Paula the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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Paula, 24 y.o.


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14 thoughts on “Paula the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. People are bashing OP because they’re out of line and it’s not their place to dig this up. Why does it matter why? What good is that going to do?

  2. I agree that the medical system is still a patriarchy and that most of medical staff, research and more are just around men. But I still insist that seeking professional and physical help is important, just to rule out the possibility of being something chemical that is totally possible.

    I respect all the work that you've done. I am barely a medical student, I just started in this and of course I respect all the work and the views that you presented me. But I'm still not understanding why seeking medical help is a bad idea as a first step.

    I'm not ignoring the fact that sexual therapy can help, but why it can't be after knowing that there is nothing wrong with her?

  3. I call this the “stinky fart syndrome.” I could let out a big ol fart, tell ya it stinks to high heaven. Nothing says you don't believe me, but until you walk thru the fog, it's jus talk. Then it hits like a weighted pillow.

    She didn't know until she hadta go thru it. Now it's just not the life for her. Without you there constantly showering her with sweetness and roses, the luster has been lost.

    What would I do? I'd bid her an easy and honest farewell. Walk away, with one final look, pause, tip the hat with a smile of what used to be and let her have that peace.

    If she IS your best friend, you'll give her that.

  4. I think showing him the letter would be the best even if you and your ex aren't together. Maybe then in the future he can use this as a teaching moment. That he needs to prioritize his partners and establish boundaries with his Mother. It would also put things into perspective for him. If he would get another partner he would likely have to explain why he had the last break up. This would give him closure he needs to move on as well.

  5. Don’t get caught in the “grass is greener” trap. Don’t leave to try things out with this other woman. That almost never turns out well. If you do break up, take a break, then go look elsewhere. This woman is likely pursuing you because you are off the market. It's a power thing to be able to get a guy who has a girlfriend. It likely would be a short fling then she would leave you high and dry for her next pursuit.

    But your feelings of not being desirable to your girlfriend are legitimate. That's worth talking to your girlfriend about. Discuss how she makes you feel, and what you need from her, and find out if you can do anything to improve things on her end. Give that a try first.

  6. We were never officially together, more like a friends with benefits situation for just a few weeks.

    I was going through a weird time and exploring a lot of different things and trying to be open minded. He was interesting enough that I might have kept seeing him casually, but he didn’t understand a lot of personal boundaries (jizzing in a fancy teacup was too shocking to be part of a pattern at the time) and after him being really weird at my parents’ house when he was supposed to just drop me off (tried to surprise me by being hard in my bed… but I hadn’t been staying there for a couple months and he knocked over all of my boxes and stuff I had packed!) I stopped talking to him so much

    He has some other things going on with him that he can’t help, so I don’t want to get too into it. But he also is a perfectly capable adult, and has enough sense to not jizz in a cup on a first date. Lol

  7. discussions are very important in a relationship. you need to be able to tell each other your feelings and be able to work out issues rather than letting them fester and build until you start screaming at each other. i have had very few if any full on fights with my bf in the nearly 3 years we have been together bc we work through our issues together like adults.

  8. Personally If someone I loved asked me to cut my hair or shave my beard I'd be a little hurt, but if they would be willing to change something they can change for me I'd be okay with it.

    Ok, but just say that your girlfriend wanted you to shave your legs. You are perfectly happy with your legs the way they are, but you say, ok, for her, as a one off. It's time consuming, tedious, and the regrowth is uncomfortable, so you are glad when your legs are back to normal. She says no, not as a one off, but as an ongoing commitment. She doesn't like your body hair full stop, but if you don't want the hassle of shaving your legs every couple of days, she graciously offers to pay to have it waxed or lasered.

    Do you feel like that's something you'd be happy with, or would you say “nope, this is how my body is, and i like it this way. You can either enjoy me the way I am or find someone else”?


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