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29 thoughts on “Lolaa-bunny live sex cams for YOU!

  1. You are just being mean because he blocked you. Like you said you have nothing to lose. Maybe she doesn’t care..Just go about your business…live your life.

  2. Yes it’s just very bizarre It’s always been our normal I guess him doing this and he only says mean things when he’s drinking other than that it’s silence

  3. Have a talk about boundaries. Don’t worry about being insecure. Being uncomfortable with this is very reasonable. It’s also understandable if she doesn’t agree and if that’s the case then you guys should go separate ways. But she also might agree with the boundaries

  4. I take the same med. it has lowered my libido I will admit to that. I’m still intimate with my husband with touch hugs holding hands saying I love you probably more than necessary. I’m not a zombie that’s why I stayed on this med, I didn’t feel like I was just going through the motions of life, if I had I wouldn’t have stayed on it. Meds are trial and error and no two people are the same and are going to react differently. I would see how she feels and then talk to the Dr about what’s going on, do it with her. Mental health issues are nude and there is no right answer sometimes.

  5. Sweetie, your BF is an idiot to be holding those nutso views on birth control pills. Your personality doesn't change bc of modern (i.e., low dose) birth control pills! And his anecdotal stories of women breaking up with guys after they went off them is just … too ridiculous for words. He's making stuff up AND making it all about HIMSELF. He's not your doctor. Don't listen to his nonsense.

  6. Ngl, you spent 95% of that talking about yourself. Which is fine but I’m not even really sure, on a concrete level, what it is he even did?

    All I’m aware of is what you want him to do.

  7. This exact scenario happened to me with my ex, except she ended up spending the evening dancing and flirting with a coworker – at least until I stepped in and stopped that shit. She then borderline assaulted me in the parking lot when I finally got her outside to talk.

    It turned out that none of her coworkers knew we were back together (we had previously broken up). I thought that was the extent of it, but then 3 months later I found out she cheated on me 3 days before the party.

    My point is, something probably isn’t right. Don’t let her rug sweep it.

  8. In all seriousness, you deserve somebody who treats you better and makes you feel good. This guy is not it.

  9. Hello /u/unhappyunwanted,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  10. Are you going to let your wife inflict more trauma onto your mom after she has kicked ass and lost 200 lbs? The fortitude it takes is incredible. I’ve been trying (and failing) to lose 15 lbs for three years. Your mom is an inspiration and she’s obviously worked nude on herself. She’s not the woman in your kid’s life I’d be worried about.

  11. if only rent is up for debate you do it like that:

    you devide rent by square meters of the flat. so you have the price per m2.

    you each pay your rooms m2 times the price you calculated. -> it doesnt have to bother you if he pays his part alone or split up with his gf

    the rest of price (square meters of the flat of kitchen, bathroom, …, times the price per m2) gets devided through 3. each of you pays their part cause each of you uses this space. -> it doesnt have to bother you whether the roomate pays everything or gf pays her part

    its a pretty easy and fair equation.

    if you also share all the bills and food etc. then all this stuff also gets devided through 3.

    so in the end your roommate just has to decide if he wants to pay for his gf or if she pays her part.

    it will become a little cheaper for you cause you now only pay a third of the spaces you use together.

    thats only the financial part tho.

    if you dont want her to move in then its your right to tell him this. if you cant agree, one of you will have to move out.

  12. This is a good point. I understand that it is difficult to be at home by yourself. Unfortunately, the way that my job works. I am not home a lot to be able to help my wife as much as I would like to do it when I do get off for the weekends I’ll go home to see her and the kids every chance that I can I may not always be in the mood to clean the house, but I do help and I’ve been trying to get better at that. I do offer to try to take her out on the weekends to go do stuff no problem that she has and she feels like there’s nothing that she enjoys in the area that we are living in, I am currently trying to save up so that I can move my family to be with me where I work currently which as I said in my previous post is a lot closer to her family which I feel would make her happy. There’s always something that comes up to post pone that a little bit but it is not something I have given up on her she doesn’t have many friends but I do try to encourage her to spend time with them to get away. When I am home, I do help with the kids as much as I can. As far as a reason for her not to want to leave me as I do everything I possibly can to show her that I love her and I would do anything for her and I know I fall short sometimes, but I do my best to be the best husband that I can be, I know to her the current circumstances is tough, but we are almost there

  13. I mean I guess that’s possibly true since like I said it would probably kill their confidence.

    But also if you can make it work without being attracted to them, and plan to stay with them and commit, I don’t think there’s any harm.

    Now if you aren’t 100% sure you can make it work with them while not being attracted to them completely that might be more of an issue.

  14. op there's a reason a 32yo will go out with a 22yo and it's not because they want a super serious adult relationship and they are ready for open conversation and commitment that prioritizes you and your child.


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