just wrote like your friend just told you this. What advice would you give them? You'd probably day they need to just leave. So… just leave.

  6. Honestly? Look at your relationship and see if this is something you will ever look past. Cheating is a hot no for some, while others can work past it. It all depends on you.

    And the fact that he was dramatic to the point to lock himself in a chastity cage tells me he doesn’t have much self control. Reevaluate yourself and see if that’s something you want in your life.

  7. I didnt say it was always abusive, just that people that have BDSM kinks are not mentally well in the BEST case.

    Basically I am saying that if you enjoy BDSM, either dom OR sub, then you are performing mental gymnastics to avoid admitting your mental health and/or self esteem is questionable.

  8. Yes so many men are like this and it’s not okay. It’s not something you can change in a man neither should you have to. Don’t put up with it. Doesn’t matter how much you think you love him. You deserve a better partner. I have a partner who will who enjoys my pleasure and will make me orgasm 4 times in one session. Men/Women like that is out there.

  9. Have you ever read the book “He's Just Not That Into You?” It's a tad outdated in parts but the core message is a classic one: you will KNOW when a guy is interested in you. There will be no guessing game. Guessing game means one of two things: not interested, or incredibly immature. Best to move on.

  10. Absolutely not. Strip clubs are a hot and fast boundary for me. Thats something you need to discuss with him. It sounds like you need to talk about what each if you is comfortable with and what the boundaries of what is and isnt ok in your relationship are.

  11. Thanks for being so nice… like I said I don’t care for the masturbation part. I think you need to understand I know he didn’t cheat on me It just feels like it. He willingly agreed to the boundary and then lied to me for so many years.

  12. Religious backgrounds and belief have a habit of rearing their head at odd times. It is not uncommon that someone enters a non-marital sexual relationship and is fine for a while, and then when it begins to escalate or goes on for a while they realize their deep views on sex still matter to them. So the fact that she wants to go sexless until marriage after boinking is not uncommon, it's actually common. It can be frustrating, but common.

    Two big red flags. First, she feels hesitant about marrying you now. Either she is wanting you guys to connect at a deeper level and she is inviting you to romance her, or she is starting to drift away and didn't verbalize it.

    BUT THEN SHE SAYS YOU CAN HAVE FWB OR PAID SEX! WTF? That is the huge red flag. That does not sound like it is coming from a religious person. It feels like she is cutting you loose and has little investment in the relationship.

    The fact that is came soon after buying an apartment may be coincidental. It sucks, but may be irrelevant.

  13. It’s really not. But he has you stuck in a cycle of mental anguish where you are constantly thinking you are terrible. Constantly trying to validate if you really are rude or not listening. It’s all by design. Stop overthinking ALLLL of this. It’s ABUSE. He’s now shown you who he truly is. LEAVE NOW.

  14. My wife was like this when we first got together. She wanted us to sleep in the same bed together, but she would huff and puff and grunt and make faces anytime I moved or made a sound.

    I solved the problem by putting a twin bed in the spare room. The moment my wife starts getting huffy and agitated, I grab my pillows and move to the spare bed. I'm not mean about it- I will tell her very sweetly that I don't want to keep her from her sleep. But I'm firm about it- Once she starts huffing, I'm gone for the night. Nothing she says will get me to change my mind.

    My wife has learned that she has to tolerate a little noise and movement if she wants me to share a bed with her. She's also learned that it's okay to occasionally sleep in separate beds.

    I'd suggest you do the same thing, but with the sofa. Make it clear that you're not mad. You just want everyone to have a peaceful night of rest.

  15. Good points. To be clear I rarely go for drinks with friends. It’s usually me having a few beers at home to “unwind”. Couple times a week while she does not drink at all. But I know she doesn’t like it, maybe that’s unhealthy but I’m far from a habitual drinker. My hobbies with friends are mostly active sports related things and some poker nights nothing that she cares about. And luckily we have no children in the picture at all, but do have pets I worry about.

  16. A good friend of mine was sith a bloke who wasthe same.

    He told her to never ever look at his facebook etc and naively she didnt.

    So i did. It was mostly private. So then i went and looked at his exes facebook profile (she had said he spent a lot of time with her which was ipsetting her) on his exez profile she had tagged him tslking about him getting out of her shower, others with them having movie days etc.

    It was clear he was still fucking the ex. So i told her everything. She confronted him. Turned out he was. She got outta there.

    Short answer – yes. Huge red flag. This isnt normal.

  17. Looks fade, but to be attracted to a personality over everything else is pretty awesome. Though What he said was not amazing

    Glad y'all are over it

    Will you ever believe him if he tells you you look beautiful etc? Have you discussed that sort of thing?

  18. OP,

    I want to say that a lot of people would never let their spouse sleep with someone else. She was actively courting someone else and you talked to her about it. One reason she might not want a divorce could be that her family and friends might find out so she would rather stay married. That would make you a beard. If she is not or slowing down intimacy's to you, I know you said you love her, but don't marriage and intimacy go hand in hand. Intimacy is just not sexual, it is hugging, kissing, leaning on each other while watching a movie, hand holding etc.

    She might need some counseling, actually both of you, to express her feelings of who she is and what you have proposed. It can actually work, where her friends and family don't find out if that is the issue, but you have to ask yourself, can you really handle it if she cuts you completely out of any type of intimacy?

    I wish you both the best.

  19. 75% chance this is just a fantasy writing prompt since you made sure to tell us how long you fucked her. I'm shocked you didn't describe her body or how many times you made her cum, but whatever.

    Nobody here knows what your dad would do if he found out you were fucking her. Nobody.

  20. Would she agree to use something you’re not allergic to for a couple of weeks just to be sure it IS the shampoo? Could you trust her to do it and not just say she was doing it? If your face clears up and she still won’t make a change, I’d break up with her. It’s pretty terrible that she’s willing to let you suffer like that because she likes her shampoo. She values her hair over your eyes??

  21. It will fizzle out according to him as long as she keeps her boundaries, but yet she works with the dude and that’s where she developed such crush,no out of sight out of mind , she’s engaged she should only have a crush on her fiancé

  22. Im not asking her to engage in my hobbies, i know she's not into it and won't force her hand. But whenever I look at a bike passing by, whenever I accelerate with my car she stonewalls herself and everything.

    The worst is when I put money into it in any way. Since we got together I had been saving for a new motorcycle, it all vanished since we got together, it's mostly my fault but now that I tell her no more vacations or trips for me until I buy my bike she throws tantrums.

  23. His privacy is so important to him that he’s ok to loose you for it.

    It looks like he has something to hide.

  24. There’s no chance he was just drawn to her? You seem to think very little of your friends desirability.

  25. The way people treat their pets and their homes speaks volumes. Give it 6 more months – he'll be treating your relationship just like he treats his dogs and his house: with utter disregard.

  26. You said today was technically his day to do it. But instead he argued, and beat you down emotionally and mentally, to test/push your boundaries, and get you to do what he wants in the end. You shouldnt feel bad and you didnt need to apologize for asserting your boundaries and saying no. Because it wasnt your day to get groceries. He KNOWS you two established a 50/50 responsibility, so he never should’ve argued or complained or anything about having to go get groceries.

  27. It depends where they online… where I online, a 1 bedroom condo costs more than 600k, and a house is no less that 1.5 million.

  28. Actually if you figure in taxes (about $5000/yr for that price point and Toronto area) and homeowners insurance (average $105/mth, I know it’s not required, but it’s smart to have) with a 20 year mortgage of $550,000 at 6% you’re looking at more like $4400/mth for a $850,000 house.

  29. You are self sabotaging by thinking about this so much.

    Anybody who wished you to know, would tell you (a) the name of the partner and/or (b) dates, times or location.

    Otoh, somebody who wanted to giggle about how they made your marriage implode over nothing, would have nothing more to do than create an anonymous Facebook account.

  30. The only people who consider it different are sexist morons which yeah are pretty prevalent on reddit. Those same assholes hold others to a different standard than they do themselves. Either way, his issue doesn't actually seem to be that she has more experience but more the fact that he has none.

  31. In my experience, a partner threatening suicide if you were to break up with them is usually a red flag. My abusive ex would say it frequently, especially when he was having a depressive episode, and it can be used as a manipulation tactic to get someone to stay. It’s also possible that he’s just struggling and some insecurities are bubbling up.

    Either way, it’s not healthy and definitely something you two should sit down and talk about, as well as how he can get the support he needs to start doing a bit better mentally (is he in therapy? has he tried antidepressants? etc)

    If this is someone you wanna marry, being able to sit down and talk through difficult things is important

  32. I’m glad you guys worked it out. I don’t think there was ever a question about her loving you.

    She should probably reconsider her alcohol consumption too.

    Also, remember how you felt when you found out that someone else was intimate with your wife. It didn’t matter that it was a woman – that shit hurt. You might reconsider think a threesome might be something in the future. With your permission doesn’t mean you will be ok with it, or won’t be hurt. And then you need to consider her seeing you with the third party. That can be nasty too.

    Think of it like this. You said you would consider letting her explore that. Ok, but being bi means she is attracted to both genders. That doesn’t mean sleep with them. She isn’t going to let you explore your sexuality just because you’re attracted to women. It’s no different. Attraction is attraction. That doesn’t mean be intimate. Just something to consider.

    It’s also good that she is no longer taking to Amanda. Amanda out a plan in motion and executed. The photos were both for her pleasure and she likely hoped her having photos would make you completely go away. That person is not a good person.

    Lastly, your relationship will probably be much better now because she will be 100% honest and transparent. She doesn’t want you to ever doubt her again.

  33. Are you asking these questions or not? You're acting like you don't know if you are. Also he's too old for you.


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