Liah-Collins live sex chats for YOU!

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35 thoughts on “Liah-Collins live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Hey its going to be fine, you're going through hell.

    Drink up then get sober

    Find sumthing to do, go somewhere else, travel find a hobby

    Its your birthday today. Happy Birthday????


  2. Your ex wife is using your son as a pawn to hurt you. In reality, she is damaging her son. Please get a lawyer to help you. Your wife is a very selfish woman.

  3. Your friend was clearly an orbiter. How would you feel if your boyfriend essentially said to a female friend of his: “OP isn't satisfying in bed, or isn't good enough at x” I think unless you have talked about sharing information like that with your partner it should remain private. If he wants to break up that's on him, he will be wondering if you're able to share something as private as this what else have you been telling others, his personal secrets etc. Something like that isn't gonna fixed overnight, it's gonna take time for him to really trust you again and he might seem withdrawn for awhile. All you can really do is be understanding, give it time and make sure to never do anything like it again.

  4. I honestly think so ignored and just hoping he will get better but it's not and yes I thought about it too therapy cause I feel like it's much more than just his past relationship that has effected him

  5. Hello /u/clairelane,

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  6. He’s definitely insecure. You aren’t supposed to be competing with your partner or people close to you, you are their support system. It sounds like you may have outgrown this relationship, not all relationships are meant forever and that’s okay. He sounds like he might be immature and if he is struggling why doesn’t he get a job?

  7. Strange relationship you got there. your boyfriend is cool with you drinking and watching movies in another guys bed alone?sounds like something you and your boyfriend should be doing not a friend of the opposite gender. And you said this guy is your friend but he was being that inappropriate knowing you have a boyfriend? He didn't know you were in a legitimate relationship but you guys are friends? Confusing. Your male friend is does sound like a safe person to be with alone and you don't seem to understand how boundaries work in relationships. Yeah your boyfriend doesn't have an issue but honestly why would you want to be alone with another guy in his bed drinking watching movies? This story is so wacky.

  8. They like you just fine.

    If you’re really insecure about it, ask them about it. They’ll probably be shocked to know you feel this way.

  9. I think date nights could help, or even date weekends once in a while. Do you have anybody who could watch the kids for a day or so?

  10. Nope not really, I did my apprenticeship and have the qualifications just like all the other people I work alongside. Granted I’m not head chef or sous chef but I’m more than just a cook, and if you ask anyone I work with including my boss they’ll say the same. This is also a really weird hill for you to want to die on and you seem to have completely missed the point of the entire post. Have a lovely day

  11. Im a woman as well and i dont share me and my partner's sex life with other people. What op's gf did was awful. Dont try to justify it.

  12. And she’s adjusted to being without him. He shouldn’t be surprised. And lots of “Big boys” find jobs closer to home if they really want a marriage

  13. Paragraphs

    He is conditioning you. He is being abusive. He is litterally using psychological manipulation tactics on you to alter your behavior.

    This is wrong. I wouldnt even stay.

  14. Nope! Your brother needed to be taught a lesson. BF stood up for his people & his homeland. That's a keeper. Don't fuck with a Salvadorian!

  15. He “loves this type of drama”, likes and shares—- much more than he cares about you.

    So sorry hun- please , please report him. Some people will never stop until there are consequences.

  16. If you don’t communicate your actual concerns to him, he’s going to go off his own assumptions as to what he thinks your concerns must be, and will respond accordingly.

  17. this. you need to record the bullshit he says to you and show her. if she doesnt cut him off after that, she needs to be cut out instead.

  18. I have been going to therapy myself. My schedule was a response to her being so busy, I didn’t want to be waiting around for her but I do make myself available for dates and I’ve been saying I want to be included in her hobby more.

    I know everyone says that you should take time after a separation to better yourself, but I feel like I’m always in that mode. Going to the gym, killing it in career, exploring hobbies, going to therapy.

    She has just been so faithful, stable, committed, and reassuring for so long that now her change of heart is really affecting me.

  19. pretty sad when the AP has your back better than your man.

    maybe you and AP should date and get rid of the “husband”

  20. This kind of happened to me once. Still have no idea. I am very stuck between whether he was a sociopath, or scared himself by suggesting more, whether it was on impulse and he didn’t think it through etc. no way of telling

  21. Thank you for this comment. The decision to get married or not was incredibly difficult, but taken with psychiatrist/psychologist advice, family and friends, and together. I can see all the arguments for it being a mistake, but it also seemed like the lesser of two evils. We don't regret the marriage, but obviously that was never going to solve everything.

    Also, you're right – but being off work isn't only about this. I had been struggling anyway for my own reasons, which were the reason for the doctor signing me off.

    That said, I absolutely do need to look after myself so that I can help her. I'm having therapy, starting medication, and I'm looking for more support.

    In-patient care for her is not currently recommended by the doctors, but I guess it's not out of the question depending on how things go. It would be good if the doctors could be more present and take some of the burden of care away from me, but I'm also keen to play whatever role I can (acknowledging that it will be small compared to the role of the professionals).

    I don't think I have the solution, but I do think I should do the best I can.

    Thanks for your kind and considered response.

  22. Your interpretation is spot on. She did have a wild phase – in high school. She was also depressed, self destructive, drinking a lot, smoking cigarettes, etc. and I helped get her out of all that at the time. That's why she always said that I saved her. Of course I didn't know at the time that she had cheated on me, and yeah, if I had known when I was 18, I think we would have never been together. She's mentioned that again recently that she knows that's true. But it seems the self destructive ways are inherent and have been there the whole time even when I didn't know. That's what scares me.

  23. What on earth made you think you had the right to read your wife's journal?

    You violated her privacy and you violated her trust when you took it upon yourself to read her innermost thoughts that were not meant to be shared with you or anyone else. You are not the victim here.


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