Curly-Sue online webcams for YOU!

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35 thoughts on “Curly-Sue online webcams for YOU!

  1. Info: how long have y'all been together? Because all due respect, if it's only been a few months or even just a year she should NOT be letting a “strange man” sleep in the same bed as her kid. You're right to feel weird about this and for everyone's protection, you definitely need to talk to her about this.

  2. I have been on reddit too long I thought he was going to confessed his affair or a secret child while drunk or something

    OP you guys are only 22 and it's holiday season. This behavior is absolutely normal. If it bothers you so much talk to him when he's sobber. While I think getting shit face as a young adult during holiday season isn't a deal breaker I also think it's valid for you to be upset when your partner get so drunk he could hurt himself. Communicate with him and good luck

  3. Well here's an idea… Why not explain the situation to the landlord and ask if they can insult the wall to deaden the sound? I'd probably do that on my own without the landlord knowing. Remember, if you can hear them, they can hear you early in the morning as well.

  4. Have you tried doing stuff to yourself, that a penis might do to you?

    Fairly quick to figure out, if you don't like something erect going up the ass.

  5. I think it's okay to ask, you're just making sure if she would be up for it. Worst case scenario she will say no, but at least you tried:)

  6. He said he could see himself marrying me, having kids together, etc. before he bought the ring. I saw my whole life with him. I think his brother has a role in this because his brother tried to get me to move up like within the first few months of us dating. Im in therapy, trying to grow up, and work through my problems. He knows he has anger issues, but thinks his brother is the therapist he needs. I admit, I get upset easily, over little things. I was in an extremely abusive relationship before, Im still trying to learn to let things go and not harp on them

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  8. To be honest I can't exactly remember. I know a pair of shoes, a few new shorts and shirts for working out. But can't remember the rest.

  9. Hello /u/Beginning_North2404,

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  10. Honestly, I'm guessing she's hoping you aren't the dad with your horrific history of flaky behavior. If you had to submit a CV to women before they accepted you as father material you'd be rejected every time.

    You need to do alot of work to learn to consider the emotions of your partner before you try to be one a dad again, right now, you aren't up to the job description.

  11. Do you realize what an AH ypu sound like?

    I called my wife a liar in front of friends

    Then yelled at her in private

    Then called her manipulative for crying which I admit she does all the time.

    Now I'm upset because my wife doesn't feel safe around me at all, but therapists are witch doctors and my family will make fun of me


  12. Okay… just think for a little bit… why do you want to know? What difference is this going to make? You said he’s infected with STIs before, and considering you are currently pregnant with his child, looks like the previous infection didn’t impact your decision to be with him.

    You also seem eager to believe in his lies: you want to believe there’s a thing called “therapy for lying”, you want to believe multiple medical facilities turned him down and didn’t test him, you want to believe in anything that doesn’t mean he cheated on you and gave you and your baby chlamydia – which is a minor STI, but could very well have been hepatitis, AIDS, syphillis or any other incurable and majorly dangerous disease. In fact, you NEED to get a full panel so that your medical team can treat whatever he gave you in due time and protect your baby.

    He doesn’t respect your health or your baby; he doesn’t think twice before having unprotected sex and getting back to you to infect you as well. There’s no amount of explaining or being angry or sad that will make him respect you and what I suppose is an agreed upon monogamous relationship. He knows he’s hurt you and made you sick, you don’t need to “prove” anything.

    So unless finding out is going to make you kick him out of your life, why probe any longer? You can play dumb and oblivious until you’re ready to deal with the shitty reality. Just PLEASE, get screened and protect your unborn child. This is your responsibility.

  13. Still weird. Quit being a cougar. He’s probably laughing w his friends how he bagged an older girl and how y’all are fucking.

  14. One of the things that perpetuates phobias is continuing to give them power over us.

    One of the best ways to combat that is exposure therapy, where you just do that thing despite the uncomfortableness of it. This is normal, the uncomfortableness is expected. It’s important to frame it positively in your mind. So, rather than “that sucked so bad I’m never doing it again,” (which would be negative) try “lol that sucked but it was awesome that I had the courage to try it and venture past the boundaries of my current comfort zone.” Look for the good and notice the progress no matter how small.

    Then you repeat it, continuing the positive reinforcement afterwards. This could be something your therapist could help you with and even add additional encouragement on your successes (note: they might feel like failures at first).

    Having someone that knows what you’re up to holds you accountable, in a sense lowering the chance you’ll just chicken-out when the time comes and this can be a powerful way of moving forward.

    Don’t let that thing continue to have power over you.

    In the meantime you could… bake a cake.

  15. You're 28 dude. Grow TF up and quit stringing her along. Just asking you to propose isn't “pressure” and you need to be honest that you're not planning on doing it.

  16. if you’re at the point in a relationship, where you feel the need to reach out to your partners ask, that’s saying

    Certainly. You’re approaching the end of that relationship more than likely. And sometimes talking to that ex is exactly what you need to shake off the manipulative fog and finally get the hell out the door…or kick them out of your house, as the case may be.

  17. I sometimes feel that my husband puts our cat's feelings over mine, and that's totally cool with me. I love that he loves her so, it's actually very cute.

  18. Are you in the US? If her mental health has actually disabled her and it's documented she should qualify for disability…. I've never heard of marriage being a reason someone can't claim it.

    It also sounds like there needs to be a serious conversation with an accountant or something and the two of you….or you need to write out your income and budget.

    It might be prudent to cut some costs by not ordering out. Maybe she needs a prepaid visa with what she can spend for the month. It sounds harsh, but so is going broke because your wife has zero concept of money and budget.

    She really needs counseling….if she refuses it might me too me for an ultimatum.

  19. He wants a family and you said you can't give that to him, so if you care about him even just a little bit you'll let him go so he can find someone who actually wants to be with him and build a life/family together.

  20. So while all his friends went home, instead of coming home to you, as planned, he goes by himself to a brothel and engages in 2 sex acts? Yeesh.

    Imagine going to a brothel to pay a woman for sex instead of going to his girlfriend's house – who is expecting him – where he could get laid for free.

  21. Do you really want to stay with him while he is exploring his sexuality with other men?. He LIED to you about stopping, in fact he CANNOT stop.

    OP, one day your bf is going to find the man of his dreams, the one that he said meets ALL of his desires and wants and really click with him emotionally and hence he cannot be with you anymore, eventho you are the one who has been understanding for him while he is understanding his sexuality.

    Is this fair to you?. Do you want this?. I suggest to break up and let him do what he wants.

  22. I suspect that was said more to hurt you than to be an accurate representation of how he felt throughout the relationship.

  23. I interpret this to mean that it looked like WWiii because of the abuse it had just taken, not because your pussy was ugly. I think it was just a light hearted joke saying it looked beat up — TEMPORARILY. Not an insult to your pussy. Am I correct?

  24. Well you can't control the guy. Either break up, don't go over there, or deal with it. Still says a lot about your bf for tolerating it. He's weak minded, a racist, or both.

  25. It's crusty. Having an attraction to someone is not really something anyone can control, but she could control her actions and behaviors, and she didn't.

    Also, how is 18 any better, really, in this situation- or even 20? The young woman is still really young, in a professional situation where she had to be friendly, and your wife was over-texting her and stalking her AND showing her picture to co-workers. Even if she never overtly flirted or hit on the girl, she took it far in her head.

    If she was a guy we'd all say she was grooming Emma.

    Your wife has impulse control issues. While she may not be a predator, ahe showed predatory behavior. No advice just your instinct to be put off is right.


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