JessRayy live sex chats for YOU!

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32 thoughts on “JessRayy live sex chats for YOU!

  1. I guess I’m just scared I will not find anyone who I will love as much and will want to spend my life with or I’m scared that no one will be perfect for me or feel as familiar etc..

  2. Oh, I see. You both feel it's the “worst case scenario”? Or you feel like it's the “best case scenario” and he doesn't?

  3. Yes, you can. Just sounds like you're scared of being alone.

    You're not compatible. There's someone out there that already has the same values as you. Don't waste your time trying to force someone to change.

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  6. As far as I know from his perspective it was more I give up on trying to force something that I’m not open to. I remember telling him good that’s all I ever wanted was him to leave me alone and he did

  7. I agree with the other guy, you’re very annoying.

    Believe it or not, it IS different visiting family or working overnights. For one thing, most people don’t visit out of town family every single week. It’s more like once or twice a year.

    Going out on the town once a week (more if he could) and leaving your partner at home with three young children is not cool and is totally unnecessary. She wasn’t isolating him socially either so don’t pull that crap. He saw his friends EVERY WEEK. For someone in their late twenties with three children that’s more than fair. He’s not a teenager. He’s married with kids.

    Working overnights is comparable either, that’s their livelihood. That’s how he’d be providing in this hypothetical situation. And even then – if his wife felt like they weren’t getting enough time together or with the kids, I think she’d be within her rights to sit down with him and talk about other job possibilities.

    This has nothing to do with your ability to have kids so lay off the guilt trip.

  8. So much this. The statistics of men leaving women when they have health issues are off the charts. But ya know, he wants to come home and relax.

  9. Men don't give a shit if a girl says “I have a bf” they'll just respond by saying “want 2” so giving the fake number is probably the easiest way to get the guy to leave her alone

  10. I also feel like most men would take the hint and leave

    Lol in a perfect world. I've had men cuss me out at work, physically back me into a corner, block my car so i can't leave, and threaten to kill me for having the audacity to reject them.

  11. ???

    This works both ways. If my wife started pissing in bottles, I would at least TRY to get her some help before just kicking her to the curb. It's not a “woman helping disgusting man” thing, it's a “helping your spouse get through something we don't really understand” thing.

    Reading some of these comments, I mean, I've never been through a divorce, but they seem truly awful, and especially if there's kids and property involved, seems like you should at least make a good effort to fix issues like this before ending the relationship altogether.

  12. I guess i would be afraid of not being on the preferred side.

    And i know i really don't enjoy playing with my partner's butt. This may evolve with time, but i think it can only evolve without feeling pressured to do so. And i would put pressure on myself if i knew my partner desired it.

    But once again, this has nothing to do with the other person in themselves. It's all about me putting pressure on myself. I just know how i react and until i sort these patterns out, i know i cannot get involved in a healthy relationship with a bisexual partner. I don't want to be a burden to my partner, and i think that's what i would be right now.

    And i know that's a peculiar thought process. But i was taught through abuse since i was 3 that i would never be enough, and i have to unlearn that. So far, for a heterosexual partner i have unlearnt that part. But i haven't pushed past it

  13. No, but that might be a good idea. Even tho deep down I feel like it isn't something which isn't natural or normal, to want sex with different people. I just feel like most people suck it up once their relationship gets longer and longer. But I might be wrong.

  14. It’s weird seeing how much you’re getting flamed. Something about this sub and double standards. I’ve seen enough posts where the woman is the one providing and the dude is just seen as a “hobosexual” but it different here lol

  15. he purposely left the timing out because women didn’t seem to want to date a newly divorced man

    Yeah and you know why people don't want to date newly divorced people? Because of exactly what's happening to you now. You're the rebound. He doesn't have his shit together yet, that takes years after a large breakup or divorce. He was not ready to date. That's all.

    Leave this guy in the dust.

  16. This is tough.

    I would be really cautious.

    At the end of the day, if you are with a partner who needs a carer or has a shortened lifespan , you need your support network of friends and family, particularly if she wants kids. If she cuts them off over their behaviour then she could be lonely later on, and if she doesn't, then they may make your life together hell.

    You have many good, happy years ahead of you, could you cope with their behaviour impacting on that? If she did cut them off, would you worry about her when you're gone?

  17. So… you’re basically pressuring her into a sexual situation she is uncomfortable with. Do we REALLY need to spell out why this is a bad thing to do, anxiety or not??

  18. Move forward, OP.

    Sounds that breaking up was tge best you could to in view of a happier future with someone more compatible.

    Also: let some time go by before dating again. Give yourself a break.

    And then ask yourself, what exactly it was that had pulled you into this relationship first?

    Why you would pick the exact oposite of what you need and want. It may help getting a better fitting partner next time around.

    Keep her blocked and deleted. That relationship is a deap end for you.

    If after 5 years she hasn't developed enough trust to know you don't cheat on her she likely never will.

  19. I'm going to give you some really horribly bad advice. You should not listen to me.

    Tell him he traded you in for a younger and more fuckable daughter.

    It's awful. But he's awful and that's essentially what he's done.

  20. Well, your friend knows you better than you know yourself. You can't miss your friends wedding, it's finally time fthe right step. You can do it, i believe in you.

  21. Now that you say that, I do recall seeing some comments on other subs (non interpersonal relationship based ones) where people say it out of the blue/unwarranted. The negative consequences of suggesting therapy when it's not needed are low/not as impactful.

    But I think the “break up” ones are worse. Always much more over the top dramatic approach with a higher potential for larger negative consequences.


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