SunnyCrews online sex chats for YOU!

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22 thoughts on “SunnyCrews online sex chats for YOU!

  1. He’s sweet in other ways, so it’s very hot to break it off.. I’m trying to understand when it’s time to break it off with someone. It looks like when there is a roadblock with no communication/ a stop of flow in communication- your needs either don’t get met or you leave to be in a healthier environment FOR more opportunities to have them met. I would stay in unfulfilling relationships for a long time, I’m seeing that it’s because I didn’t know my standards or what I truly need from a partner

  2. You have a thing for cheaters. He's just another one in a long line. Try again and hope for something better. Memories are great, but that's all in the past now.

  3. i’m so sorry, but from what i hear he brings nothing to the table (and honestly, is pretty gross and a horrible person and partner).

    i hope you give yourself the best birthday present by realising the situation you’re in and deciding to leave. i’m really glad you’ve got a good support system in your family – it’ll make it a lot easier. you’ve got this! good luck ♥️

  4. I feel like that is not well said unless you 100% want to break up with her lol. It makes it sound like you don’t see a future with her at all which is not what you said in your post.

    What specific reasons do you have that make you not want to get married?

  5. Do you want Reddit to tell you the ethical thing to do would be to stay with your financially dependent, sick girlfriend but that it's also ok to cheat on her because she's mean to you and you pay the bills?

    You're overwhelming not going to get that response.

    Tell the 22 year old you've got a messy life and need to sort it out. From now on you need to keep things professional and work related only. Keep it as professional as you do with coworkers who you don't want to stick your dick in. Do this until you're fully single, no longer live with your ex, start therapy and aren't in a position with authority over her in the office. I doubt you respect her individuality and autonomy enough to do the right thing, but that would be the right thing.

    Then you'll have more time and brain power to dedicate to figuring out what to do about your current relationship catastrophe.

    I also want to point out how you describe your 22 year old crush as “timid” and “conservative” as if those are positive, sexy qualities. You certainly don't seem to have a fetish for taking a protective, provider role so I can only assume your dick gets hard thinking about how easily you could program her to be your personal fantasy. Don't be that guy, ffs.

  6. This is NOT some serious overthinking, I think it's bizarre that anyone would think that it is.

    That's creepy af to wear her bf's shirt. She can literally wear any other thing to sleep in

  7. It’s fine to bring it up a while later. Sometimes it takes a while to process one’s emotions. It’s how you bring it up. Choose a time when she’s ready to talk about sensitive personal things. Not when she’s stressed or distracted. Approach it like a misunderstanding- don’t make it an accusation or criticism of her. Using neutral language like “I have been thinking about it and something you said a while ago has been bothering me. I need you to know that hearing myself described as a generic white man is hurtful, especially since I do care about fashion and presenting my sense of style. I would like some reassurance that you don’t really view me as interchangeable with other white men.” That’s an example – I admit I may not have an accurate idea of how you actually feel.

    In an argument it’s not a good idea to bring up old hurts or get distracted from the disagreement at hand. If, however, you can approach it in a less aggressive manner that takes responsibility for your responses to her words- revisiting an old comment can be helpful to building a better understanding of eachother.

  8. You’re stressed due to the previous situation. Your feelings are valid. However, I wouldn’t bring anything up. There are so many scenarios where your fiancé is completed innocent.

  9. You’re stressed due to the previous situation. Your feelings are valid. However, I wouldn’t bring anything up. There are so many scenarios where your fiancé is completed innocent.

  10. The men are not ok. The most likely time for a woman to be murked is when she's pregnant and it's generally the guy who did the impregnating who murders her.

  11. I will leave it at this comment : how is a relationship based in a lie any kind of relationship???

    The reason for the lie doesn't make the lie any less palatable. THAT'S the truth.

  12. Literally told you what the research says and offered my own experiences, none of which is opinion. Manipulation, SA, abuse, etc. aren't opinion, and such risks are common in these age gaps. The fact you're pretending to not understand the problems and risks of these age gaps is weird and concerning.


  13. Then talk to her? Good communication includes being able to tell your partner what you’re lacking and what bothers you

  14. A very honest answer. As someone who used to work on some of the biggest algorithims in the world, we design them to literally send u stuff like this based on your identity, not entirely based on what you like or interact with all the time. Yes that obviously does lock you in when you interact, but regardless, algorithims are built to send you what you MIGHT like a lot. I've literally helped design search engines to send men soft core porn just based on the fact that they're men.

    We live in a society that kind of pushes these things, and brain washes the male side into normalizing porn. With men being the sexual species they are this comes along really easily. However, that doesn't necessarily mean they can't be in a committed relationship lol. In my personal experience I'd prefer a significant other that watches porn to get what I don't give them rather than goes out to other people for it.

    With all of that being said though, I find the internet in general realtively unhealthy.

  15. as someone who grew with a narcissist mother and enabler father – please, please, please, for the love of all that's holy, take your son with you. he was born because of your (and your wife's) bad decisions and does not deserve a lifetime of suffering and trauma because of it.

    if you plan on leaving him, you're just as bad as her, or even worse, since she has an untreated disorder and is not self-aware, but you are.


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