CarissaJones on-line sex chats for YOU!

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19 thoughts on “CarissaJones on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Could be she's got a loaded schedule and maybe puts priority on people that initiate hangouts. Or like she said, busy at work.

    If you don't initiate hang outs, it sounds like a one sided friendship.

  2. I dated a guy when I was 18 for 3 months, then we broke up because he cheated on me with his ex. They were together for a couple of months again, then broke up, and she moved on to a different guy for a few months before tragically passing away in a drunk driving accident.

    I had 0 contact with him for over 18 months but when this happened, a switch flipped for him or something. He was obsessed with HIMYM and in his head he was Ted, she was Tracy, and I was supposed to be Robin. Aka the other woman, the close second, the one that could’ve been if only a little bit was different. And because his Tracy died, I was supposed to just magically be his again, like Robin likely wound up with Ted again. This all came out of the blue and I was actually in another country when she died and my phone first blew up with his literal proposal to get married or at least move in with him and “try again” we weren’t even close to this serious before and I’d basically forgotten about him.

    When I returned to the US, he sat in all of my college classes, they were large theatre seating classes so he got away undetected at first. He also sat in the restaurant I worked at for hours at least once a week. He also drove by my house several times a day.

    Nobody did anything on any level. Campus was public, he could technically be there. He didn’t disrupt anything at work, so at best I was allowed to do what I could in the back with food prep to be out of view until I just quit and found something else. He never came on my property so police could do nothing. All I was ever told was to be more selective with my future relationships.

    It doesn’t compare to what others deal with physically. But the way that a person is just allowed to sit down and observe your whole world is beyond disturbed

  3. There is something really wrong with you if you feel it’s inappropriate for family members to be alone together. Does your family have a history of being inappropriate with each other behind closed doors? And if they do, most other families are not like that.

    And I’m reading your mind already, it’s not being rude, it’s being honest.

    You may need some sort of therapy to figure out the root of your insecurity issues that you won’t let a brother and sister mourn the loss of their mother without you being there to chaperone.

  4. It’s almost like you didn’t read what they wrote. He said he deleted old profiles which is the reason he downloaded old ones to check if he still had accounts because he got an email from one of them. Barely a potential red flag..

  5. Just break up OP. You guys aren't soul mates. Suffering is part of life, this will be nude, but it will be way harder if you drag your feet and wait more years before doing what you know is right. I wish I had done so, I could have saved 11 years of heartache.

  6. I thought the estimate was to say your neighborhood is better than hers.


    She is in a position to judge. You guys are feeling each other out, learning about each other. She wants to like your style. And I hope you want to like her style. If you don’t care about her tastes, consider why that is the case.

  7. You’re making a pretty big leap to assume they WANT to be heard. Many houses have thin walls or large gaps under doors that make it incredibly difficult not to be heard even if you think you’re being quiet.

  8. I won’t update anymore, and even if she invited the strippers it’s still my fiancé that cheated

  9. No I second this. She doesn't like you. You're confusing her work persona with an interest in you. She's there to get her paycheck and just seems “flirty” to you. Sounds more like a woman being polite and nice but you do you I guess.

    If she was interested in seeing you outside of work she would have set up a time and place the first time you asked. If she was interested but too busy the first time she would have rescheduled with a date that works.

    She doesn't like you, sorry man.

  10. Well, my ex says they're not dating, but the way they act… sure. Her and her other friend tried to name their daughter after themselves, too. And my ex still doesn't get why I'm upset. Luckily, she lives in Canada, so I don't understand why my ex thinks she can watch my kid when she's born when I online in Southern USA. I will definitely probably be able to get full custody her first year, and he can have visitation because he refuses to move back to my state. Once she's able to travel though, unless she misses visitations, my lawyer says it'll be very hot to keep full custody unless he abuses her on his visits or does drugs. I plan on moving to the Midwest, but I'd still be in another state than I'm in. I am really hoping he's in Jamaica when she's born, because he has a trip planned out a week before I'm due, and I can probably fight to terminate his rights since he has only made one prenatal appointment and none of them others along with missing delievery. I'm already upset because I've been advised to give her his last name simply because he can petition the last name change, and while he'll probably get denied, the lawyer fees and court costs are a hassle. And he's a sexist asshole who would petition.

    I really feel for OP, and I feel hers is much worse since her daughter is at a very impressionable age, and this happened so suddenly. I'd be really scared of her ex filing to change the custody agreement first with him and his girlfriend trying to say she's crazy. I do think OP should avoid talking about her and their dad with the kids because they can argue that OP is trying to do the same thing… she should have a counselor to talk to them about it and testify for OP in any custody hearing.

    Oh thing sucks and I really hope this crazy lady doesn't try to hurt OP.

  11. Coming from a white partner to a Mexican partner, it’s a red flag. This is probably the tip of the iceberg when it comes to ignorant bullshit he will never even bother to recognize, let alone fix

  12. The ring isn't a forcefield or mindcontroll device.

    Are you sure? Because it seems to me that that's what he wants. 😉

  13. Just mustering up the courage to have the conversaton

    Meh after what he did break up with him through text and block him ..

    If you do it irl he'll probably gaslight you again

    And honestly if it was me I'd use his own words against him in the breakup text about how he always victimizes himself to deflect from criticism

    And go on to say that you know he'll probably tell people a twisted version of the truth to paint himself as the victim because that's what he is a perpetual victim by his own narrative so he can avoid any accountability (And now you've realized he's just been projecting the whole time when he accused you of doing the same)

  14. But I told him not to come & he insists on coming. So he’s on the way now. I told him fine I will bring it to his car no need for him to come to my door. Do i tell him now that I will only be returning the ring or wait until he gets here and just give it to him that way?


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