VitaForst on-line sex chats for YOU!

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19 thoughts on “VitaForst on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. I think there's no right or wrong answer. This might move things along in a direction you want. Don't worry so much.

  2. Yeah, this is actually a huge neon sign “I have a drinking problem!” He's participating in binge drinking, which is one of the most common practices that is seen before alcoholism.

    There's also a serious impact to his health, even if he does this rarely. Binge drinking is hot on the body and can cause serious issues including increased risk of heart attacks, strokes, memory loss, and impaired liver function.

    If he's doing this, and has been for 10 years with no improvement or change…honestly I'd get him evaluated. He may have developing alcohol dependence.

  3. Media, society etc will always find the most random part of a woman to make her feel bad about. No body part is safe

  4. 3 months is usually the stage where things start to feel more ‘real’. Perhaps he’s just feeling a little overwhelmed – it’s also a hectic and more stressful time of the year. I would back off with the very regular ‘love yous’ and commitment/ meet the family talks. Better to get back to fun, dating and getting to know each other.

    Personally I don’t use ‘love you’ to end a phone call etc. I don’t want it to become another pleasantry if you kwim?

  5. Stop having breaks if you don't actually want a fucking break. You're either together or not. There's no in between. You gotta deal with your feelings

  6. Don't do it. Don't make anything. Don't attend. Call them tomorrow and calmly explain that you will not be able to make it because their son blasted music with his drunk friends until 5am. And when you asked him to turn it down, he turned it up.

    Seriously. Tell them. Let him go to Christmas alone. Stay home and rest

  7. Hello /u/AlexandriaA7X,

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  8. Who knows why, just ask them to stop.

    “Hey, please don't send those kind of vids to me anymore, as I don't appreciate them.” – “But if you happen to come across ripped guys, that'd be cool”

    Ok not the second part maybe. You could ask for cute kittens or baking vids or for nothing at all, as you're too busy to watch videos and they're boring anyways.

    If I have to guess, they're sending those reels to all their friends and they didn't stop to think that you might not be interested.

  9. Nope still his problem for being insecure and controlling. She can wear what she wants and feels comfortable in.

  10. As a woman in my late 30's I can say that sex is so low on my list of priorities. I hope the two of you can figure things out and be happier and healthier together

  11. This isn't an isolated behavior, I put money on that. And I'd also bet if you described some of her other characteristics and attitudes, we'd be able to shed light on every single red flag you think is a pretty magenta parachute.

  12. Right everyone saying that OP’s mum could’ve been raped and is disassociating from the trauma are right, that is a possibility. But let’s be real, it is way more statistically likely that she has just cheated, unfortunately unless she tells OP or her soon to be ex-husband we will never know.

    One thing we can say with a lot more certainty however is that OP’s mum’s actions toward her dad on Christmas point towards her raping OP’s dad as he was more than likely too drunk to consent. I think his anger the next day would definitely point towards that being a strong possibility. So let’s not be too hasty to give OP’s mum the benefit of the doubt when her actions definitely point way more strongly towards that outcome than it happening to her. Of course pure speculation, but an informed guess.

    Either way OP the only way this gets resolved is if your mum opens up about the issue. I think it is crucial that your mum gets in therapy for her and your siblings well-being. Unfortunately she has 2 underage dependents that she has to look out for and part of being a parent is you can’t really neglect that responsibility.

  13. Shit girl, the man doesn’t need to advocate for himself, he’s already got you backing his shitty behavior towards you. Literally everyone on this thread is giving you advice because he’s a little weasel but if you’re just going to defend his actions, you clearly don’t want advice. You want to be told how you can fix him and make him better. You can’t. You’re delusional and only hurting yourself by gaslighting yourself into believing that trash deserves a second chance.

  14. Besides actively valuing your relationship; partnership requires avoiding behaviours which appear to devalue the relationship. This means behaviours which a reasonable person would consider suspect or destabilizing.

    Relationships require respect as the bare minimum. A lack of respect by one partner automatically disenfranchises and disadvantages the other. Mutual respect = partnership and appreciation of the other. Lack of respect = power struggles and carrying risk.

    Blind loyalty, blind love and unconditional love are all things which require a partner to put aside common sense and self-protection. Good partners don't demand, expect, or want willful ignorance/stupidity – that's the opposite of being respectful of their partner's rights and well-being.

    Check out Brene Brown's Anatomy Of Trust on Yt. It clarifies how trust is built and how it is lost. Hopefully your wife (and you too, because it's such a valuable understanding) will be able to define the simple facts underpinning this situation – uncluttered by the backstory and emotions. See the problem; see if there are ways to repair the issue; action any repairs; assess whether they achieved the desired goal.

    Regardless of her true intent, your wife's actions demonstrate disloyalty and disrespect. Whether she actually cheated physically is irrelevant when the consequences are the same regardless. Snooping may not provide evidence either way because subterfuge is easy with adequate effort , so a lack of evidence doesn't guarantee reassurance unless you actively choose to accept it as such and move on.

    I'm sorry this has happened. I hope that your wife is willing to accept the consequences of her actions without rationalising or minimising their impact. Taking personal responsibility is the necessary first step.

  15. ok. I still won‘t apologise to her. the reason for that is in all the messages she sent me. I‘m not including them because this is not about her.

  16. Was she like this prior to marriage? Sounds like a bait and switch. She's taking you for granted and sounds entitled.

  17. So this is an interesting comment because it’s actually true biologically. From an evolutionary standpoint, humans are “attracted” to pheromones of a human more compatible to them sexually, meant to spread out genetics more evenly. So if you’re not attracted to your partners scent, that an indication of incompatibility. Another interesting part of it is that birth control changes women’s pheromone detection and attraction. It actually dulls this sense and makes a woman more likely to partner with someone less compatible with them genetically.


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