Charlie the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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34 thoughts on “Charlie the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. From what you've said, I feel like this guy is a total creep. Personally, I get the vibe that he's studying you, as in learning your mannerisms, routines, and basic daily habits. For what purpose, that I have no idea! And, from my experience with men, when a man is attracted to you, he will come talk to you – especially after you've smiled and said hi… he's not just going to keep staring at you for days on end. Take care and please, always be aware of your surroundings, even if it's just a quick trip to the bathroom while at work.

  2. Get off your high horse with that “in a healthy relationship people are supposed to…” bullshit because you're just spouting “theories” like you've never been in a real relationship let alone a “toxic” one.

  3. Not really for everyone shitting on this girls values. Vast majority of you saying he’s right and she’s wrong… her values are her values and if she doesn’t believe in living together before marriage then that’s that and its not wrong and he isn’t either.

    And everyone saying on-line together before getting married as if it doesn’t decrease the likelihood of him proposing. I’ve heard time and time again of women wanting marriage but they already live! with the guy and have kids with him, and the guy (understandably) says no ‘it’s like we’re already married what’s the point’ and he’s right. It is like you’re married so why should he marry you? It’s too risky if you’re a woman who absolutely wants marriage and kids (after marriage) to move in. But if you do move in with him then make it very clear that you will not stay in a relationship without marriage (on the timeline you want) and make sure he really wants marriage too. Just travel together for like 3-6 months OP and you’ll get a good idea of what it’s like to online with this person. You don’t have to move in imo. OP and her bf will just have to come to an agreement on this or break up.

  4. Fun fact, did you know if you tell someone you love before abandoning them to an abuser, it actually loses all meaning. So weird…

  5. I would start to consider what your plan is if he doesn't agree to adoption, because it doesn't sound likely that he will…

  6. Grow the freak up. Stop blaming your child’s mother and your child for your misery. Get a grip. A divorce is the ONLY answer. You can get 50|50 custody. Child support will be less than paying everything for her, everything for the baby. They come up with your payment based on a worksheet, your wages are plugged in. If she’s not working they assume minimum wage for her because child support isn’t a ONE person math problem, it’s BITH parents supporting the child. With 50/50 custody you can take the baby to your Mother AND GO TAKE PARENTING CLASSES. This baby is NOT the problem. This baby is an innocent victim. You feel victimized??? Imagine if your lit-bit knows you resent him? Hold him, rock him, it’s time for you to bond with your boy. You MUST turn off your selfishness to love a child. It’s difficult but you can learn to love your baby~ maybe it will be easier if you’re not looking at the child’s maybe manipulative Mom. If you perceive her that way, if you FEEL what you’ve written here~ you’ve got go. Kids hear, see, feel AND SENSE EVERYTHING. You’re not living together in love. This isn’t what you wanted. YOU can only change YOUR own habits, rituals and routine… Think about living somewhere without her? You’re making your own bed. Your looking out your own window. I don’t know where you are but in the US alimony is still a thing ~though it is fading and will someday be the exception and not the rule. Usually, nowadays, the judge decides if you make enough, if there is enough money~ you may have to pay alimony. Judges are less likely to award alimony in many courts, in many states but no matter what or where, the judge will order you to pay child support. If he agrees to 50/50 custody, child support can be limited. The judge will want you both to provide towards health insurance, you will likely pay that. Alimony isn’t going to wipe you out. If you have to pay it , it will be temporary. Stop thinking about this all as their fault. It’s YOUR fault too. You made bad decisions but THE BABY DIDN’T. You need to seriously work that out in your mind… Definitely go to counseling IMMEDIATELY and try to figure out how you feel about this baby. Your post gave me a feeling of doom. Don’t hurt anyone or yourself.

  7. Counterpoint: “I refuse to spend time with a person that manipulated and abused me, creating a child that I never wanted and never will want. I am not punishing the child that I did not consent to create. YOU are punishing your unborn child by committing crimes against their unwilling sperm donor and being an irresponsible parent.”

  8. I asked here why did she lie about her age. She said she didn't know what she was thinking and was probably afraid.

  9. Sorry, but the dog was there first not you. The only thing I would advise you having a conversation with her about is the fact that she leaves her dog home 10 hours a day. She needs to either hire a dog walker or think about doggy daycare other than that if you have problems with the dog that’s a you problem. not her problem, and definitely not the dogs problem.

  10. thank you for the advice, it’s an insecurity issue within myself i need to work on. do the instagram girls really matter to boys like that?

  11. it’s super weird to care about body count dude… especially with your wife. If she’s been faithful, then you need to grow up.

  12. Um, he wouldn’t have any return if they didn’t give him the money? Them giving him the money was an investment. It’s a bit insane to just give the initial amount back and pocket the rest. His parents gave away $120k for several years that could’ve been used in their own investments or to buy something else, they should 100% be compensated for that.

  13. Well, you are both making it about each other. I think you need to BOTH do the marriage counselling. Because she has diagnosed herself, do a little bit of research on the benefits of seeing a psychologist. And say you are willing to do therapy too as long as she is.

  14. Your partner's side to this makes him sound even worse then what you told us. He sounds like an huge asshole. I don't care how open he is if you aren't comfortable with topics being shared then he shouldn't discuss it. The reason for the “lack of sex” is the trauma you have been through I'm guessing? I'm glad that he hasn't told his friends and family that. Also they knew I'm pretty sure their “advice” would be alot different. I know if a friend or family told me they weren't getting enough sex due to their partners trauma of being SA I would be pissed off. I would probably tell them to just pleasure themselves. He sound like so selfish and stupid. Him referring to all relationships need sex is so insulting.

    I meant how would he feel if you told people he was bad in bed and made you feel unsafe? Not that you would mind you.

  15. You cannot control your parents or siblings relationship with your ex. You brought your ex to on-line with your family. They developed a relationship with her. It’s unfair for you to expect them to cut her off because you have moved on. You can set boundaries for yourself but you cannot set boundaries for other people. Tell your family you won’t visit if the ex is present, you don’t want to hear updates her life, and your child isn’t going to meet her.

  16. I truly don’t believe that will be the case but I appreciate it. I know its naked to see things sometimes when you are directly involved. Thanks

  17. NC, they are dysfunctional and your therapist should not be giving you directions….YOu will be sorry in a few years you did this….Go no contact….

  18. Sounds unlikely to work but maybe try to get him to do 10 min of yoga paired with some meditation after work it helps me greatly lol

    Say you won’t listen to him until he puts some effort into winding down himself (whatever not yoga something else) if he says no then he wants to be angry and that’s a mental disorder in my book

    Honestly I dont think people will change until they feel like ther about to lose something that’s more important to them than their bullshit


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