Evelin111 online sex chats for YOU!

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16 thoughts on “Evelin111 online sex chats for YOU!

  1. I don’t really care how much you type not your business, except to love and support her. If it’s that much of a moral dilemma, don’t be her friend settling I think she’d be settling for a friend if she settled for you.

  2. Find out why you’re having them. Fix that problem. Remove yourself from media about these people. It’s much more disgusting than you realize.

  3. Dude, your lawyer gave you the worst advice ever. Probably too late to sue for malpractice, but that was malpractice to advise you to not see your child while the divorce was pending. Of course she got custody.

    And, since you didn't try to see him, you probably have no court documents to show to him as evidence you did fight to see him.

  4. likes her emotional affairs?…shes just playing the field and testing the waters, one day its wont be testing anymore.

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  6. Oh geez, what terrible people. You aren’t obligated to date anyone. You aren’t obligated to have any dating preference.

    Please please remember that in the grand scheme of things high school doesn’t matter. Notify your administration of bullying if you can, especially explain the situation to your parents and or any other trusted figure that can help you stay safe and honestly just keep your head straight.

  7. He never writes me a single card throughout the year yet here he is writing about his highs and lows of the year to her.

    He is reluctant to let go of this tradition of their and would rather let go of our relationship

    Look, it's cool that you and your ex stayed friends. That's not my cup of tea, but I get that it works for some people.

    This post is about a guy who gives another woman (an ex, specifically) more than he is giving his current relationship. After three years with OP, he would rather let her go than give up a tradition of writing a heartfelt letter to an ex once a year (a feat he cannot even manage when it comes to his own girlfriend.)

    This is not a healthy, formerly-romantic-but-now-platonic friendship. This is a woman that he holds in higher regard that his actual partner.

  8. Did she speak out in self defense or did she just get tired of the bully’s crap and blow up on them?

  9. Oh h to the double hockey sticks better not have taken a shower in married woman’s bedroom that she barely knows. Even if the husband say it’s okay, common sense should tell her it’s not okay. Take your smelly self back to your own home and properly shower.

  10. Stop dating men who don’t believe women are people. It’s that simple. He doesn’t think you are entitled to the same rights as men. Women are incubators to these men. Stop dating them.

  11. I think giving an ultimatum of “if you continue to drink we will break up” isn’t fair if it’s something she needs help to understand and learn to tolerate better

    Nah it's completely fair. He doesn't owe her an education about her own shittiness

  12. I was going to say that maybe tinder sent that as a way to get him back live! but then you posted that, + his huge over reaction led me to believe he’s cheating

  13. Let’s say the father is the main breadwinner and is fighting for the custody of his children you think there is a chance he can win?


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