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Samantha, Cristian y Danna, 22 y.o.


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31 thoughts on “Samantha, Cristian y Danna the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Agreed. He admits to craving sex pretty much constantly and something as mild as cleavage or tight clothes is an automatic trigger, no matter who it is. It sounds like he needs to seek therapy or just grow up and stop acting like a 12 year old boy. Either way, this relationship's current status seems to be a recipe for disaster.

  2. Sounds like a psychotic break.

    My best friend went through similar and we had to have her committed against her will. I don’t know what the protocol is where you live! if you’re not in the US. And even in the US, the process varies slightly by state.

    I’d contact another doctor ASAP. And I wouldn’t be leaving the child alone with her.

  3. Your moms a Pedo. Gross.

    I would put my foot down, don’t date any of my friends or I’m never talking to you again.

  4. Sorry OP. Put the bottle down and get some therapy. Pick up a new hobby and workout. Get an attorney and protect yourself if you don’t have one already. Good luck.

  5. Fair point. My parents got divorced when I was about 16 and my dad who is nearly as socially awkward as I am is still single and lonely. I’m scared by the parallels.

  6. Ask him what is more important open relationship or a divorce? Tell him that HE has now caused you to doubt his loyalty and you can't trust him to be faithful and you believe that he is going to cheat and he is now untrustworthy

  7. 1- Your sister doesn't have to tell you these things. It is private information that is not owed to you. 2- stand up for your sis against your parents. 3- you caused this and I bet you purposely got noisy so your parents would overhear. 4- Apologise to your sister and keep your nose out.

  8. Holy controlling POS. How did you end up married to this person? He doesn’t want other men seeing you at a gym? In public? That’s seriously deranged and I doubt this behavior just suddenly popped up.

  9. So… your SO knew this was going to happen and so did all of them and no one talked to you. This is why I would break up. I couldn’t mentally handle that.

    Find a job that appreciates you and a man who doesn’t let you walk into fire please

  10. Look if you are firm on believing about addressing this why don’t YOU address it. Stop expecting him to address it.

    Also based on your responses, it seems like if anyone might be a troll and also disrespectful live! , it’s you. Don’t like the complaining, ignore them. Can’t ignore them, mute them. Can’t do that either , don’t play the game. Also “grow a pair” tell that to your BF and see how fast your relationship sinks.

    Also not only that but it seems like you are literally talking about the guy from your previous post about how he “abuses you”, only satisfies himself in bed and leave you to your own devices. If you ignored all those comments and advice why bother asking about him defending you when you already know his character and how he is gonna continue treating you.

    I’m glad you bow decided him not defending you on-line on a VIDEO GAME is the hill to die on. However , keep being our guest, ignore any advice that these good people will continue to provide you and die on this hill . Doesn’t impact my life or theirs just yours ?‍♂️

  11. Umm. Can we please add – his gf told him a friend SA’d her and then OP gave that person her personal contract which he didn’t previously have.

    So OPs GF should accept this Not An Apology (it basically says “I’m sorry you think I SA’d you.”) but should also be found with him giving this person MORE access to her.

    Thanks. I hate it.

  12. Red fucking flares – with foghorns – and a marching band with the vanguard holding up a banner that reads: dump her ass

  13. Your boyfriend is insecure and that’s his problem.

    You are an adult with free will. Your boyfriend doesn’t have the right to tell you what you can and can’t do. If you’re ever in a relationship where your partner tells you that you aren’t allowed to do something, you need to get out.

    You said you’re never allowed to do anything social because your boyfriend gets annoyed. If you keep blowing off your friends, they will eventually take it as you don’t want to be friends. This is alienation and it’s a control tactic done by abusers.

    First it’s your friends, then it’s work colleagues and then it’s your family. Eventually, you’ll only have your boyfriend and when the abuse escalates, you’ll feel you have nowhere to go so you’ll stay and it will continue. It’s time to get out of this relationship. You can lie to Reddit and to yourself that you’re not going because you don’t want too, but in reality, you aren’t going because you don’t want to argue with your emotionally immature controlling boyfriend who should be your ex.

  14. i’m so sorry you are going through that and for such a long time. my boyfriend also does that exact same thing as your husband and never communicate of what wrong he has done either. it truly does feel like a form of abuse. they lack in communicating and it affects us. I can’t imagine going for weeks without talking…i hope you find a way to be happy.

  15. That's the thing your bf doesn't realize. People react to things differently which is why one should not do it at all. It is in fact unprofessional and creepy. You are already proof that you'd be uncomfortable.

    Imagine if it was his mother, sister or daughter he might sing a different tune. If it were you he might actually blame you.

    Also it's very gross he was trying to be this way with a coworker when he already has a gf. Because he asked if he was more dirty minded than the average right? Like, why are you doing that. If it's not sexual then I'd call it bullying. Really gross at any angle.

  16. .get a therapist for your problem cuz this isnt working for you, unless you are one of them spammer trolls? are you a spammer troll, cuz this is how you become a spammer troll.

    oh ok , then this advice still applies cuz assuming you aren't just a troll (and that is a huge assumption in here, particularly with all the deleted posts you put up) then you are being obsessive about something from months ago and probably really need some pro help to get out of know, assuming you aren't a troll, which you would still need professional help for.

  17. What? Your mouth is dirty bc of a kiss?

    This makes no sense. If she’d been annoyed that you had a make-out session in front of God & everybody, I could understand her annoyance.

    It sounds, though, like she’s convinced that any physicality is dirty and wrong. Very weird.

    I guess, as she’s berating you, ask her when she thinks a kiss is appropriate. I’m guessing she’ll have no response.


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