Adriana-Carter online sex chats for YOU!

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22 thoughts on “Adriana-Carter online sex chats for YOU!

  1. Sounds like he should have never married you. I am sorry people don't understand that love is exactly the opposite of this, supporting you when you most need it. Sounds like he is being selfish which can happen but not that frequently and not for that long. He needs to get his shit together.

  2. Haha I was in the US Navy. The dad in this story just sounds incredibly extreme. Most veterans I know would never pressure their kids into enlisting.

  3. I manage a team of 50. Where I wouldn't mind if the spouse of one of my employees did this, if I was the employee and trying to have a professional career I'd be absolutely pissed off at you for encroaching on my professional life and dragging my personal life into the spotlight at my place of work.

    What you did was sweet. Pulling her out of work was a bad move, and you should apologize. You are completely out of line.

  4. Have you asked your sons? I'm with you on your question not necessarily being an accusation, but I also get how your husband could feel like it is if you've only asked him out of three possible witnesses.

  5. If she insists on doing the majority of the work, maybe spend your “housework” calories on rubbing her feet or making her a nice dessert at the end of the day. At least that will show appreciation for the work she does.

  6. This sounds like more of an issue with you than anything. You're unintentionally self sabatoging your relationship at every step. You've got work on that if you're going to have a successful relationship as that mindset is toxic and likely will be taxing on him.

  7. They all sound unreasonable tbh. I think it's entirely reasonable that you stick to plans you already made with your daughter over new plans with your wife and i don't see why that took time to come to that arrangement. Imo that's just how life works. Ofc the wedding and labour thing is more complicated though. Betty seems to be cruel and turning Amanda against you but everyone has already said that.

    I can understand why both your wife and Amanda are currently upset. I think they're both in highly emotional situations and you should let them both feel how they feel. Amanda feeling abandoned isn't wrong. And your wife being upset that you weren't with her during labour is also fair. Just give them a bit of time and be comforting and reassuring to both and they should come around soon (Amanda sooner than your wife considering your wife's hormones are all out of whack atm).

    It sounds like you've just been trying to people please Amanda's entire life. Like upset the fewest people rather than actually decide what and who you value and on boundaries. Why do you even still have contact with betty? Your daughters an adult so I can't see why contact with Betty even needs to happen, especially considering how toxic she sounds. You need to decide how important Amanda is to you and make sure you show that to her. You seem to lack consistency which is really important when it comes to relationships. You need to consistently show Amanda you're there for her. You're her dad. You're not going anywhere and that she's a priority. That's things like making an effort to talk to her often and inviting her over and being emotionally there for her when she needs you.

    But in your op, you say you cancelled a therapy appointment with your daughter to go hang out with your wife. Of course your daughter doesn't trust your intentions or believe that you care. You've shown her thay you don't. You stood her up when she was attempting to fix your relationship.

    I think its definitely worth telling her thay you want to build a healthier and more secure relationship with her but you can't do that with the ultimatums and hope she agrees. With your wife and newborn, I think a similar strategy of making sure you're looking after them and being consistent and reliable is important.

  8. I've been saying the same things. I think it's unreasonable and have tried having multiple conversations w her about it, but she refuses to listen. I just stopped bringing it up bc she got so incredibly cold anytime I even tentatively brought up the subject. I've even tried to work around playing with girls or in coeds. No dice. It's getting ridiculous and I just wanted to see if I wasn't considering something I should be. Guess I'll be trying to talk to her again soon with that in mind

  9. Jesus, woman. He's an ex. Leave him be.

    I don't think this is highly unusual. This woman is probably just a rebound relationship, if it can even be called a relationship at all. But it's quite natural when you've lost a relationship to date very actively. Maybe you should try doing the same.

  10. I know it's hard to believe now. But I promise, I promise you will fall in love again. You can take me up on it.

    Please do what you already know is right for you

  11. There's absolutely no way to send her an anonymous message. And considering we're all coworkers (dumb, I know) i really feel it could blow up in my face if he does lie and manipulate her. There's no good way to approach her either. If she isn't actually sleeping with him, I just outed my business to a coworker that regularly works with him. She could tell him and he might get angry and go after me in one way or another. If she is, well, he could've already filled her head with lies about me. Or he might as soon as I talk to her. I don't know her well enough to know that she wouldn't tell everyone else. I also feel like there's a possibility he would start a smear campaign against me to all our coworkers if he found out that I tried telling her.

    I just see waaaay too many things that could possibly go wrong. I would rather just quietly move on. She'll find out eventually what a horrible person he is. And I'll be there for her if she ever wants to reach out.


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