the naked online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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22 thoughts on “ the naked online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Wtf, did we read the same post?

    Op sounds like a nice partner. Do you not see his problems? You're only attacking him, instead of giving advice.

    Give advice or go home.

  2. I worded that poorly – between her moving in with me and today, we got a new place together which was under both our names. That’s the place I moved out of.

  3. My boyfriend was 3 hours late once with no communication early on in our relationship. I was fuming as I had cut things short with a friend to get home to see him. Safe to say he hasn’t done anything like that again and if he’s running late he calls or texts me so that I can plan around that. It’s basic consideration.

  4. Shes being abusive, even if theyre little comments, she knows it hurts you and shes showing you by her actions that she doesnt care. I know it may be nude but its most likely the right thing to do. Maybe you stepping away will make her see the error in her ways…

  5. On the one hand you have your relationship with your partner.

    On the other hand you have your non binary gender identity.

    Something has to give. Either one of you compromises to give the other what they want or you both compromise a little and meet halfway.

    How much are you willing to compromise? How much will your best friend compromise? Can you online with cost of compromising something important to you? Can he?

    These are questions only you and your partner can answer. The best I can do is frame the questions I think would be helpful to ask yourselves.

    Good luck, and if you wouldn't mind, can you DM me an update in a week?

  6. You’re not a therapist. Your girlfriends are insecure and expecting you to be their mum and dad. This is not your function.

    To be honest, you said exactly what you should have said to the one who is insecure about her sports. There is nothing else you could have said and she reacted like a brat. She should have been talking to her coach about her performance, not you.

    It’s a shame that you seem to have had 3 needy girlfriends but I guess we are all like that in our teens (I can’t remember that far back tbh)

    You will find someone who doesn’t see you as a comfort blanket but then gets sulky when you don’t give them what they want, I promise.

    Just treat your dating as practice for your adult relationships. Try not to get too hung up, you’re doing fine!

  7. This is not normal, no not at all. He’s thirty-five and you think you can teach him how to be a decent person? He should already just be a decent person. That’s a low bar too and he’s way below it. You’re not his mommy and it’s not your life journey and purpose to fix him.

    You were hurt and he laughed at you. He chose to fight with you the rest of the day instead of trying to understand WHY it hurt you. “I never thought of it that way. I’m sorry I wasn’t supportive, I’ll do better next time” was all it could take from him. He clearly does not know how to communicate in a healthy way when you’re hurt. And he is sexist.

    That group chat is worse in my opinion, and you can’t go back to being unaware. THIS is who your boyfriend is. The group picture is a woman they all know without her consent? Makes me wonder what kind of stuff could they possibly be sharing on there with a picture like that as the icon? (I’m being sarcastic)

    I think this dude knows he doesn’t have anything to offer to women besides material goods hence finding him on a site like that. They take advantage of young women, but it is not your fault. But it will be if you continue to turn a blind eye to all these things your boyfriend says and does. You deserve so much better than this. You’re twenty-six and it’s only been a year. I personally think you’d should break up with him and really reflect or consider therapy to figure out why you’re willing to tolerate such sexist and rude behavior with your boyfriend when clearly you don’t like when a stranger does it.

  8. I think it's time you insist. You shouldn't fight off resentment, it's long past time for him to tell them. If he refuses, you should consider moving on. You should strongly consider doing that anyway because of his shadiness.

  9. Oh, wow. You need to get a bank account that is in your name only, first and deposit your checks there. Oh crap! You quit work? WTF? That's not even ok. You gave him all your power. You have nothing now so he is in control, completely in control.

    Other than the controlling behavior has he exhibited any other weird behavior like buying crypto or gambling or day trading? You see where I'm going here. Does he have a debt problem?

    Ask for a copy of his bank statements. Since he took your money you have the right to see it.

    Last, get a lawyer and get a plan in place to get out. This dude is a walking red flag.

  10. Sometimes redditors can't see the most evident things.

    If I take the pain to fight with my man over something that upsets me, than it sure must hold an importance to me.

    Otherwise I would sit it out or ignore it.

  11. You need a new husband. This one is a misogynist…. Good thing it looks like you can manage just fine on your own.

  12. He's making a cake for his Grandma's birthday and she throws away all the ingredients while he's in the bathroom.

    But he's toxic?

  13. And are you going to have a baby with this asshole?

    His treatment of you is all textbook abuser stuff.

    If you don't leave him you're in for a lifetime of misery.

  14. Not really. There could be a connection, though. Tough to say. But you let him go. Best for you to heal up and move on. Honestly.


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