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34 thoughts on “NicoleBoss online sex chats for YOU!

  1. He's putting effort into getting laid regularly, that doesn't actually have anything to do with you or how you feel.

  2. Hmmm i dunno if it was kinda like a gossipy thing to show him what bidens son has been involved in makes sense it wasnt no secret the kid had his door wife open i think it was a stupid thing to do but i dont thinn its as big of a deal u and ur wife made it to be

  3. It was a YEAR ago and she probably accidentally dialed his number. I still have my ex's number in my phone and I've almost accidentally dialed it while drunk because his name is right under my dad's contact in my phone. She's better off without you dude.

  4. Not everyone can be that assertive in an uncomfortable situation where somebody is forcing themselves on them. If your partner doesn't seem enthusiastic AT ALL about you initiating something sexual but doesn't say no, do you continue?

  5. I mean he kind of is. He is on a full ride scholarships. If he keeps it he will graduate debt free. He also has an internship at a law firm. There isn’t really much time to work. I don’t want him to be miserable.

    It’s an investment in our future. That’s how I see it at least.

  6. Don't make a dish or accommodate him, call his family and explain what happened and why you (& your dish) won't be there. Fuck this guy

  7. I know I am going to be down voted to hell but I really want to give you advice. Pregnant women are crazy. Dont argue with her and agree to everything she says. She is not herself at the moment. Just do everything you can to make things easy for her. Things will be different once the baby is born.

    Source: Went through 4 pregnancies with my wife. Was chased out of the house more times I than I count. Our marriage is far from perfect but we are still together and love each other.

  8. I wouldn't want to hang out with him, either. He is transphobic, if he wasn't then he wouldn't have made that particular joke. It's perfectly normal that people don't want to hang out with bigots, especially idiot bigots who will start things in clubs. That's a good way to end up in a bad situation. Life is too short to hang out with bigots.

    There's a reason 22 year olds don't generally date 18 year olds….

  9. So time to step up and actually report. OP isn't looking for excuses like you. OP is looking for solutions like me. Make that one woman out of three report for sexual assault.

  10. Op, it sounds like he's trying to get you to do this BECAUSE HE'S UNABLE TO GET A GUN ON HIS OWN, BECAUSE HE WOULD BE BREAKING THE LAW.

    It's illegal to provide a firearm for someone who's not supposed to have one, people have been charged for this. Don't fall for this and get away from this freak.

  11. “I'm too upset to cook right now. If you're hungry, you'll need to find something to eat for yourself tonight”. Easy peasy.

  12. I'm sorry that this relationship didn't work out, but it sounds like you got out of something that wasn't that good for you. Use this relationship to grow, get to know yourself, reconnect with friends and family. I kept a journal during breakups when I felt like I'd been venting to my friends too much. I would say enjoy the time being single. Learn your boundaries and your wants/needs with a partner. You weren't asking for too much and to some extent, neither was she. I'm sure there's a person who will meet her needs and definitely someone who will meet yours; you just weren't meant to be.

    Also, something that really raised red flags for me was her “not wanting” you to spend time with your friends. My bf and I always always encourage each other to spend time away from the relationship. There are times when I really wish he would stay home, but it's so important to maintain those friendships and to have a life outside of your relationship. Best wishes for you !

  13. He didn't even know himself that he was going through a psychotic breakdown. How was she supposed to know? It sounds like she stayed for as long as she could until he started being really nasty and told her to fuck off entirely.

    Mental issues is not an excuse for being an asshole (through his own admission)

  14. Everyone has preferences. You may have had things that were dealbreakers for her prior to working on yourself, and she may not have had feelings for you at the time, but now it appears that she does.

    I’m not going to lie to you. Many people are somewhat shallow, and honestly, that’s okay because oftentimes to pursue a relationship with someone, physical attraction is also an important part of this. She may not have found you physically attractive before, but she does now, and you might have a shot at the start of something really good.

    I don’t think there is anything wrong with the fact that she wasn’t attracted to you before. The important thing is that she is now, and now that you have your chance, why bother passing it up?

    I say go for it. You never know how good things could turn out.

  15. Ok, this might be a dumb analogy but just trying to get through to OP, so bear with me…

    Imagine you want to make a big, important purchase. Say, a couch. You don't want to purchase the wrong one, since it's an important decision, so you spend 5 years researching, price comparing, reading reviews, until you've decided on which couch to buy. You're confident that's the couch you want, but for whatever reason, you don't feel the timing is right to make the purchase yet. You have the funds, you know what you want but it's a big decision and a big change and you'd rather wait another 5-10 years to fully prepare yourself for buying this couch.

    Then, someone comes along and says “why the heck don't you just purchase the dang couch if you've already decided that's the one you want?!” and puts it in your on-line shopping cart. You're one simple click away from purchasing your couch! But now you're feeling anxious and reluctant to hit the “purchase” button because it's all happening “so fast”. When in fact, you've already had 5 YEARS to contemplate and ALREADY MAKE this decision!

    …If this is really the woman you want to marry, she is giving you the opportunity to still make that happen. She's even trying to help make taking this next step easier by helping pick out the ring and everything. Please realize that waiting years and years will not only be unlikely to make you feel any more “ready” than you do currently, you will also miss out on the opportunity to have this woman as your wife. So even if you did feel ready then, you might not be able to find someone you want to settle down with!

    However, if the reason you are reluctant to propose is because you're having doubts about spending the rest of your life with her, please do some soul searching and determine why and if there are things you can work on with her or if it's better to part ways.

  16. The issues you describe are a fundamental compatibility issue and are not going to change after a 'break'. They might for a bit but then it'll start all over again. A break would just drag out the break up.

  17. It could be an ex who is still upset their relationship is over or upset he's moved on. It could also be someone he rejected. No one else has anything bad to say about him.

    I wouldn't be so quick to believe this especially when they stopped responding when you asked how he was creepy and a harasser.

  18. This was solid advice, I’m real bad with overthinking and not knowing what to do at the right time. I broke it off, went for a coffee last night, nothing more than a coffee, but the relief and breath of fresh air it was, was unbelievable. I’m not rushing into anything because it’s too soon but thank you for your advice.

  19. She doesn't even sleep wth him anymore. This man is just living the saddest of lives… i hope they don't have kids because fucking hell..

    She literally posted about how she felt like she was betraying her other partner by sleeping with her husband after not sleeping with him for a year… who she also doesn't use protection with btw.

    This marriage is just a nightmare and that poor man needs to get the fuck out. She would be doing him a favor divorcing him. She jst needed an excuse..

    Lord if i were him and she used this.. I'd honestly drag her thats how petty i am. He seems too nice.

  20. Idk there was a time when I “dated” a few people at once but it wasnt anything serious. Would just go out.. maybe do some “stuff” if I was in the mood. Sometimes I paid for the date, sometimes they paid. It never amounted to anything.

    I think with the lying part, I would have to know when I stopped. If they screwed around the first week or so but he didnt ask timm a month in, it's not entirely lying. So idk.. I'd have to know the timing ig to make a formal oppinion.

  21. I guess it depends on you values how you define cheating.

    There are levels to cheating that range from emotional affairs to sexual ones.

    Most monogamous people would define kissing other people besides your partner as cheating.

  22. Why does she need to know? Is she monogamous? Because she’s in a relationship. So even if she finds out she’s bi by kissing a girl…so? She’s still in a relationship.

    Is she going to now need to have sex with women? Being Bi doesn’t mean you are poly and it doesn’t mean one person doesn’t satisfy you. If she needs more people, men or women, then she needs to be with other poly people. Right now her sexuality doesn’t change her behavior. She doesn’t need to kiss ANYONE else while she is with OP. And if she is pushing that she does, he needs to drop her

  23. Your situation sounds similar to one of my previous relationships. I require a deep emotional connection to feel a physical attraction towards my partner, if communication breaks down and I no longer feel that emotional bond I have zero interest in anything sexual with them, and apparently thats my brains way of telling me this relationship is no longe sustainable.

  24. Marriage counseling? Why?? So you can hear him try to convince you going after prostitutes is somehow your fault? What's there to work through?


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